7 Dream 6: Portrai

Astounded, Fai reacted "Wow! amazing, so destiny really work in here huh? Now, I cannot really say that it is just a mere coincidence that Genrou was born the same year as her. It was even prophesied."

"Mmm-hmm, indeed" Adara nodded.

"So, Genrou now doesn't have any choice but to be with her for the rest of his life right?" Fai asserted.

"Yes. Pity he is stuck on that lonesome romance of his.*frustated* How can my brother endure it!? He don't even know whether she's beautiful or not! Let alone her whereabouts! Urghhh!If I could just, if I could just find where she is even though I have to search all over the realm, I will do it just to end my brothers' misery!" Adara exclaimed while itching to do what she just said.

Fai pondered,"But he doesn't look that miserable to me at all." The she added, "Where did Genrou go anyway?"

"Oh darling, you already know answer. He visited south where the Phoenix clan is and where umm…you know, his fiancées birth place."

"Ah! I see…" Later she asks, "What happened to her anyway? What do you mean the chosen one and fulfilling her mission? All of these are hard for me to understand. I'm so curious of many things." Fai implied.

Then Adara stood up and called Fai to come with her outside the room.

"It is stuffy in here. Come, let's walk around the garden and have a tea."

Fai agreed and followed her.

Adara added as they walk out from the room, "You know why I'm here?"

"Yeah by the way, why?" Fai asked.

While they are walking around the corridor she replied.

"First, I was ordered to accompany you. Second, to guide and introduce you to this place. I'm sure you are curious about everything in here. I cannot explain to you clearly what the predestined one ought to do if I don't explain first about the entirety of Celestial Realm. So, we are going to talk about it a lot. Lastly, I'm here to help you prepare for the banquet tomorrow."

"Oh yes, the banquet. By the way, thank you for accompanying me and telling me many things Miss Adara." Fai sincerely expressed her gratitude.

"Oh silly, It's just small things. No need to be so formal. Besides, if my brother really were not taken, I would love to have you as my sister-in-law." She indicated.

Fai snickered."Heh, I don't wanna be a third wheel you know."

"Oh, come on now *laughs* I was just joking, but if it is possible, please reconsider." Then she winked at Fai.

As they walk towards the garden people who are passing by were greeting Adara.

In Fai's thoughts, "Amazing. I was talking with a princess and now walking with her!It feels like an achievement!" *sobs in happiness*


In Phoenix Clans' Palace

The maids are serving tea as the Royalties talk to each other.

Genrou who is sitting in front of the King and Queen of the center Kingdom of Phoenix Clan (His future in-laws) Stated with anticipation…

*sips tea* "So, you mean you finally want me to take a look at her portrait?"

"Yes, and we're sorry that it took us such a long time to recover it. It was restored just a week ago. Well if it wasn't destroyed 13 years ago from the chaos then maybe you wouldn't be so curious about her face. We are very sorry" Queen Emerald apologized.

"Yes, and we are really thankful to you for your patience and loyalty in waiting for our daughter" The king said whilst thankfulness is evident in his voice.

Genrou who is flustered imposed, "Oh no, don't be sorry your majesties. It's my duty to do that. Besides, I was born to love and support her. *sudden flinch* by way ho-how did you know that I was curious about her face?"

"Well, as a guy aren't we naturally curious about our woman's features? Besides, I heard it from the wind...that you are asking Blaze about our daughters' face." King Xandrite implied.

"Ah yes, that's right information here flash faster than a rushing wind because literally, the wind becomes the messenger." Genrou snickered.

Then the queen asserted. "Anyway, I already asked someone to fetch the portrait. It will arrive in any minute."

"By the way, what are your plans for next week? Are you going to come here again like you do every year and help with the preparations about our daughter's eighteenth birthday?" King Xandrite queried while lifting the tea pot and pouring tea in his glass.

"That is already decided your majesty. No need to ask away. I made sure that I have already finished the entire task assigned to me by my Father before coming here."

King Xandrite replied, "That's very good then. Our long wait would pay off once that special day comes. It was prophesied that she will finally show up in her eighteenth birthday. So Genrou, let's prepare ourselves to meet her."

Genrou paints a big smile on his face indicating that he is beyond excited to meet his long awaited lover.

The queen's aide has arrived. She knocked at their door. "Your majesties, I already fetched the princess's portrait".

"Come in."

She opened the door and entered. She greeted them all with a bow. She then handed the portrait to them.

"Thank you Zerah, you may go now" The queen said after she received the portrait.

Zerah later excuses herself.

Queen Emerald opened the diamond colored case of the portrait. The portrait was a big scroll and measures 36"×48" inches. She grabs the scroll and loosens its ribbon. When she unrolled the scroll, she began to stare at her daughters' face passionately.

She couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. "I-I miss her. I miss her so badly..." She sobbed as she holds onto the portrait tightly.

King Xandrite went near her. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and comforted her as she weeps.

Genrou at the side watched them sadly as he remains silent. In his mind, "Just seeing them grieve for fiancee aches my heart."

"Now, now my queen, just a little more hmm? Endure it just a little more and the pain will go away once we see our daughter again. That day will come soon." The king consoles in thoughtfulness.

The queen started to calm down. She look at Genrou, and she invited him to come closer.

Genrou complied.

She handed the portrait to him.

Genrou recieved it and started to lay his eyes on the portrait. He began to inspect the image. As he stares at it, he cannot believe what he saw. "It's true." He pondered.

"What Blaze said was true. She is indeed beautiful, really beautiful. I did not expect this beauty at all." Genrou who is flabbergasted said.

The king and queen smiled.

"Did it meet your expectations? Did the portrait satisfy you?" The king playfully asked.

"She-she exceeds my expectations your highness. She is more than what I have imagined based on the description of Blaze."

The queen gladly said, "I'm thankful that you're satisfied with it. Even we were amazed that we have a daughter as beautiful as she."

Genrou couldn't take his eyes off the portrait. He tilted his head while he stares at it carefully, "She...looks somewhat familiar." He wondered and added "Where did I see this face before?"


On the Prophet Eigel's abode (South East part of Celestial realm)

A white haired elegant guy was sitting alone on the corner beside the window. Looking at the sky, he closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath. He was feeling the atmosphere around the Celestial Realm. While his eyes are close, he hears the sound of the wind, he hears even the stomps of horses from afar, birds chirping from trees and people's voices were ringing in his ears. The sound is very clear. It's as if he is in that certain situation.

Then suddenly... he opened up his eyes. He paused and said "I can feel it. This familiar aura.... She's already here." He smiled at the sky and added, "The revelation has now come to reality."

"But wait, what is this that I feel? The power is sealed yet, but I can feel that it already wants to break free. It's too early. What happened?" He wondered while his hands were place on his chest.


At the Dragon Clans Palace…

Fai and Adara are having a tea in the garden.

Fai suddenly grabs her chest while frowning in pain, "Urgh!It hurts."

While sipping her tea, Adara noticed that Fai is in pain. She put down her cup immediately and asks in worriedness.

"Fai, is everything alright? Are you in pain?"

"Just a while ago, I felt my heart strongly throb. It feels prickly" she replied.

"Oh no! Did the air around here begin affecting you? Do you have any difficulty in breathing? Huh?" Adara anxiously asked as she went over to Fai patting her back.

"No, it's just in a brief moment. I'm fine now" *Place her hand on her chest.*

"Are you sure?"

Fai took a deep breath while feeling her chest, then she ascertains "See, I'm really well. I wouldn't be having a tea here with you if I haven't even lasted a minute in here. So I'm fine."

"Ok, but tell me when you feel something like that again. We will have the palace physician to check up on you." Adara reminded.

Fai agreed.

While they continue to have a tea together, the head chambermaid together with the three maidservants holding a silk each went near them.

"Your highness, these are the silks that you have told us to prepare. It varies in 3 different colors, namely, red, yellow and orange. What would you like to choose among these 3 silks?" The Head Chambermaid asks.

Adara stood up and looked at the silks thoroughly.

"Hmm…the silks' quality is very good."

She glances at Fai and inquired, "Fai, what color would you prefer?"

"Pardon? *points at herself*

Me? (Oh my gosh, a princess is asking me about my preference.)

"Yes, who else would I ask this for? I'm asking you because I don't know what color you like. It would be easy to make your dress base on your preference."

"D-d-dress your highness? I mean Miss Adara, are you preparing a dress for me for the banquet? *sparkling eyes*

"Of course, we wouldn't let our precious mortal guest be the center of humiliation you know. That is why, we have prepared these for you. Choose freely."

"Really!? Really!? I can't believe it! It's my first time having someone make a dress for me!" Fai exclaimed as she excitedly pick the silks.

"Hmm...Should I pick this? or this? or this? No, I should just pick this." Then after she decided, she showed it to Adara.

"Ta-da! I choose this!"

Adara crossed her arms over her chest and stated her opinion while nodding

"Hmm…you chose the red one huh? ...Nice, good choice you have there. It fits your pale-red colored hair."

"Really? I knew it! I really have a sense of Fashion hahaha!" Fai proudly said.

Then the maidservants started whispering at each other.

"Hmp...Mortal, what a self-righteous she is!" Ema (maid 1) said.

"Yeah, she just chose between the three silks, what's there to be proud of?" Oliv (maid 2) concurred.

"Hey, she's just a mortal, let her be." Sofi (maid 3) contended.

The Head Chambermaid heard what they are gossiping about. She glared and signaled them to keep quiet.