"Titan creation?" hearing kelsas's words, other mages in the room took a breath.

As mages, they are well aware of the power of Titans. Most of the lives of Azeroth are created by Titans. This divine power has always been the pursuit of these mages.

"You mean this mysterious man has mastered the knowledge of Titans?" asked antonidas, suppressing his horror.

"I'm not sure, but this mysterious man has at least mastered some knowledge of ancient Titans." kelthas raised the gem necklace in his hand: "at least more than us."

After a while, antonidas took the gem necklace back on Jaina, and then said with a serious expression, "I hope you can keep this matter confidential!"

The people looked at each other, nodded and said, "yes!"

"Jaina, take this necklace with you and don't take it off in the future." antonidas rubbed Jaina's lovely little head and said. Seeing this, a mage hesitated and didn't speak.

"I know, master, grandpa!" Jaina nodded hard, and then stuffed the necklace into her collar.


Allen returned to his wizard tower with the book of Medivh. In the next time, he began to study the book of Titan knowledge. Because he didn't know the words of Titan, he read the book very slowly. The chip calculated and analyzed these words all the time. Most of the translated words are related to space.

Because of this book, Allen also made a breakthrough in the runes left by the Titans, and many Titan stone tablets found in the ruins have also been cracked.

In the morning, Allen will study the divine personality of the earth guardian. He is ready to try to bless the seed of the world tree after he is familiar with this rule. In the afternoon, he will read the resolved Medivh book and study other Titan runes and Titan tablets at the same time.

Time passed in this busy work. When Alan hid in the wizard tower to study, some undead gradually appeared in the remote human country.

Allen studied for a long time in this state until one day, a red dragon came.

"Cleostraz, long time no see," Allen said after putting down his book.

"Hello, Sir Alan!" cleostraz saluted Allen.

"What's the matter with the Red Dragon Queen sending you?" Allen said directly after a few simple polite words.

"Your Highness has sent me to invite your excellency Alan to watch the ceremony!" said cleostraz, taking out a scale the size of a palm.

"Oh, Alexstrasza, have they reached that stage?" Allen returned the book to the shelf and said to the scale.

"Yes, the other three guardians have reached that step," said cleostraz proudly.

"Now the Dragon God Church has hundreds of crazy believers. The number of general believers has exceeded tens of thousands, and the number of Pan believers has exceeded 100000, not including our giant dragon itself and half dragon people."

"It seems that you are developing really well." Allen was also filled with emotion when he heard cleostraz. Although the number of giant dragons is small, they are basically crazy believers. The same is true for those half dragons with a larger number. In fact, even without humans, these groups guarding the giant dragons and the half dragons attached to them can support a God with weak divine power.

Now, with the Dragon God Church in human beings, it is certain that these giant dragons will be gods. Even they will soon cross the weak gods and reach the level of weak gods. Even the gods with medium divine power will not be too far away in the future. As for the powerful divine power or great divine power, it is estimated that the number of the entire Azeroth intelligent race needs to be doubled several times before there is hope.

The foundation of gods lies in intelligent life. A powerful God needs at least millions of devout believers. Compared with the number base, it needs more. After all, not everyone will choose to believe in gods, nor will everyone be devout believers. The vast majority of people are pan believers, The power of faith provided by Pan believers is only one tenth or less than that of devout believers, which is even different from Crazy believers.

Azeroth did not believe in the existence of God or death before, so there is no contract of gods. In some places where there are many gods, gods will sign a contract of gods with death. The content of this contract is very simple, that is, build the soul of unbelievers into a wall of unbelievers. This is a hindhand made by the gods to ensure that their faith will not be cut off. As far as Allen knows, basically all planes with gods have such a contract.

I want my soul not to be stuck in the wall and believe in gods for so long, even a pan believer

The power of faith provided by crazy believers is about 100 times that of Pan believers, but it is too difficult for crazy believers. Every crazy believer is an important wealth of the gods. Not only because they can provide more power of faith, but also because only crazy believers can produce dependents.

