Tone without any ups and downs, ups and downs, as if it were just an artificial intelligence broadcaster!!

Really, no, no feelings!!

Everyone under the stage laughed crazy. Because there was a Chinese myth on the stage, everyone could only hold back and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Fortunately, Jiang wantonly finished this opening and stopped.

Everyone looked up curiously to know what had happened.

Jiang Wang stood on the high platform, his eyes were cold, looked at a group of people under the stage, and slowly opened his mouth:

"They asked me to talk a lot of nonsense in three minutes, but I thought it was unnecessary. Learning needs internal motivation. If you don't want to learn, I can't help it.

As for learning methods... I have no learning methods.

I have never summarized the knowledge points or taken notes, so I can't give you any suggestions on sharing learning methods. "

The people under the stage were stunned by his two words.

If others say this sentence, they may feel that others are pretending to force, but if the person who said this sentence is Jiang Wang, it is an absolute truth.

Jiang Wang disdains lying.

For the first time, Li Qinian heard people say the most dragging words in a serious tone, shook his head and laughed:

"Someone is more arrogant than me..."

She could feel Jiang's indifference when he said this, his tone was flat and light, without the slightest show off, as if what he said was just an insignificant thing.

"I'm finished."

Jiang Wang nodded to the audience, turned away and soon disappeared on the side of the rostrum.

The principals and leaders sitting under the stage turned blue and collapsed one by one, like critically ill patients with terminal illness.

This man's attitude is too fucking arrogant!

But the problem is!

This man is Jiang Wang!!!

Keke's almost full mark Jiang Wang!

Jiang Wang, who is most likely to win the national champion!!

Jiang Wang, a mythical and legendary figure in Jiangcheng!!

Peng Qing stood in the first row of class 3 of senior high school. After listening to Jiang Wang's speech, although his face was not as ugly as the leaders, he also looked worried.

She lifted a stone and hit herself in the foot this time. It is estimated that when the school opening ceremony is over, she will have to be dragged to talk by the leaders.

Thinking of these wordy old men with rigid ideas, Peng Qing rubbed his temples:

"Day by day, you know to make trouble for me..."

She has to wipe her ass.

Sure enough, after the opening ceremony, Peng Qing was taken to the principal's office.

In the face of all leaders, she did not lose the wind at all. The first word she said was——

"I'm responsible for my students' affairs. Come to me if you have anything. Don't disturb his study."

The teaching director is used to her strong style, which does not mean that the leaders are used to it. He pulled Peng Qing's sleeve and signaled her to be soft.

Peng Qing turned a deaf ear and resolutely pretended to be blind and deaf.

The headmaster was sitting in the chair with a good tea at hand. He was not angry at the speech:

"Mr. Peng is worried. We have always adopted the principle of inclusiveness in dealing with students with excellent results but personality."

Peng Qing, who is ready to write a review: "

When did these old men become so talkative?

She always thinks something's wrong.

Principal: "I came to you today to ask about another classmate in class 3."

Peng Qing said, "who?"

Headmaster: "Li Qinian."

Peng Qing: "......"

She did not expect that she would get a completely unexpected answer.

What's special about smelly boy that deserves the attention of these old men?