The dim five-color light of the carousel spilled down. The boy sitting on the carousel was one head higher than Jiang Wang. She had to lower her head and cooperate with his actions


After a long time, Li Qinian's neck was so sour that he finally couldn't help reaching out and pushing him away.

What position is this? Her neck is breaking.

Jiang Jue stretched out his hand and pinched the back neck for her: "don't you like to be on it?"

Li Qinian: "??"

How does he know?

"No, not on this one. The Trojan horse is too high. It's too tired to bow your head..."

She tried to explain.

Jiang Wang narrowed his eyes and hooked his long legs. He suddenly sat on his horse, sat behind her and hugged her waist.

"So you don't have to bow your head."

The voice fell and the man circled her in his arms.

Before Li Qinian could react, the whole person was pulled back, and a dark shadow was cast from the top to completely block the light above.

Li Qinian: "??"

This posture is more abnormal than just now, okay?!

If it hadn't been for her good waist, she would have broken her waist!

She couldn't help clenching her fist and punched Jiang Wang in the stomach, but before her fist touched the corner of her clothes, she was held in the palm of her hand and couldn't move.

Jiang Wang's five fingers slowly fell down, groped for her wrist and buckled them in front of their chest

Li Qinian glared at him.

Shit, is this man conscious of being kept by her?

At this time, isn't it obedient to the gold Lord's father?!

Until ten minutes later, Jiang Wang loosened her wrist and pecked at the tip of her nose.

Li Qinian: "......"

She blushed, her black eyes were watery, and she kept panting.

Jiang Wang was no better. The boy in his arms was always restless and began to struggle and make trouble in a short time. They kept kissing and fighting, and no one could get any benefit.

Li Qinian felt that the corners of his mouth were numb. He raised his hand and wiped it. He didn't feel at all.

Seeing her lip wiping action, the man's eyes behind him became deep again.

Feeling the danger approaching, Li Qinian jumped off the Trojan horse:

"It's getting late. It's time to go back!"

She picked up a pile of gifts on the ground and turned away.

Shit, she's the first one out of breath! Shame!

Jiang Wang seemed very happy. He laughed low and jumped down from the Trojan horse. Looking at the boy's back, he slowly caught up with him.


When Chen Yu'an and Ji found that their sister and Jiang Wang disappeared at the same time, they knew that the problem was big.

I walked around the banquet hall, but I couldn't find them.

Season's eyebrows were screwed together: "didn't you stare at people?"

Chen Yu'an didn't have the patience to face Li Qinian when facing others. His face was slightly heavy:

"Where do you think you're going? I'll go to the bathroom and you'll lose people?"

Season didn't want to quarrel with him. He took out his mobile phone and called Li Qinian.

"The number you dialed is not answered at the moment. Please redial later, sorry..."

Chen Yu'an gave him a cold look and walked out of the banquet hall, ready to go out to find someone.

Since people are not in the ballroom, they must be outside.

Worried about his sister, he was in a hurry, so when he saw the figure around the corner, he didn't even have time to brake.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, almost at the same time, the two sides kicked a kick at the opposite person, with fierce strength.

"Why are you here?"