Shen Baijing whistled softly, "just good luck."

Just happened to meet three single fools. If it was Li Qinian, the other party must have no problem.

The last man, who didn't expect to be killed by dark.

Li Qinian was still crouching in front. Suddenly he heard a gunshot in the rear, and then a light sentence from big dark came from his headset:


Li Qinian: "??"

Shen Baijing: "......"

It was supposed to be a difficult game, but everyone won it with ease.

"The bonus of 500000 is here?"

Li Qinian blinked, feeling a little incredible.

It's too easy to make money?

What's the difference between picking up money on the street?!

She opened the live broadcast in the clouds, and the barrage of bullets was brushed with congratulations.

[microblog lottery, hurry up!]

[my son is promising, sprinkle flowers!]

[500000, I admit I'm greedy]

Li Qinian: "if you send a lucky draw link later, you won't send gifts. You can draw 100000 cash directly."

She's going to use all her bonus to draw.

[100000? Did you win the horse lottery?!]

[the house was demolished]

[close to the rich woman?]

[son smash, don't show off your wealth!]

Are you still my stupid son, the anchor changed

"If you compare blindly, don't smoke."

Li Qinian found that he felt uncomfortable all day without powder.

"Let's forget my bonus." Shen Baijing smiled.

Li Qinian was not too surprised. The doctor's consulting fee was as high as one million, just 100000 yuan, and the other party would not pay attention to it.

"Are you sure you don't want it? Then I'll donate it to the poor mountainous areas?"

Li Qinian was not interested in the money others gave him.

Shen Baijing said softly, "well, it's good for you to decide."

"I don't want mine either, brother. You can do it." Lu Qianli said cheerfully.

100000 yuan is not enough for his two-day living expenses. It's boring.

Li Qinian: "??"

What's the matter with people now?

Her tentative opening:

"Dark, I'll transfer your part of the bonus to you?"

"You keep it." Jiang Xu said faintly.

Li Qinian: "......"

Other teams are running for the bonus. Their team is good and won the first place, but no one wants the bonus.

At least half a million!!

"Then I also... Donated?"

She's not going to keep it herself.

Jiang's eyes flashed: "good."

[after listening to their conversation, I felt insulted]

[100000! 100000! It's not ten dollars. If you say no, don't!]

[what immortals are these? They sleep on the gold mine every night?]

[local tyrants are friends with local tyrants. I see. You and me under the lemon tree...]

So why did you take part in the competition? Just for fun


Li Qinian naturally asked.

"Isn't it fun to play games?"


[smelly boy, you've learned to pretend, haven't you?]

Li Qinian: "you won't understand. Well, play games for a while. Do you want to play?"

Shen Baijing: "I have a party in the evening."

Lu Qianli cried: "... I have to catch up with my homework."

"I have something to do here. Hang the live broadcast first." Jiang Wang also opened his mouth.

Li Qinian: "OK, I'll make a single row."


"All right, I'll order."

The boy's clear voice echoed in the lengthened Rolls Royce.