All social accounts are paralyzed and passwords are tampered with. You can't log in at all!!

Not only that, the stolen accounts also broke out the scandals of Betty's family one after another, one by one, like an invisible bottomless hole, and no one knows when to stop.

At the beginning, netizens still had the mentality of eating melons, but with more and more news, everyone's face changed.

[I know that in the car accident, a family of three, two dead and one injured. The only man who survived was permanently disabled, paralyzed in lower limbs, unable to take care of himself. A good and happy family is because of the collapse of the car accident!!]

[it's poison. Drive? Shit, this woman is crazy!]

[the matter ended later. I always thought the police didn't catch the murderer, but I didn't think it was crushed by the Betty family!]

[drugging minors?! does Betty Biao have human nature? Vomit!]

[it's disgusting. No wonder her products are so difficult to use. I'll never buy Sofia's products again!]

[let's boycott Sofia!!]

Foreign countries have little control over drugs, but they pay great attention to the physical and mental safety of minors. According to the juvenile protection law, Betty's behavior has started for at least ten years.

No one expected that things would move so fast. In just one morning, the big lady with the stars and the moon became a street mouse called by everyone.

Betty scanned the news on her mobile phone. She was so popular that she trembled and smashed things madly in the living room.

"Bang -"

Another 500000 vase fell to the ground and fell apart.

"What's the use of my father raising you people? These information can be dug out by each other!"

She pointed to several men in black suits and grabbed one of them by the tie.

"Aren't you the seventh ranked hacker in the world? Aren't you very powerful?! what are you doing? Stop them quickly! As long as you stop them, I can give you whatever you want, no matter how much money, go..."

She roared at the top of her voice, without the appearance of a celebrity.

She's young and doesn't want to go to jail!

"Young lady, the other party's hacker technology is obviously above me. If it's just a person, I can fight against him, but the other party is a small group with tacit understanding. Even everyone's strength may be above me. My technology has no strength to stop them..."

What he didn't say was that there was no need to stop.

The other party has already dug up the black material that should be dug out, but it has not been exposed in his hand.

"How possible!"

Betty seemed to have been greatly stimulated.

"Everyone is better than you? You are the seventh in the world, and only six people are in front of you..."

Now you tell her that some of these six people have formed a team and are targeting him together?!

How could she have met such a small possibility!

"No, no, I'm going to find my father. He must know more powerful hackers..."

She can't go to jail!


After hacking all the official websites, Li Qinian unplugged the network cable and completely cut off the connection with the network.

Anna whistled at her:

"Perfect! Honey, you are serious about upholding justice. It's really greedy!"

Li Qinian is really handsome.

She admitted that she was attracted by Li Qinian's superior appearance at the beginning.