Sure enough, I can't believe the rumors outside. I still have to see and distinguish many things by myself.

"Go." she nodded lovingly and told Wang Houde, "take care of the princess."

"Yes." Wang Houde responded respectfully.

Wen Zhuo saluted the Empress Dowager and walked out briskly.

The Empress Dowager watched her go far before she took back her eyes. When she looked at Gu linchao, she saw that he was also looking at the direction Wen Zhenzhen left. The smile lines in the corners of her eyes were deeper, but she asked as if nothing had happened: "chao'er, but what do you want to say to the mourning family?"

Gu linchao takes out a green porcelain vase from his arms and gives it to Si Yi.

As soon as the secretary took it, he presented his hands to the Empress Dowager.

"My son came across a famous doctor in the Jianghu and asked him to take one pill for your mother sooner or later. It should be good for your health." Gu linchao said faintly.

When the Empress Dowager heard the speech, her face was moved, but in a short time, she soon returned to normal. She just held the porcelain bottle tightly, but revealed her mood.

"Ai Jia knows."

Gu linchao stood up and said, "there's nothing else. My son's minister leaves."

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but the words came to her mouth and changed into instructions, "chao'er, this girl is very rare. Treat others well."

Gu linchao's footsteps were faint. He didn't understand how Wen Zhenzhen came into the palace and could make the empress mother like her so much because of her sweet mouth?

He frowned, did not speak, and walked away.

As soon as he left, mother Zeng, who was next to the empress dowager, said with a smile, "the old slave will say it. The prince won't say it, but I still miss you in my heart."

The Empress Dowager was naturally happy, but when she thought of the past, her smile faded again. "If you don't care about it, you don't ask for it. Just hope he doesn't hate it."

Mother Zeng comforted, "I can't blame you for that. It's been so many years. Don't blame yourself."

The Empress Dowager sighed.

When Gu linchao went out, he saw Wen Zhuo squatting under the peach tree in the garden, his skirt on the ground, his handkerchief in his hand, and picking up the petals falling from the tree.

The light wind blew, and the peach blossoms fell in succession, like a flower rain.

The girl noticed it and quickly raised her face to see that a pink peach blossom suddenly fell on her lip petals after rotating in the air for several times.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu linchao stopped. Then he saw that his little wife suddenly stretched out her pink tongue, rolled the peach petals into her mouth, and smacked and ate.

Gu linchao jumped from his forehead and walked over.

"Bah!" Wen Pang spit out the peach blossom in his mouth and said bitterly, "I thought it was delicious, but it wasn't delicious at all." after that, she was stunned when she saw a dark green robe corner in the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw Gu linchao standing two steps away.

"When did the Lord come out?" Wen Zhenzhen stood up as if nothing had happened while patting the soil on his skirt.

In fact, she just asked casually, in order to take care of the dull nature of the court, she might not answer her.

But she thought so, and heard Gu linchao say, "when you eat peach blossoms."

Wen Zhenzhen: "...."

Unexpectedly, Gu linchao saw such an embarrassing thing.

And he even pointed out that he must have laughed at her in his heart when she ate peach blossoms.

Wen Zhenzhen stretched out his fingers and scratched his head, feeling a little ashamed.