4 Dream 3: Chosen One

In her thoughts she contemplated, "If the queen is his mother then he is a---

(*gasps*) A prince!?I though he is just high ranking b-but I never thought that he really have a majestic status!" She looks at Genrou for she can't get over it.

Genrou who had his hands crossed on his chest, looked at her and raised his right eyebrow as an indication of him asking what she wants.

"It's fine. But how did you get here? How are you able to come here? This world is just for immortals no other life like mortals can come here and stand the air we're breathing." Explicates the queen.

Fai finally raised her head and queried, "What you're saying your majesty is that…I'm the first mortal who is able to come here?"

"Well, the first ones are those immortals who were cast in the mortal world due to their sins. It was their punishment. They are being reborn in that world as mortals to experience hardships in life as a normal being. So, when their retribution comes to an end, they just come back here instantly through their death as a mortal. If you're wondering if they can remember what they did in the mortal world, well yes they can remember what they've experienced. And my point is, they are not really mortals. They are immortals who became mortals. We can assure that because none of them had the sign of being mortal when they came back. Yet you're in a different case. I can sense you're aura. You're not one of them. You're really a pure mortal. How come you're here? You are able to breathe the same air we're breathing. As far as I know, mortals cannot do that. They do not even last a minute, if they come here they just immediately dies. Yet you're not." The queen explained.

"Are there any mortals who came here and died your highness? Other than the immortals becoming mortals?" Fai curiously asked.

"Yes, there is one. A sinful person who the phoenix king brought to punish but little did he know that after he brought him here, that person was not able to breath and died immediately. As I said, mortals cannot take the air we're breathing because it is too powerful for them, for your kind, which is why." The queen answered.

"Oh! Then in my case, I maybe between mortal and immortal he-he-he" Fai babbled as she puts a silly smile on her face and scratches her neck.

Having his eyebrows raised, "As far as I know, there's nothing like that lady." Genrou asserted.

"Hmp!" She responded and glared at him with threatening eyes and quirked lips.

"That is a rare case Miss...---what's your name again?" The queen asked.

"Ah! Yeah, sorry your highness I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fai."

The queen got shocked and said "Come again? Your name is Fai? Is it Fai Zephyr?"

Genrou immediately look at his mother with a widen eyes...


18 years ago...

(At the Phoenix Territory)

"Fai Zephyr...."

"This name..."

"This name shall be your name, our only daughter. Who's a part of this royal family's phoenix clan, and…the prophesied chosen one." The phoenix queen uttered those words as she rubs her big stomach gently while sitting beside the palace windows. She stared at the sky and smiled calmly with hope then added…

"This clan shall be yours and your husband someday, so hurry and be born my child, I'm waiting. We are all excited to see you, the most awaited princess who shall unite the four empires in peace. The one who shall bring joy and harmony in all of the Celestial Realm as the diviner Eigel has prophesied. You are the chosen one...."


PRESENT (At the Dragon Territory)

"Fai Zephyr? Mom it's impossible, how could she be Fai? She's just a mortal!" Genrou disagreeably said because he can't believe the speculation the queen has uttered.

Fai answered in a lonely down voice,"My surname's not Zephyr your Majesty....

...I-it's Le, just Le. I have no family but the orphanage who took care of me gave me that surname, Le."

"Orphanage? So you grew up in an orphanage? Where the parentless children are taken care of?" The queen asked like she can't believe that the child grew in an orphanage.

"Yes, your majesty." Fai nodded.

"I heard the orphans from that place are being adopted by childless families. So, has no one ever adopted you?" Genrou curiously queried refraining himself from upsetting Fai.

Fai shrugs her shoulders and replied. "Nah, I was a wild child in the first decade of my life ya' know. I would throw tantrums whenever I get scolded. I also often fight with the boys in the orphanage and loves playing around, like I was so full of energy. I was a very naughty girl that time, that I couldn't even have a friend. I wasn't acting like a girl. Maybe that's the reason no one wanted me ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" She laughed her heart out.

Genrou and the Queen looked at each other with expression of confusion.

Genrou whispered in his mom's ear and asserted, "Mom, see…I told you. SHE'S CRAZY. There's nothing funny about what she just said, it's obvious that it's a sad story, but why? I was starting to have pity on her but...nah, never mind." And he added "Are all mortals like that mom?"

His mother looked at him with a frown, and later smiled as she replied. "No, maybe it's just her. I bet she's laughing 'cause she's lonely. Young man, you must understand a girls' emotion you know." Then she gestures him with a wink.

"Umm...excuse me, I can hear what you two are talking about." Fai shyly said while scratching her neck.

