Wolong is the largest peddler Du group in Southeast Asia.

After the death of the former leader, Wolong's four Dharma guardians competed for power and position, divided forces, and the whole organization fell into a state of headless dragons.

Shen Nian had planned to take this opportunity to fight back, but wolf killing, the first of the four Dharma protectors, took the initiative to stop the expansion of power and convened the other three to hold a high-level meeting.

The meeting had only one content, and a new leader was elected.

This leader is Shen Nian.

Since none of the four of them is satisfied with the other, no one can sit in that position and elect a new leader.

Apparently, Shen Nian is the manager of the whole organization, but in fact, every project he handles and every decision he makes are reviewed at all levels.

Frankly speaking, he is a mascot, a mascot that maintains the balance between the four Dharma protectors.

"Killing wolves is a cruel role. I know that killing each other will only give the police an opportunity, so I took the initiative to make peace and let Shen Nian ascend the position of leader."

A chill flashed across the fundus of the eyes in the season.

Li Qinian understood the subtlety without his explanation:

"This step is really a clever move. First, it can suspend the internal fight in the organization and maintain the balance between the four. Second, it can also take the opportunity to test brother Shen's identity. Third, if he is really an undercover of the police, wolf killer has another trump card that can be feared by the police. He can even use brother Shen to deliver false information to the police without being aware of the ghost. It can be said that it is killing three birds with one arrow."

Shen Nian, as a leader, even if he is just a puppet leader without real power, has more secrets than an ordinary drug dealer.

There are not many ways to test whether he really defected.

Season: "he has lost contact for seven days."

If it were only three or four days, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

Then, on the seventh day of Shen Nian's disappearance, the informant in Nanjiang suddenly sent back the news of Nanjiang's separation and split.

That afternoon, when he received the news that he was asked to help solve the case, he was suddenly happy.

In his capacity, it is even more difficult to leave the province at will, not to mention actively participating in the Wolong investigation.

Hearing the news that Shen Nian had disappeared for seven days, Li Qinian was very worried:

"Where's Nannan?"

Nannan, the Gu king, was thrown to season and Shen Nian by her because she could eat too much.

Season: "here I am."

If it was Shen Nian, he wouldn't be so anxious.

"Brother, how long are you going to start?"


"So fast?"

"Orders from above."

Li Qinian was worried, but he was still comforting:

"Brother, don't worry. Brother Shen is so good and smart. Even if the four Dharma protectors work together against him, I believe he can retreat."

get rid of sb . as soon as he has done his job.

Once the balance in the organization is broken, Shen Nian, the mascot, will lose his role. Instead, he is most likely to be attacked by four people sitting in the leader's position.

Season: "well, I still have a case to hand over. I'll hang up first."



Hung up the phone, Li Qinian had no spectrum in his heart.

The next night, she estimated that the season had also arrived in Y province and called him directly.

Li Qinian: "how's the situation? Have you found someone?"

The seasonal tone was a little serious: "the situation is more complex than we thought. Southern Xinjiang is strictly forbidden, and there is no information in it."