Thinking of this possibility, she called 438 in her mind.

"Yes, once the strategy object dies, the mission will be judged as failed ~"

438 qualified reminders.

Li Qinian: "......"

Don't forget to reach out and want to rub her hair, but when you reach into the air, you suddenly think of something and take it back bitterly.

He said faintly, "don't worry, I'm not so desperate."

Li Qinian: "... That's good."


Don't forget to leave China on the day you return.

With only the last two days left before the world cup, everyone grabbed the time to train.

The day before departure.

Chen Yan: "clean up everything that should be cleaned up. I'll stay there for more than a month this time."

Li Qinian: "how long is the plane tomorrow morning?"

Chen Yan: "ten o'clock, but I have to leave for the airport at eight."

"Let's have an early rest today. It's getting late."

Lao Bai stretched out.

Li Qinian said good night to everyone and went upstairs.

Unexpectedly, at two o'clock in the night, she was suddenly awakened by the noise outside the door.

"Lao Bai, calm down."

It's the voice of Chen Yan.

Lao Bai's voice came with grief, and the ending was still shaking:

"Brother Yan, I really... Can't calm down."

Li Qinian immediately opened the quilt, put on his clothes and went out.

"What's the matter?"

The lights in the corridor are on. Li Jin, Chen Yan, Lao Bai, Xiao saner and even Jiang Wu are outside.

Lao Bai's eyes are still red. He lowers his head to prevent Li Qinian from looking at him:


Chen Yan sighed and looked embarrassed:

"Just got a call. Lao Bai's mother had a sudden myocardial infarction in the middle of the night and was just sent to the hospital for rescue. Now there is no result."

Li Qinian frowned: "why at this time... How long does it take to fly from Jiangcheng to H city?"

Lao Bai's home is in H city.

Chen Yan obviously checked it long ago:

"The latest flight is at 5 a.m. it takes two hours to fly. It's already 7 a.m. in H city."

Go back and forth, you can't come back at all.

Li Qinian looked at Lao Bai in silence.

The mortality of sudden myocardial infarction is very high. If the rescue is not timely, the risk is doubled.

Xiao saner and Lao Bai have the deepest feelings, and I can't bear it:

"In fact, even if tomorrow goes by, the competitors will arrange a day or two rest time to facilitate the players of various countries to reverse the jet lag... Why not go there two days later?"

Li Qinian didn't speak.

This means that Lao Bai will also be absent from the two days of pre competition training

If one person is absent, the team can't play with the cooperation of four people.

It was a time to race against time before the game. Many teams have been training for a month, and SOG really can't afford to delay a day.

But looking at the grief stricken old Bai, she couldn't say if she stopped

If Lao Bai's mother really didn't come back, Lao Bai can see her last side when he goes back this time.

"The team was ridiculed by the group on the Internet. If I don't work hard at this time, I'm really sorry for brother Yan and you..."

Lao Bai fell into an extreme tangle.

On the one hand, there are teammates who have been with us for many years, and on the other hand, there are relatives whose lives are hanging on the line.

"What I'm going to say next may be a little ugly. After listening, the choice is still yours."

Li Jin suddenly opened his mouth.

"Lao Bai, you are not a doctor. Even if you go back now, you can only stand at the door of the rescue room. It doesn't help my aunt's condition. If you believe me, I can let the best doctor see a doctor for my aunt."