Shadow planes.

When Allen entered here through plane transmission, a gray world appeared in front of him.

As Allen's figure enters the shadow plane, his whole person is stained with a gray tone. The shadow plane does not exclude other colors, but all people or objects entering the shadow plane will be ashed. There will be a shadow like gray on the surface.

This change comes from the rules of the shadow plane. Unless some magic blessings are used, no one can resist it. The color of the shadow plane is monotonous, only white and black, and the objects existing in the real plane also exist in the shadow plane. It looks like the shadow of the material plane.

Similarly, this plane also has the sun. Even rain, snow, hail and storms also exist, but the color is always gray, even the sun.



"Discover the negative energy fluctuation!... scan the breath of the dead!... scan the negative energy spiritual body!... scan the breath of the abyss!..."

"Increased radiation intensity!..."

"Higher element resistance!"

Allen enchanted himself and began to observe his surroundings.

For the shadow plane, Allen is also the first time to enter, but he still knows the basic information of this plane. As soon as he enters here, he feels the breath of the abyss.

There are as like as two peas of the shadow and the main material plane. There are many similarities in many places. For example, if it is a mountain on the main material plane, it will be a mountain on the shadow level, but there are also differences. For example, the building here does not always have the same material plane. But it will definitely be what the main physical plane once had.

Here is the projection of the material plane. For unknown reasons, there is a shadow plane highly similar to the material plane.

"Sure enough, there is a problem here."

Allen pulled a gray green weed from the ground, checked it and said. This grass has been stained with the smell of the abyss. The shadow plane is not. Although it has strong negative energy, it is not the abyss. There will be no such sulfur smell and the rotten smell of the abyss.

In addition to these, there are many mists in the shadow plane, which makes the already gray shadow plane more blurred. Allen clearly sensed that there were obvious changes in negative energy in the fog, and some distorted shadows floated aimlessly.

This half energy life is the aboriginal of the shadow plane. They have obvious soul characteristics. Many wizards believe that they are transformed by soul.

Distorted shadows are immune to 80% of physical attacks, and some are powerful or even completely immune. They are born with concealment ability and can hide in the shadow. Ordinary weapons do limited damage to them. And this kind of thing belongs to social life, and it is a group as soon as it appears.

"Eye of reconnaissance!"

Allen released the detection spells and asked them to collect the information of this plane. The eye of investigation belongs to a high-level spell, which can summon one or several eyes. These eyes have no entity, move fast, have their own invisibility, have good hiding effect, are immune to most physical attacks, and are also resistant to spells. After improvement, this spell has higher invisibility.

The fog drifted slowly around, and some twisted shadows and ghosts hid in it. As Alan entered the fog, some ghosts and twisted shadows began to sneak close to him.


"Soul awe!"

A light like day suddenly appeared, and then the wave of soul swept across it. The surrounding twisted shadows and ghosts uttered a shrill scream, and then completely dissipated in the magic light.


A slight noise came, Alan frowned, and then looked around. There were many strange things on the shadow plane, with all kinds of strange abilities. Some things even Allen felt headache.

There are almost no living creatures with flesh and blood on the shadow plane, so the creatures here are quite rare, desolate and barren. The life bodies here are not friendly because they have strong negative energy and are very aggressive, which is essentially closer to the lower plane.


A slight tremor came from the earth under his feet, and Alan immediately felt something in the soil.

"Under the earth? The dead?"

With a snap of his fingers, Allen flew off the ground, and then looked at the position where he had just stood. He saw mounds like tombs rising on the ground, and the next moment a skeleton claw stretched out from the mound. Then the earth flew, and a skeleton undead came out of it.

These undead are more than two meters tall, with strong bones and a metallic luster. Their arms have changed. One turns into a sharp bone spur and the other into a ferocious bone sickle. Bone spurs grow on their body joints, looking ferocious and terrible.

"Bone Demon!" seeing the shape of these skeleton undead, Allen recognized it in an instant. It was the product of skeleton evolution, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Seeing these undead creatures, Alan is not in a hurry. Although he is not a necromancer or school of the dead, he knows a lot about the dead. You should know that the black book of the dead is a complete book of black magic, and there is a lich mentor.

These undead creatures in front of him may be a big and trouble for other wizards, but Allen just consumes some magic.

"Soul calming dispel!"

A little golden light burst from Allen's hands. The magic from the sun golden Sutra had a restraining effect on the dead. With the instant diffusion of the golden light, all the bones of the dead were swept away.

"Hua La Hua!"

The crashing sound of scattered bones kept coming, all the skeleton undead were destroyed, a little soul fire dispersed, the rich negative energy breath around swept away, and the ghosts hidden in the fog avoided here. Even the surrounding fog was dispersed.

Seeing nothing else around, Allen's body disappeared. With Allen's departure, some ghosts came here again. Their goal is to understand the power of death. A large number of undead die. The power of death around is strong, which is a great tonic for those ghosts.

Over a twisted shadow forest, Allen's figure suddenly appeared. There was no fog here. In Allen's perception, there were many life activities in the shadow forest below.

The eye of reconnaissance transmits the picture, and the gray light and shadow appear in front of us. There are a group of distorted shadows. Distorted shadows have no wisdom, and their actions are more from instinct.

They have no fixed nest, do not need to eat, and wander aimlessly around.