"Made an appointment with some friends."

Betty is wearing sexy dress suspenders, carrying bags and exquisite makeup. She really looks like she has an appointment with a friend.

"Ding Dong -"

The elevator door opened.

Li Qinian and season took the lead in, and Betty followed in with high heels.

Instead of pressing the floor in a hurry, Li Qinian asked Betty:

"What floor are you going to?"

Betty smiled: "the fourth floor."

Li Qinian silently pressed a "4" and then a "5".

They're going to the fifth floor.

Betty saw the number "5" she pressed, and the corners of her mouth rose in a small arc where Li Qinian couldn't see.

There were large glass mirrors in the elevator. Li Qinian quietly observed Betty's look through the mirror.

The other party looked down at the mobile phone and was editing some news. Li Qinian wanted to see it clearly, but the clarity of the mirror was limited and he could only see a blur.


Soon, the fourth floor arrived.

Betty took her bag and said goodbye to the two:

"I'll meet my friends first. We'll have a chance to make another appointment ~"

Li Qinian smiled and waved with her.

When the elevator door closed, the smile on her face stopped.

Season stood aside and seemed to have done nothing, but he had a panoramic view of their small movements:

"You don't like her?"

"I don't like it."

Li Qinian said decisively, "the rotten peach blossom of the fox. Although she is polite now, I don't know how many people she has killed behind her back."

Betty's information she asked 438 to check. The other party's father was a count in a high position, and her mother was a famous young lady. It was said that she was also the daughter of the richest man. Her powerful family made Betty almost able to walk sideways in Europe.

"Well, she's got a sharp temper that can't be hidden."

Season agreed with her.

No matter how weak you pretend to be, the gas field inadvertently revealed is also different.

"Forget it, anyway, the people she haunts are don't forget to return. Only don't forget to return can absorb this good fortune..."

Li Qinian stepped out of the elevator.

The brother in charge of watching immediately came over and greeted Li Qinian like an ordinary guest:

"Brother, come on? Come in and sit down. Everyone is waiting for you..."

He winked at Li Qinian and asked them to follow him into the box.

The man's face became serious as soon as he entered the door.


Season: "where are people?"

"In the box next door, I've been in for 15 minutes. It seems that I'm waiting for someone."

Li Qinian also asked, "she is the only one in the box now?"

"That's right!"

She looked at the season. The other party received her eyes and shook her head:


They simply sat on the sofa, surrounded by brothers doing tasks. At this time, they were playing heartily in order to hide their eyes and ears.

Shake dice, play cards, sing and drink. The whole box is one. Compared with other boxes, I can't see any difference.

"Do you want to sing?"

Season saw her bored and took the initiative to ask this question.

Li Qinian blinked and heard his heartbeat.

Two minutes later.

Season has paid a painful price for its youth and ignorance.

"Am I good at singing?"

Li Qinian took time to look back and his body moved with the beat.

Season: "......"

beg to differ.

When she finished her first song and was about to continue, there was a loud noise next door.

Li Qinian and season's eyes were cold.

Li Qinian: "it's like the sound of broken glass."