"I've always been curious about your world." nozdom took Alan to visit the cave of time. The cave of time is a very strange place. It seems to exist in time and space, and the space is very broad.

In the innermost Hall of the cave of time, it is like another world opened up in the void. It looks like being in the universe. Countless stars move slowly in the void. The golden time silly Lou floats in the center of the cave, emitting dazzling brilliance. There are many time gates here, and countless time lines meet here, Time lines merge into a purple river of time.

In this long river of time, Allen saw countless pictures, which seemed to be the reflection of the world.

"I come from a wizard world, which is a world controlled by wizards," Allen said with a smile.

"Wizard?" asked nozdom in some doubt.

"They are very similar to the Wizards in this world, but they are more powerful than them." Allen briefly introduced the Wizards: "it can be said that wizards are a group of people who explore the mysteries of the world."

"Of course, some wizards often use extreme means to explore the unknown, so wizards are also dangerous," Alan shrugged.

"A very contradictory evaluation," nozdom said with interest.

"It's really contradictory. At first, wizards often abused their power to do some dangerous experiments. Some experiments failed and died in these experiments, but those who succeeded gained great power."

"Some wizards lost in power began to frantically pursue more powerful power. They carried out more dangerous experiments. Finally, the experiments had serious consequences, and the brilliant wizard civilization was almost cut off."

"Unrestricted abuse of power will eventually eat its own fruit," nozdom nodded.

"This kind of thing is happening all the time in the multiverse. When the world encounters a crisis of extinction, there are often some children of planes. Their appearance is to save the whole world, but some people succeed and some people fail."

"Multiverse? Is that the world you came to?"

"Yes or no, it is a cosmic concept, which contains many different planes and worlds."

"It sounds interesting. I really want to visit it when I have a chance."

"It's really interesting. People who explore different worlds are called travelers."

"Of course, there are many different names, 'plane merchant', 'star Explorer', 'plane traveler', 'plane predator' and so on."

"Traveling mage is a very dangerous profession. When you don't have enough power, you'd better not carry out this activity easily."

"Has Lord Allen experienced many worlds?" nozdom asked with interest.

"Experienced some," Alan nodded. "But you can't go to these worlds?"

"Why?" nozdom asked strangely.

"It's not that I don't want to give you the coordinates of these worlds, but because you can't leave Azeroth," Ellen shrugged.

"Can't leave Azeroth?" nozdom looked at Allen suspiciously.

"Yes, I can't leave," Alan nodded.

"Since you Guardian dragons have received the blessing of the founding Titan, you can't leave here."

"The blessing they give you is the power of the world."

"In the multiverse, this power is usually called a deity!" Allen said with a mysterious smile.

"God?" nozdom was confused. After talking to Allen, he felt that he was an ignorant child. The more he knew, more problems would arise. He only knew that he was a time guardian and could freely cross the shuttle in the long river of Azeroth century.

"Shenge, a very magical thing in the multi universe, is the crystallization of the plane rules. If you master it, you can control the powerful power, but he is also a bondage. Once you accept it, you can never leave the world unless you give up on your own."

"Your use of divinity is only a primary use, far from exploring the potential of divinity." Allen glanced at nozdom, who listened to Allen's explanation seriously.

"The most important function of divine personality is to become a God."

"Be a god!" nozdom's eyes stared and his breath began to rush. So far, there are no other gods in Azeroth except those Titans and ancient gods. As for the moon goddess Elune believed by the night elves, she is only a belief, not a God.

"There are many gods in the multiverse. These gods can be divided into three kinds."

"The first God is the ancient god," Allen said with a smile. "The Titan of Azeroth is equivalent to the ancient god."

"The ancient gods are powerful and are the first batch of creatures after the birth of the universe. The ancient gods are powerful and master many rules in the universe. If there is no accident, the life of these ancient gods is almost eternal as the universe."

