The kingdom of Alterac is now forcibly annexed by the powerful kingdom of Lordaeron. As an ancient mountain country, he can no longer be independent due to his betrayal in World War II. After several months of interest division, Lordaeron still annexed the kingdom.

However, this also led to a consequence, that is, the Lordaeron alliance has completely collapsed, several other countries that did not get enough benefits have withdrawn from the alliance, and the once most powerful alliance of Azeroth now exists in name only.

Alan appeared in the continuous mountains. He was going to Dalaran. Dalaran is located near lodamir Lake in the east of the Alterac mountains and on the South Bank of the lake. The city has a history of thousands of years and is a miracle city in the human kingdom.

It combines human wisdom, strength, grandeur, magnificence, art and mysterious arcane skills. It is the most bright pearl of the whole eastern continent. Almost all human mages will study here.

Dalaran was founded after the Allied forces of elves and humans defeated the trolls. At first, it was built by the 100 magicians who received the instruction of elves in order to continue to learn and study the power of arcane. For the vast majority of human magicians, they did not have the spring from the eternal well of high elves to make the sun well, nor did they have the life span of thousands of years of high elves, Even talent can't match. The power of human mages is far from the opponent of elves.

But it is precisely because of humble, so the pursuit of greatness; It is because of shortness that we pursue eternity; Just because they are as weak as mole ants, the pursuit can be equal to the power of the gods. It is this kind of natural lowliness, weakness and short life that makes the pursuit and enthusiasm of human mages far surpass the high elves and even the ancient upper elves.

The high elves are ahead of human beings because of their long life, good environment (sun well) and perfect knowledge. However, it is precisely because of these that the high elves are far from aware of their own problems, that is, laziness. They are far less diligent than their disciples. Few Elves will study tirelessly like human beings, have no foreign enemies and live a long life, Abundant food makes the life of the high elves very soothing. The spell progress of the high elves who have lost their initiative has been at a standstill. And human beings are like a newborn sunrise, full of vitality.

After the replacement of mages from generation to generation, the later mages have lost the caution of their predecessors. At this time, human abuse of arcane power has surpassed the high elves.

The energy fluctuation of arcane was introduced into the void, which once again attracted the attention of the void demons. It was also because these humans used the arcane power wantonly, which made the space near Dalaran very fragile. The demons slipped in through the crack and caused a lot of deaths and injuries. At this time, the magicians felt that the situation was serious, Then they sent the most powerful mages to catch those demons, but they were frightened to find that their power was not the opponent of these demons at all.

They had no choice but to ask the high elves for help. After the high elves sent their most powerful wizards to find out the reason, they soon found out the seriousness of the problem. So the high elves told their ignorant human students about the war that almost destroyed the world in ancient times. Therefore, the high-level mages of Dalaran knew the name of the most evil and powerful terrorist organization in the universe - the Burning Legion.

After listening to the story, the mages were still a little frightened. After all, most mages are still normal people, not crazy. However, the mages' innate confidence and even arrogance make them feel that there is no problem that magic can't solve. If there is, your magic is not strong enough.

This is true of all mages, including high elves, even Allen and the former arcane empire. All casters are curious about the unknown and lack awe of power. The once arcane Empire swept across many planes in the most glorious period, and even began to counterattack the abyss. Finally, it began to touch the field of gods. Finally, the brilliant arcane civilization was ended and the powerful arcane empire fell apart.

Earlier, in the age of the Witch King, the same was true of wizards. The emergence of ancient evil things originated from some taboo studies in the age of the Witch King.

The ignorant are fearless. After so many lessons, wizards and magicians have learned a lesson and know how to restrain power, but the high elves and humans in this world don't think so at all.

The high elves thought that as long as there was a magic border covering the whole kingdom, they could rest easy. Therefore, after the ancient war and the establishment of a new kingdom of quel'danas, the high elves began to enjoy it and completely forgot the Burning Legion. While enjoying the convenience of magic, the other side doesn't think about continuing research to make itself strong. The fact proved that the magic border they relied on could not make them relax.

