"After training for so long, have a rest."

Chen Yan appeared at the right time with three cups of coke in his hand.

Li Qinian took one of the cups and thanked: "thank you, brother Yan."

Lao Bai also took a cup: "brother Yan is still sweet."

Chen Yan gave himself the last cup left: "I don't train tonight. I want to talk to you about something."

Li Jin stood up from his seat and left without looking back:

"First floor, conference room."

Lao Bai looked at Li Jin's back and his smile faded:

"The boss looks in a bad mood..."

Li Qinian: "I can't find a suitable candidate. It's inevitable that my brother is in a bad mood. Go downstairs."

Meeting room on the first floor.

Li Jin sat on the main seat, leaning back on the back of the chair and closing his eyes.

The remaining three sat down on both sides of the table.

Chen Yan sent several information to several people:

"I've been looking for the right person these days, but the result is not ideal."

Li Qinian looked down at the information in his hand. There were four pages in total, which just introduced the life background of the four people.

"There are four people in total, two of them are selected from the youth training students, and one, like whisper, is the anchor of E-sports. The last one is to terminate the contract with other teams and intend to join other teams..."

He picked around and only picked out so four people.

Several people didn't speak for the first time and quietly read the information of four people.

"What do you think?"

Chen Yan asked everyone what they thought.

Lao Bai: "I think this young trainee is OK..."

He pointed to the picture.

"I don't think so."

Li Qinian opened his mouth expressionless.

"The four of them are not as strong as any one of the SOG team, especially the two young trainees. They rarely participate in large-scale competitions..."

She adheres to the principle of preferring lack to abuse.

"I see what you mean, but it's not easy to find these four people in a short time."

The team manager, who has always been omnipotent, also fell into a situation of powerlessness at this time.

Chen Yan: "what about you? Li Jin, what do you think?"

"I think the same as whisper."

Li Jin closed his eyes and never opened them. He didn't even look at the data.

Chen Yan sighed: "... You are clearly embarrassing me."

They are not always so lucky to meet whisper.

"The worst plan is to find no one. If we really come to the last step, these four people are our best choice."

Chen Yan found his work so difficult for the first time.

"The world championship is only more than a month away, and it still takes time for the team to run in. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in this year's competition."

He didn't dare to release the news of Xiao saner's injury. Once released, the voice of doubt from the outside world is expected to become more and more intense.

Li Jin: "keep looking."

Even at the end of the mountain, Li Jin still looks calm. His calm appearance even made people think that he didn't care about the result of the game.

But only Li Qinian knows how much the game has affected Li Jin.

Li Qinian made clear his attitude:

"I agree with my brother. Brother Yan, with all due respect, if you choose any of the four, it is unlikely that SOG will win the championship."

In her opinion, these four people have their own shortcomings.

Or young, inexperienced, or have formed their own unique play, are not suitable to join the SOG team