God's dependents are blessed by the gods. They can easily borrow the power of the gods. Even some god's dependents are the body carrying the power when the gods come. After becoming a God, they will be rejected by the plane, and these repulsive forces will become stronger and stronger over time.

Until the gods finally can't bear it and leave the material plane, after leaving the material plane, the gods will create their own kingdom of God, and then the noumenon of the gods will live in the kingdom of God.

If you want to return to the material plane again, the gods can only rely on separate coming, or the form of saints. Separate coming is an incarnation created by the gods with divine power. He has part of the power of the gods and can move freely in the material plane. Another separate coming is divine coming, which is a divine skill used by the believers of the gods and can summon part of the power of the gods to come, And God's dependents are the bodies that bear this power.

In addition to this separate coming, another is the holy form. The gods in this form can carry more power, and even their power will exceed the limit of the material world. However, this holy form is also the most dangerous time for the gods, because once the gods in the holy form are killed, they will really fall, which is also the time when the gods fall most, And there will be no such problem when separation comes. Separation death will only make the gods lose part of their divine power, and will not have any impact on the essence of the gods. However, the divine power carried by the gods is not too much.

The guardian dragon will remain in Azeroth for a long time after the success of God sealing. During this time, they will build their God kingdoms, which will be attached to the surface of Azeroth, both belonging to Azeroth and independent of Azeroth.

After telling Allen the appointed time, cleostraz left here. As the priest of alexstasa, the Red Dragon Queen, he also needs to preside over the Dragon God church.

As the God sealing date gets closer, they will become very busy during this period. There can be no problems with the God sealing ceremony. They need to keep an eye on it all the time. Allen left his wizard tower. He is ready to go to the Dragon God church. The Dragon God Church in storm City is divided into four churches, corresponding to four Dragon gods.

These Guardian dragons have a guardian field, which makes their faith easier to spread. In addition, the Red Dragon Queen also has the field of life. Allen remembers that she seems to be ready to extend the field to the field of reproduction. After all, reproduction is also a very broad field, which can further expand her trust.

In fact, all intelligent creatures attach great importance to reproduction. When she owns this field, most intelligent creatures will be her pan believers.

Nozdom, the guardian of time, is worse. Besides guarding, his clergy is time. The clergy of time is very powerful, but nozdom can't fully control it. Even he only controls a small part. If he wants to expand his faith, he needs to master other fields. Allen observed that nozdom began to involve the Ministry of prophecy. As a dragon with the power of time, it was easy to master the Ministry of prophecy.

As for the weaver marigos, his ethnic group is the least. Although Allen used cloning to help, the number of blue dragons is still only about half that of other giant dragons. His priest is arcane magic. All spell casters will be his potential believers, but it will take time. It is basically impossible for this generation,

The Green Dragon Queen isera is much smarter. In addition to the dream field, she has set foot in the natural field, and all druids will sleep in the emerald dream. The whole Druid will be her believers, and these believers are basically devout believers with high quality. In addition to these Druid believers, isera has another advantage, that is, the emerald dream. This emerald dream was first built by the Titans. It was originally used as a blueprint of Azeroth, a green and perfect mirror image, retaining the original appearance of Azeroth. After isera was deified, he can fully integrate his kingdom of God with the whole emerald dream, To completely control the emerald dream.

When the emerald dream becomes the emerald Kingdom, the emerald nightmare originally hidden in the emerald dream will no longer be able to hide, and will be completely surrounded by isera's kingdom.

Fighting with gods in the kingdom of God, even other gods will not do such things. Gods can be said to be absolutely safe in the kingdom of God. Even gods with strong divine power dare not enter the kingdom of weak gods. The gods can control everything in the kingdom of God at will, and the divine power of the gods is almost unlimited in the kingdom of God.