After the establishment of quel'danas, they were threatened by the zuaman trolls. These forest trolls fought with the high elves for a long time, and a large number of trolls posed a serious threat to the high elves. It was not until the high elves formed a coalition with humans and taught magic to humans that they completely defeated the zuaman trolls with the help of humans.

After eliminating the threat of trolls, the high elves returned to the soothing social state again. They believed that the border shrouding the kingdom could protect them forever, but soon these high elves would suffer from their own consequences.

After experiencing demons, humans finally realized the danger, but they felt that it was not insurmountable. The reputation of the Burning Legion did not stop Dalaran's mages, even slightly reducing their use of Arcane spells.

The magoclas Council in Dalaran soon came up with a way: use the power of arcane to create an extraordinary existence close to the power of gods, and let him hunt and kill those damn demons that affect their arcane research. This idea was supported by all mages, so this method was immediately adopted.

The two councils elected dozens of the most powerful mages of Azeroth from their respective mage groups to form the tirisfa Council. The Council will use arcane magic to inject incomparably powerful power into the people selected by the Council to create an artificial demigod called guardian.

This artificial demigod is the guardian of Dalaran. Because the space crack is not large, and Azeroth has a defense system built by Titans, it is difficult for too powerful demons to come to this world, so the demons who enter Azeroth through the space crack are actually just some small characters, such as the evil devil leaders with names in the Burning Legion.

Guardians with demigod power will naturally be relaxed and happy to deal with these small characters. Therefore, in the next two thousand years, these demons will be hanged by all kinds. When the guardians are old or tired of this secret war against evil, the parliament will elect a new strong one, Under the condition of ensuring safety, the guardian's power is officially introduced into the new agent.

In Allen's opinion, the inheritance of this power is not a good idea. You know, it's not easy for them to give up after obtaining such a powerful power. When a person has a power far beyond others and there is no limit to this power, once the human with power has other thoughts, The whole tirisfa parliament has no countermeasures. This guardian can do whatever he wants, but you have no way

Finally, there was a problem with their method, and a disobedient man-made demigod appeared - egwen.

Only then did the tirisfa Council realize how foolish it was for them to hand over all the nuclear bombs and launch buttons to one person. Aegwynn's powerful power allows her to do whatever she wants, while the tirisfa Council can only wait for Aegwynn's life to run out and die, and then take back the power of the guardian.

But their calculation was wrong again. Egwen played hi. I didn't want to die, so he used magic to prolong his life by 800 years. He consumed all the people in the former tirisfa Council... It's not enough. The guardian who released himself finally felt that he had finished his addiction and wanted to find a successor.

Before, the successor of the guardian was selected by the tirisfa Council, but this time egwen did not intend to do so. Why should you weak chickens choose the guardian? As a guardian, I choose whoever I want to choose. I won't accept you to beat me!

Then Aegwynn went to find a man and left a baby. The baby was Medivh, but Aegwynn didn't know that her son was not just her son. Because of some problems, he was forcibly occupied by the soul of Sargeras, the demon king, and finally killed the tirisfa Council (this Council was really unlucky).

Then Medivh personally opened the dark door and guided the orcs to invade Azeroth. As a result, mankind suffered great losses and was almost pushed by the orcs. Due to Allen's intervention, the Dragon throat tribe did not cause too serious consequences, and Dalaran did not suffer serious losses. Therefore, Dalaran was still intact at this time, and mankind did not learn enough lessons.

When Allen appeared in lodamir lake, the mage city still continued its brilliance. The whole city was shrouded in a camouflage barrier. The city could not be seen from the outside world, but it had no effect on Allen. He had real eyes and completely ignored this level of magic barrier.

The chip scanned the border. There was still some gap between the magic of the world and the wizard world. Allen easily cracked the permission inside. After a little modification, he got the permission to enter and leave at will.

PS: sacrifice this book. The old author of "extreme night player" opened a pit. He used to write "witch's Tavern", but his car overturned.