Herason sold his soul to the hell demon God in exchange for a long life. Thousands of years passed, countless powerful mages died, but his body remained at the peak forever.

The legendary mage in ancient times was a knowledgeable, gentle and wise man. At that time, he was the chief mage with the highest reputation. However, he also had the common faults of mages, pursuing truth, being proud, conceited and rigid.

The act of enslaving the devil is only to prove that he is stronger than others. He can do what others want but can't do. Enslaving the devil gives him the great title of summoner.

It was also his conceit and pride that made him fall into the abyss. When he found that his life was coming to an end, herason looked for all ways to stop the passage of his life, so he made a decision to take refuge in the devil.

He prayed to the demon God of hell, willing to sell his soul and get eternal life. The demon God of hell agreed, but from that day on, the wise, gentle and knowledgeable herason disappeared and was replaced by a Yin soft, grumpy, vengeful and old-fashioned evil mage.

He has long narrow eyes, high cheekbones, crystal glasses, smooth skin and a pinch of black goat beard under his chin. He was wearing the robe of the chief magician of the red faesgery magic sect. The robe was decorated with a large number of patterns with gold thread. On his head, he was wearing a mage hat with two sharp ends and a concave middle, inlaid with a perfect sapphire, and holding a gold inlaid staff with overflowing magic in his hand. It looked solemn and dignified.

Since he sold his soul to the demon God of hell, dignity has become more and more important to these powers.

In some ways, herason is very similar to most mages, including Allen. He is proficient in many schools, such as dark curse, demon summoning, enslavement of demons, elements, space, prophecy, alchemy and so on. He is a learned mage. When the mage's power reaches a stage, many mages will die involuntarily.

For example, Casas, the famous arcane master among mages, is a little expert in death. It is said that after his strength reached the level of star traveler, he felt that his strength had reached a bottleneck, and then he had a whim to become the God of magic, so he began to study divination.

In the view of normal people, this is an impossible task, because he is not a step-by-step God worship, but forcibly seizes the God, clergy and throne by force. The result was also unexpected. He actually succeeded and invented the 12th level spell - divination.

Then he directly killed the first generation of magic goddess and became the first mage to become a God (and the only one), but it was only for a moment. Because there was too much information to be processed by the God, at the moment of becoming a God, he was drowned by a huge amount of information, so he went straight to GG.

Although Casas died, his influence was far from over. The magic goddess died, which led to the collapse of the magic net and the chaos of the world. The low-level mages lost their magic ability, and even the power of high-level mages was greatly reduced. The more serious consequence was that the floating city of the neserial Empire suffered a devastating blow at that time.

At that time, the energy core used by the floating city was the miser energy core. The miser energy core was made with the help of the power of the magic goddess and the magic net. Without the magic net, the miser energy core lost its energy in an instant. The huge floating city fell directly from the sky, and the brilliant neserial Empire declined.

Also for this reason, the reborn magic goddess modified the rules of the magic net and no longer allowed human life to cast spells above level 11 with the help of the magic net.

In fact, it is not the first time that the world crisis was caused by the caster. In the silver age, due to the abuse of spells by arcane masters, the main material plane was seriously polluted, and finally the gods solved it. In the earlier Witch King period, due to some taboo studies of the sophistry school, a large number of evil things, even ancient evil things, appeared. At that time, the whole material plane was almost destroyed.

There was also the most glorious period of arcane civilization, the arcane empire. Because the research of arcane masters touched the bottom line of the gods, a war between the gods and arcane masters began. As a result, the brilliant arcane civilization collapsed and the gods suffered heavy losses. It seems that when magic civilization reaches a certain level, it will always break the wrist with the gods.


With a long life, if you don't find something to do for yourself, it's very boring. Herason stayed in the mysterious shelter for magic experiments, and suddenly felt that a large number of demons under him died.

All the demons in the shelter were summoned by herason from hell through a secret method. These summoned creatures only have a mysterious soul connection with him. However, because of the large number of summoned creatures, he usually shields these connections, leaving only some weak feelings. However, when more and more demons die, these feelings become stronger and stronger, and finally, These movements caught his attention.

Herason frowned, stopped the experiment, and went to the center of the hall. There was a mirror and raised the staff. Herason read a series of obscure and tongue twister spells in front of the mirror, and then a magic light was aroused from the staff. The magic light disappeared into the mirror, as if affected by some force. The originally blurred mirror began to ripple like the water, Then it became clear.

An image appeared in the mirror, and then a man and a woman appeared in the mirror. It was Alan and Helen who saw their bodies flying in mid air, magic flying out one after another, and all the demons around were killed by them.

Herason looked at Allen with a dignified look. At this time, the man in the mirror suddenly turned around and smiled at herason. Then the picture disappeared and the mirror fell into darkness again.

Seeing this, herason tightened his heart and quickly cast the spell, but the mirror didn't respond. He cast it several times in a row, and the mirror finally lit up again, but the two figures disappeared.


In the mysterious shelter, Allen waved and summoned a wind blade to kill a demon, and a feeling of being watched rose in his heart. Then he performed his prophecy and found the mouse peeping in the dark. It was the owner of the mysterious shelter, herason.

He smiled at him, then blocked his spell, and Allen flew quickly towards the perceived position.

Just now, herason's spell was discovered by Allen, and his position was also exposed. Allen adjusted his direction and flew directly towards the perceived position.