Because the power of the light comes from the heart, they did not lose the power of the light after the division of the silver hand knights and the radical paladins became blood crusaders.

Because they believe in their hearts that what they do is not evil and that what they do is still justice. Only when the paladin's own faith collapses, self denies and self doubts, their holy light will weaken or even disappear.

The same is true for the blood knights in the blood elves. Although they do not believe in the holy light, these blood elves have their insistence in their hearts, that is, guarding their homes and revenge. These beliefs insist that the blood elves also master the holy light.

The Dragon God church also began to intervene in the investigation, but as the dark side of the city, it is not so easy to investigate. These dark sides are obviously controlled by some gangs. In fact, they are the eagles and dogs of the major nobles, helping them complete some dirty things and controlling all kinds of gray industries. More than half of the income of these nobles comes from here, Now, if the church wants to thoroughly investigate these gray industries, it will naturally be strongly opposed.

Therefore, the church can only clean those cemeteries and purify them with divination to prevent the dead from resurrection again.

Naiozu's crystal cage was sent to Terenas, king of Lordaeron. At first naiozu didn't dare to make much moves, but after some temptation, he found that these humans didn't find his existence, and then began to do it quietly. Ner'zhul is trapped and unable to move, but his soul has changed.

Kil'jaeden carefully carved this empty crystal cup that trapped his soul. In this crystal, although he could not have a body and move, his mind was magnified tens of thousands of times. Kil'jaeden tortured his soul cruelly and transformed it, Now naiozu has powerful mind control and the power to summon the dead. Kil'jaeden threw Ner'zhul into Azeroth and asked him to complete the task of the Burning Legion, or he would be trapped in the Void Crystal forever.

Naiozu had no choice. The situation was stronger than people. He either promised to come down and have a chance to be free in the future, or he was locked up in a small black house, then thrown into a distorted void and stayed there forever. One is life imprisonment, and the other should have a chance to come out. Naiozu had to seize the last straw, promise, and then cooperate with the Burning Legion again. After confirming his safety, naiozu began his plan.

With the power given by Kil'jaeden, naiozu directly resurrected some corpses in the cemetery into zombies, then built secret bases in the city's sewers, stole the corpses, and then transformed them into all kinds of undead creatures to form the undead Legion silently.

When forming the undead legion, Ner'zhul also used spiritual magic to imperceptibly want to control the top of Lordaeron, but the time is still short, and his power can't control the top of Lordaeron.

The arrival of Allen made great changes to Azeroth in this period, but the inertia of history is still strong. Although Dalaran was not broken by the orcs, Kel'Thuzad, a member of the tirisfa Council, still degenerated. This demon magician who likes to study undead spells contacted the Lich King in the experiment again. The reason why Kel'Thuzad studied the Necromancer's magic was to get eternal life. He spent a lot of effort and didn't find it. Until this time, his magic was responded by the Lich King. The Lich King promised him that as long as he surrendered to him, he could get eternal life.

Kel'Thuzad was overjoyed after she got the promise, and soon made a decision to give up everything in Dalaran, sell her family property, and then follow the Lich King, but he didn't know that the so-called eternity of the Lich King is to become a lich

Kel'Thuzad, as a "traitor", is absolutely qualified. After dealing with his home, he began to go to Lordaeron. According to the speed of information dissemination of Azeroth, except Dalaran's mage, others did not know that Kel'Thuzad gave up everything here. Therefore, from the outside world, he is still the senior level of Dalaran. With this identity, Kel'Thuzad easily came to Lordaeron. At this time, Terenas, the king of Lordaeron, had noticed the bad, but the erosion of his soul by the Lich King finally defeated him. The king who created the alliance by one hand became the puppet of the Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad came here at this time and met the Lich King. After seeing the powerful power of the Lich King, Kel'Thuzad directly loyal to him and accepted the task to create a sect with the Lich King as God.

However, the Lich King's action was still slow. At this time, the faith of human society had been absorbed by the four Dragon God churches, and the four Dragon gods did not want someone to compete with them for believers. Kel'Thuzad's wishful thinking completely failed. He was not a competitor of the Dragon God church at all.

In order to expand the scourge legion, the Lich King gave him some artifacts called plague steamer. These artifacts were brought to the countryside around Lordaeron by Kel'Thuzad and placed in the village to spread the plague. Soon, the villagers in northern Lordaeron were infected by the plague and became slaves to the Lich King Ner'zhul. Soon, zombies spread all over the north, and Kel'Thuzad named them the scourge Legion.

In the following time, the resurrection of the dead appeared in human countries and even dwarf countries.

The dead bodies in the cemetery are resurrected again under the action of mysterious forces, but these resurrections are not good. The resurrected bodies are unconscious. They carry all kinds of plagues and hate any or life. For tens of thousands of years, countless bones have been buried in this land, and these bones begin to recover under the power of evil.

The large-scale plague and the recovery of the dead made the whole situation of Lordaeron precarious, and the high-level of Lordaeron was also controlled by the Lich King. The kingdom became chaotic. The Dragon God church, aware of the bad situation, began to fight, but the foundation of the Dragon God church was not deep. There was no way for the increasingly powerful army of the dead. It had to ask the Dragon God for help.

When such a great change happened to Azeroth, Allen got the news soon after. Before that, he had been studying Madison's book. This taboo book contains a lot of knowledge. Allen is like a sponge greedily absorbing all kinds of knowledge.

Allen only asked Onyxia to collect information from Azeroth countries. When great changes took place in Lordaeron, Onyxia