Yesterday, whisper posted a microblog saying that it would be broadcast live at 9:00 tonight, but now it's 9:05, but the live room hasn't opened yet.

In his impression, whisper broadcast so many times, but he was late for the first time.

Until 9:30, the live studio was still quiet. Many fans went to microblog to leave messages, but whisper was like the world evaporated, and there was no reply at all.

Jiang Wang stared at the European clock on the wall of his study. In his hand was a book "tidal gravity", with 46 pages in the lower left corner.

The clock walked round and round. Finally, the second hand and the hour hand pointed to 12 o'clock at the same time.

12 a.m. sharp.

He slowly got up from the sofa, turned off the laptop in front of him, and the number of pages opened was 46



Sharp pain.

The internal organs seem to be kneaded together.

It's like being treated as a sandbag for seven days and nights.

Li Qinian opened his eyes and entered the towering sky trees. Each tree has a diameter of five or six meters. Seven or eight children can hold each other hand in hand.

She raised her hand. There was a heart piercing pain in her right hand. There was no doubt that she was dislocated.

Li Qinian stretched out his left hand expressionless and twisted his right hand.

"Click -"

It's the sound of bone restoration.

She didn't say a word, her eyes were firm, and her sweat kept flowing down with her forehead.

When the severe pain had passed, she stood up, looked around and tried to open her mouth:


There were only shrill birds and insects around.

She frowned.

At the moment when the car was completely submerged in the water, she and season were stunned by the huge impact for a moment and missed the best chance to escape.

Fortunately, they were awakened by the water overflowing into the car. When the water level flooded their chin, they both broke open the window and drilled out, but the river was too fast. As soon as they got out of the car, they were dispersed by the torrent.

She struggled in the dark water for a long time before she caught a floating tree and floated to the shore. She found land with the instinct of survival.

Remembering the picture of season threatening his homework, Li Qinian muttered:

"Forget it, no matter. The disaster has left thousands of years. Such a pervert as season can't die..."

She touched her pocket and found that the mobile phone in it had long disappeared. She had nothing but this ragged clothes.

"Sure enough, every time I see the season, I have bad luck..."

She kicked her sore legs and groped to leave the forest in front of her.

But she walked for two hours and the surrounding scenery never changed.

Li Qinian stopped, drew a trace on the tree with a stone, and set off again.

In less than half an hour, she returned to her original place, and a fresh scratch was clearly visible.

"Little 38?"

At this time, Li Qinian remembered that he still had an unreliable system.


438's voice was too weak to hear.

Li Qinian twisted his eyebrows and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"The moment you fell into the river, I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I used the energy of the system to form a protective cover to protect you. Now the energy is overused, I just have a rest..."

Before the last word "Le" was finished, 438 lost his voice and fell into a deep sleep of recovery.

Li Qinian stood tall with her back pulled. She was alone in the huge forest. The breeze rustled through the treetops. She opened her mouth to the empty man:

"Thank you."