Since then, he began to pay attention to his emotions. The longer he took, he found himself an unqualified Lord God.

The more planes he saw, the more emotions he derived. Later, he hid in the space of the LORD God and never walked in the plane again.

But it's still useless.

He had to abandon the derived emotions in the corner, eliminate his body, and create another physical body for her.

Li Qinian.

Li Qinian.

He hoped that he could stay away from the seven emotions and six desires of mankind and become a real God who focuses on the overall situation and kills decisively.

When there were more and more loopholes and more collapsed planes in the three thousand small world, he resolutely chose to set up a bureau to kill Li Qinian and kill something that should not exist.

Maybe after she disappears, the world can return to normal operation.

After hearing louchengxiao's words, Li Qinian was shocked and felt ridiculous.

The reason why she was born is ridiculous, and the reason why she died is even more ridiculous.

"You did it the first time I died?"

As for the little monk's memory, she only had vague fragments. She didn't remember the specific cause of death in her previous life very clearly.

Lou Chengxiao: "... No."

At that time, he just wanted to send Li Qinian away, but facts have proved that after sending her away, the world order has not been restored.

Li Qinian: "Lou Chengxiao, if you tell me so much, you're not afraid that I'll kill you?"

"You and I are one. You can't kill me, just as I can't kill you."

That's why he cleared all the memories of Li Qinian and wanted to end her life with the help of her four adopted sons.

The novice system 438 is also assigned to her by him. There is no strategy task at all. He manipulates it behind his back.

Let her dress up as a man because she didn't want her to have unnecessary emotional entanglement with several adopted sons, but unexpectedly, without love, she still stopped the blackening of several villains with family affection.

He felt really contradictory.

He watched Li Qinian grow up, step by step from a conscious body to a normal human. Looking at her, he sometimes even felt relieved and proud.


Comfort and pride.

After abandoning Li Qinian, his emotions were still rampant and never disappeared.

He doesn't deserve to be a qualified Lord God.

Li Qinian's feelings for Lou Chengxiao are also very complex.

He was also a teacher and father. He taught her to fish, plant flowers and practice calligraphy. He led her on the red carpet on the wedding day and gave her a token that she could mobilize the organization

But in the end, he was the one who wanted to kill her.

She may never forgive him, but she can't seem to kill Lou Chengxiao herself.

Looking at the old louchengxiao, she hated her own softness:

"Does your aging have anything to do with these things?"


Lou Chengxiao nodded, but didn't say the following. He didn't seem to want to explain more.

Li Qinian had something unspeakable wrong in his heart.

Lou Chengxiao has kept it from her for so long. Why did he choose to confess to her today?

Looking at the wrinkles and gullies on his face, she felt uneasy at the bottom of her heart.

Prisoners always have last words of repentance before they are executed.

She opened her mouth and wanted to ask something several times, but she finally closed her mouth.

Even if she knows, what can she do? This is Lou Chengxiao's choice. She can't interfere.

"You know the abbot of the temple, don't you?"

Since Lou Chengxiao always pays attention to her trend, he must know that she was adopted by the host.