No one has ever succeeded, which means that the probability of success may be 100 or 0.

Not to mention that she wanted to give Li Jin a treatment plan that could not guarantee the success rate at all, it was just "unbreakable and indestructible", and she could not speak frankly.

I want to treat your hand injury, so I need to break your hand first?

In that case, it doesn't sound reliable.

If Chen Yan listened to her, I'm afraid they all suspected that she was an undercover sent by other teams.

Although Li Jin is good to her, she is only good.

The other party's favor value is only 60 points. It's difficult for him to trust himself wholeheartedly and cooperate with her treatment willingly, not to mention the erratic success rate

Li Qinian thought of his unlucky constitution of ten gambling and ten losing. His face turned black and he had no confidence in his heart

Forget it, don't bother Li Jin.

She doesn't intend to try this method until she is fully sure.

Li Qinian sighed faintly: "Alas, it's hard to be a man..."

438 imitated her tone and said, "Alas, it's hard to make a system..."

Li Qinian: "......"

The voice of milk and milk said such vicissitudes of life. If you want more violation, you will have more violation.

"Xiao Niannian, you humans often say that you should know how to prepare for a rainy day."

438 start preaching seriously.

"Just in case, I think you'd better collect the favor value first and exchange it for pills."

Li Qi read his fingertips.

She actually thought the same thing.

Not using this method now doesn't mean she won't use it in the future. She doesn't like to fight unprepared battles.

"Three hundred favors, right..."

Li Qinian narrowed his eyes slightly and opened his mouth with some flesh pain.

She's still 80 points away.

Chen Yu'an has the highest favor value. It is almost impossible to increase significantly in the short term.

Season and Li Jin are both 60 points. It seems unreliable to want a substantial increase

Finally, she looked at the 20 points of favor and fell into a long silence.


Any rise can reach 300.

438 also found this, and looked at Li Qinian and immediately became sympathetic.

"Xiao Niannian, you humans often say that you should be flexible and flexible..."

Li Qinian: "ha ha."

438: "enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens is a fine traditional virtue..."

Li Qinian sneered: "ha ha."

438: "if you think about Li Jin's hand injury, do you really have the heart to let him be a disabled person all his life?"

Li Qinian: "......"

She couldn't laugh.

"Madder, this dog blood life!"

She murmured a curse.

For Li Jin's hand injury, she had to bite the bullet and please don't forget to return to the coquettish fox?!

She gnashed her teeth at the thought of not forgetting to return to her beaten face.

"Come on, Ollie!"

438 cheer her up.

Li Qinian said angrily, "shut up, you."

It's not too big to watch the excitement.

"Action is better than heart. I suggest you start now! The long night and lonely night is the best time for everyone to put down their guard and warm each other..."

Li Qinian: "......"

438 continue to fan the flames:

"Come on! You can! Take out your mobile phone and send a good night message to Sao fox. Sometimes, you may be one night away from success!!"

Li Qinian: "......"

She slowly took out her cell phone.