Shen Nian wrapped her in a quilt layer by layer and wiped the sweat on her face.

In just ten seconds, all the towels used to wipe sweat were wet, and the water could be squeezed out with a gentle twist.

The biting sensation came again.

The little ants in her body began to be active again, crawling in every corner of her body, tearing every piece of her flesh and blood, gnawing every bone of her


Li Qinian couldn't help humming.

Shen Nian couldn't bear it:

"Just shout if you want. Don't hold it."

Li Qinian didn't speak. He lowered his head and buried his head in the quilt. His shoulder trembled.

Shen Nian shook his head.

As stubborn as Aji.

Li Qinian didn't know how long the time had passed. He just felt that every second was so long.

It's too long.

She can clearly feel that every piece of flesh and blood in her body is being burned by fire and bitten by insects and ants. The most terrible thing is that her will is constantly being swallowed

When the body's bearing capacity exceeded the limit, she bit her arm, and the feeling of flesh and blood restored her consciousness for a second.

But it's only a second.

The next second, overwhelming suffering and desire. Hope to double hit, with thunderous power, as if to completely destroy the last will of mankind.

Li Qinian's eyes are prominent, his veins burst, and his lazy peach eyes are all crazy at the moment.

Every cell in the whole body is shouting "want to be happy" and "want to be free"

Her eyes fell on the white powder on one side. For a moment, her pupils were completely lax.


There was a row of people standing outside the door. No one left. Everyone could kill a fly in the middle of their eyebrows.

Listening to the low roar and repressed broken cry from time to time in the room, the air pressure around several people is getting lower and lower

Shen Baijing couldn't stand it first:

"The little pervert is in such pain that he can't. just give it to him!"

Jiang Wang said firmly, "No."

Shen Baijing put his fingers into his hair and rubbed it angrily:

"Do you think I want it?! Hai Luo Yin. The name of the drug king is not for nothing. I've lived so long. I've never heard that someone can quit completely after sticking to this thing! None of them!! what's more, this is an improved and purified Du product. Its toxicity is several times greater than that of ordinary Hai Luo Yin. Even if the little pervert is powerful, she is only flesh and blood People!!! "

He almost burst into a roar.

Strong willed people, no?!


yes , we have!!

Everyone thinks they can overcome drug addiction!

I think I'm the lucky one in a million!

But what happened??

No one succeeded.

After Shen Baijing roared, the whole man lost all his strength. His body slipped down the wall and sat down on the ground. The young master, who has always been elegant and noble, completely neglected to tidy up his appearance at this time.

"The little Pervert's bones are very hard. What I'm afraid of is that she would rather die than live like this..."

Every year, many people commit suicide because they fail to quit drugs.

There was a dead silence outside the door.

Shen Baijing is a great doctor. His words are almost equivalent to sentencing Li Qinian to death.

The movement in the house continued, as if he knew they were outside the door. Li Qinian's voice always converged, like a wounded little beast, trying to suppress himself and prevent himself from roaring