"You has the final say," he said.

Li Qinian wrote a skim on the draft paper again. After practicing, he began to copy the book of songs again.

Louchengxiao was reading carefully with a book in one hand.

At this time, Li Qinian began to paddle lazily, threw away his brush and took the opportunity to send a message to Jiang.

"Tear it off and rewrite it."

Loucheng Xiao didn't lift his head, but suddenly made a noise.

Li Qinian received Jiang Wang's reply and simply launched a voice in front of Lou Chengxiao.

"Brother Wang, I'll send you a message later. Now I meet a domineering and unreasonable landowner. I water flowers, play chess and fish every day and cultivate my self-cultivation. I have to force me to come together. I have to see his face when I return a message now..."

"No, the landowner is angry again. I have to practice calligraphy and talk later."

Li Qinian picked up the corner of his mouth, put down his mobile phone and continued to practice calligraphy.

After getting along for several days, she found that louchengxiao had a big problem.

He won't be angry.

This man is like a Bodhisattva. He has an easy-going temper and has a pure heart and few desires. He stays in the villa every day, watering flowers and vegetables, fishing, playing chess, practicing calligraphy and reading. Anyway, he just doesn't go out and has a proper style of veteran cadres.

Even if she had just said that, Lou Chengxiao still showed no sign of anger, but spoke again:


Li Qinian skimmed his lips and tore it off.

The day she completely quit her drug addiction, she ran away immediately. This day of reading and writing is really not suitable for her.


Four in the afternoon.

Louchengxiao appeared by the pond on time with fishing gear.

Li Qinian followed him with the same fishing rod.

"Old man, I didn't mean you. Every time you catch a fish, you release it immediately. Is it really interesting to come and go?"

She couldn't help feeling sorry for the fish in the pond.

"It's better than you can't catch it."

Louchengxiao sat on a small stool and quietly watched the calm lake.

Li Qinian learned his movements and sat down beside him: "I'm not interested."

She never seriously fished because she was not interested.

Since they all have to be released, why catch them first?


Lou Chengxiao frowned and said the word for the nth time.

"I'm not only impetuous, I also have ADHD. If I don't read it all day, I'll be in a panic."

Li Qinian deliberately boasted about great things and responded to him.

Lou Chengxiao said slowly, "then stay a few more days."

Li Qinian: "......"

With a black line across her head, she directly released the earthworms in the bait box.

"According to you, everything has a spirit. Fish and earthworms are one life. There is no reason to release fish and imprison earthworms."

In her eyes, there are some Notre dames in louchengxiao. Maybe it sounds ridiculous to describe a king Notre Dame in the business world, but Li Qinian thinks louchengxiao is too Notre Dame



If you really think that all beings are equal, why should earthworms be used as bait to attract a pond fish destined to be released?

Lou Chengxiao didn't say anything about her behavior, but the next day, the bait changed from earthworms to fish food.

After staying in the villa for three more days, Li Qinian couldn't hold back and was ready to go out for a stroll, but she didn't expect to see a familiar face in the yard of the villa.


She looked at the picture in front of her, only feeling unreal.

Louchengxiao holds Baizi, while the abbot of Fanjing temple holds sunspots. Between them, a game of chess on the stone table has been played half.