They then get back to the topic.

"So, you've got a reason why you acted like that right?" The Queen infallibly asked.

In an instance, silence occurred. Fai bowed her head and did not answer.

Genrou placed his hands across at the back of his neck. He looked at her *whistles* and averred, "Oh well, I guess it's the end of conver-----

He had not finished what he was about to say for a sudden answer interrupted him…

"Yes, I had a reason, but now (*Fai raised her head and smiled cheerfully*) it's not necessary anymore, I think."

"I suppose, not many things are to be shared with someone you just met right? I will just ask your history some other time then." The queen understandingly stated as she smiled sincerely.

Fai smiled and nodded "Um!"

Then a messenger came and informed the Queen about the party. He bowed and greeted. "Your highness, the king has conveyed the decree about the banquet tomorrow. I would like to know what you want it to be so that we will design according to your perception."

"Sure, go now and make this banquet one of a kind. That's what I want." The queen said.

"I understand your majesty. I shall now go and prepare it with the others." The messenger said as he bows and then, he left.

"He understood? What!? The queen didn't say anything about what she likes. She just said to make it a one of a kind. Heh! What a talent." Fai can't believe the capability of the messenger in her mind.

She then again pondered, "This strange world, strange people and strange castle, strange…why are everything so strange? I have this nostalgia that I can't explain. It's as if I have been to this place before. Is this real or is it just a dream?"

Genrou called her over and over but she did not respond. So he goes near her and pinched her cheeks and asked. "What are you spacing out for? I called your name many times but you did not even respond. It's like your head is in the clouds."

Fai stared at him while in her mind, "He is so close. Why his skin looks so dazzling? He is not that fair but he got a good clear skin. He has this beautiful eyes, sharp nose, and attractive lips. He's gorgeous! I've never seen such a handsome man before. If I look at him this close, I might have a nosebleed. He's so charming…are all prince like this?"

"Hey! I'm talking to you, what are you staring at? Why wouldn't you answer? have you gone deaf?" Genrou shouted for she keeps spacing out.

Fai got startled and got back to her senses, later she replied, "I'm sorry, I was just fascinated."

"FASCINATED? *scoffs* Fascinated of what? Don't tell me, you got fascinated by my looks huh?" Genrou sarcastically said while he stares at her with a teasing look in his eyes.

Her face suddenly blushed and she defended as she moves her face away from him, "I am not! OK. Stop with your narcissistic acts."

Genrou laugh so hard while placing his hands on his tummy. "HA-HA-HA! Your easy to read HA-HA-HA, I was just joking you know, you're so defensive."

"Stop laughing will you!" She loudly said shyly.

"Hey, come on KIDS, let's get ready for the banquet tomorrow, and stop playing already." The queen amusingly asserted.

Upon hearing that, both Genrou and Fai started sulking in their thoughts. "KIDS!? We're not KIDS anymore."

The Queen later called out for the maids and told them. "Go, clean the room at the southern part of the palace. Then afterwards, bring this lady there so that she can rest and get changed and also attend to her needs. By way, prepare her a dress for the banquet tomorrow too."

"Are you talking about the 'Hall of Fate' your majesty?" The chamberlain asked.

"Yes, now you can go and call the King for me, I have something to say to him."

"Oh great! Tends your wounds too and wear feet protection ok? I won't be able to visit you for I have an important business to go." Genrou reminded Fai.

"Ok, I will. Thanks. (*Faces the queen and bowed*) Thank you too, your highness. I'll leave with them now then." She replied.

The palace maids went their way along with Fai and told the officers to call the King.

"Mom, I have to go too, I need to pay a visit at the Phoenix Clan today." Genrou notified her mom.

"Now? It was a long journey, and you haven't had a rest yet. You just got back from the North and now you're going away again? We haven't seen each other for almost a month you unfilially child." The queen pouted as if she's sulking to her son.

Genrou smiled and insisted, "Mom, I really need to go. You know the reason right? And besides, after I pay a visit there, I'm gonna go straight home. I'm tagging along with them tomorrow when they attend the banquet."

"Alright I understand, so you're just going to leave the girl behind then?"

"Of course mom, why would I bring her to my future wife's' territory? They'll gonna eat me alive if I do that *laughs* you just take care of her for me ok? I will go after I greet Dad."

The queen chuckled and agreed. "Ok, you may go now, do not forget to bring a gift. You know Queen Emerald loves gifts."

Genrou nodded and smiled as he goes. He went to see his Father, but as he walks toward where the King is, he met him at the hallway in her mother's room. The king is about to go see the queen. A little while, he saw Genrou approaching.