Two wolves are eyeing their sister. Where does he have time to worry about whether the person in front of him is the queen?

I don't care who you are!

The only normal person is thousands of miles away.

When he first saw the rumored figure, he was both excited and excited. He rubbed his hands, stepped forward and stretched out his claws:

"Hello, Hello!"

Li Qinian: "......"

Elizabeth: "......"

Well, it doesn't look normal, Yazi.

Elizabeth tested several people, slowly withdrew her eyes and slowly opened her mouth:

"I heard about the party. You came to see me today just to want me to come forward and deal with the Betty family for you?"

There was no wave in her tone, so people couldn't hear her attitude.

Li Qinian: "Your Highness Elizabeth, you may have misunderstood."

The other side pointed out this problem, which can be regarded as testing their attitude.

"Although Gu Xizheng and I are not close friends, we can also be regarded as ordinary friends. We just came to visit you today as his friends."

From the beginning, she never thought of using the Queen's hand to eradicate Betty's family.


When she said this, the queen became interested and gave her a look.

"Young man, don't think I'm joking. If you're so sure, I'll never help you in the future."

She is still testing Li Qinian.

To test the other party is just polite, but in fact, he wants to retreat, or he sincerely doesn't want her to help.

If the former, Gu Xizheng doesn't need to continue to be friends with such hypocritical people.

If the latter is the case, Li Qinian is a little backbone, but she will never help Li Qinian as she said.

"It's useless to say more. Just watch the queen."

Li Qinian smiled innocently.

For her, as long as the queen does not favor Betty's family, it is the best help to her. She wants her to watch the fire on the shore and stay out of it.

Elizabeth's eyes lingered on her face for a long time, as if to recognize the authenticity of her words. For a long time, she withdrew her eyes:

"There should be nothing to eat at the party. I asked someone to prepare some dinner. Xi Zheng, take your friends to the restaurant. I'm sleepy, so I'll have a rest first."

"Grandma, you haven't recovered yet. I'll take you back."

"No, there's a housekeeper."

Elizabeth stood up, and the housekeeper reached out to help her.


She didn't say any more, but left a noble figure for Li Qinian.

"Come on, I'll take you there."

Gu Xizheng leads the way ahead.

Dinner was ready. Li Qinian was embarrassed to refuse, so he had to go to the restaurant for dinner. He didn't find an excuse to leave until late at night.


On the way back.

"So this is the rumored queen. She looks very good and speaks."

Lu Qianli was still immersed in the grief of failing to shake hands with the queen.

"But what does she mean, you say? Is it difficult that she won't help Betty's family?"

Li Qinian: "whatever she means, no matter what her attitude is, it will not affect our plan."

This revenge must be avenged.

"That's right. It all depends on tomorrow."

Lu Qianli is itching to Betty's teeth.


the second day.

A series of shocking scandals broke out in the Betty family.

First, many of Duke Carl's mistresses tweeted their real names and admitted their "relationship" with the Duke, and then the company was found to have unqualified products.