"The number of ancient gods is very small, especially when the ruling world develops and matures, these ancient gods will retire one after another, which is difficult to meet. At least I have experienced many planes and have not met any ancient gods."

"I have to say that you are lucky to guard dragons," Allen said inexplicably.

"In addition to the ancient gods, the second God is to believe in God."

"This kind of God has the largest number and is also the only God that ordinary creatures can achieve."

"Can ordinary creatures become gods?" nozdom asked strangely.

"Be people, but they need one thing."

"Is it a God?"

"Yes, it's the God!"

"The strength of divine personality is that it can make an ordinary person a god!"

"Of course, he has limitations."

"It's not easy to believe in God. You can't become a God with a divine personality."

"Divine personality is only one of the basic conditions for becoming a God."

"First of all, you have to determine your clergy, field, race, etc."

"If you want to canonize God, you need enough believers. These believers will provide you with the power of belief, that is, the source of divine power. For the ancient god, it doesn't matter whether there are believers or not. Their power comes from themselves. It doesn't matter whether there are believers or not. For the belief in God, believers are the foundation. The divine power of believing in God comes entirely from believers. Once you lose believers, it's not important A belief in God will become weaker and weaker. "

"The power will gradually dissipate. When the divine power disappears to a certain extent, they will fall into a deep sleep. Many believers in God will become weaker and weaker because of the failure of the divine war. Finally, they will fall into a deep sleep. If there is no divine power to supplement, the God will eventually fall into a deep sleep."

"To believe in God, we need to establish our own sect, including believers, have their own priests and priests, have church guards, and finally form a complete sect."

"A God with a church is a real God."

"Believers provide the power of faith for the gods, and the gods will give back to the believers. In the research of wizards, this form of church is more like a mutually beneficial symbiotic model. Of course, there are stingy gods who are unwilling to give back the power of believers, and the consequences of these gods will eventually disappear."

"In addition to believing in gods and ancient gods, the third kind of gods is indigenous gods," Allen continued.

"Indigenous gods are just a model. Most of these gods are false gods. They have their own believers. Their strength is different. The most powerful indigenous gods are no worse than the true gods. The weakest indigenous gods are actually some natural spirits and ancestor worship."

"They may be able to give some divine arts and even have their own exclusive professionals, but the vast majority of these indigenous gods like blood sacrifice, cruelty, xenophobia and so on. Some were originally just some extraordinary creatures, discovered and worshipped by some ignorant aborigines. The strength of the vast majority of indigenous gods are demigods or pseudogods."

"Of course, it's just what I know, not absolutely," Allen said.

"Thank you very much for your story," nozdom said sincerely.

"In addition to these gods, there are evil gods and evil gods in the multiverse. These can be said to be the same gods, but their own route has problems. The most obvious sign is blood sacrifice. Almost all evil gods like blood sacrifice. Although the development of believers can also obtain power, this model has slow effect and is very troublesome, so some gods are looking for help There are some special methods. "

"Blood sacrifice is only one of them. This method can enable gods to obtain powerful power in a short time, which is far from comparable to the development of believers. However, this method has great side effects, and almost all evil gods are mentally abnormal..."

"Although the blood sacrifice can enhance the strength for a period of time, every time you accept the blood sacrifice, you will receive great grievances. These grievances are difficult to eliminate and will be attached to the soul. When the grievances are strong enough, it will cause the division and chaos of the soul of the gods."

In all worlds, evil gods are unpopular. As long as evil gods appear, they are exterminated at the first time.

Belief in God has its own kingdom, which is created by divine power. In the kingdom of God, the power of the gods is the most powerful, and it is also the agreement between the gods and believers. After the death of a devout believer, his soul can enter the kingdom of the gods he believes in, revive here and become a prayer and merge. Usually, The prayer can live in the kingdom of God for about 100 years. When the life of the prayer reaches the end, he will integrate into the kingdom of God.

The longer the gods live, the more backup they have. As for the world's guardian dragon, Allen thinks they are the easiest to become gods.