People are simple, but they are often foolish. When they decided one thing, it was difficult for Prince Viken and Princess Anna, who were too young to have enough prestige, to convince them.

In the face of this dark crowd, Princess Anna also felt at a loss. Although she could face vampires and werewolves without fear, she had never experienced the scene of confrontation with the people she guarded.

"This is the person you want to protect!" a calm voice came. Fan Haixin turned his head and saw that it was the wizard.

"They are ignorant, greedy and philistine. They don't have any problems at ordinary times. Once you affect their interests, everything will explode," Allen said, looking at the crowd in front of him.

"This is also the reason why I am regarded as a murderer every time. All countries don't welcome me and treat me as a wanted criminal, but when things get more and more serious, we need to clean up the mess." fan Haixin sneered at the crowd.

"This is not what you should say. As a member of the Holy Knights, humility, integrity, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor and soul! Because it should be your code of conduct, and these people are believers of your Lord. Shouldn't you go out to protect them as the Lord's Hound?" Alan looked at fan Haixin with a smile.

"If I had done what you said, I wouldn't have known where to die." van Helsing ignored Allen's sarcasm and closed his sleeves at any time.

"Ha ha." Alan chuckled, stopped talking, and turned to look at the farce in front of him.

"Go to hell!" just as the situation became more and more unstable, a loud cry sounded. Then 'bang!' A shot fired.

As a hunter, Matthew's shotgun is the best in the whole Transylvania city. In the crowd, he saw the wizard nearby talking and laughing with another foreigner, while his wife was like a living dead man. Matthew, who was extremely angry, wanted to raise his shotgun and shoot the wizard directly.

The bullet of the large caliber shotgun whirled and came to Allen with a burning breath. At this time, an energy shield appeared in front of Allen and directly blocked the bullet out.

Allen snapped his fingers expressionless. The bullet stuck in mid air flew back at a faster speed and hit Matthew directly in the middle of the eyebrow.

"Bang" was like a watermelon being broken, Matthew's skull was directly lifted out, and a large amount of blood mixed with white brain splashed out.

The blood spread under the gate, and what spread faster than the blood was the crowd around Matthew. In an instant, there was only a lonely bleeding body lying on the ground, and no one had a foothold within two meters.

The villagers' faces were very pale. Although they had long known that the wizard's means were strange, they did not expect that the other party could easily kill one person without moving his hands and feet.

"Are you crazy? He is just a poor man whose wife has suffered misfortune, and his attack is not dangerous to you. Why kill him?" Princess Anna was stunned. She reacted from the bloody conflict in front of her and immediately drew a knife at Alan and asked.

"Anna, stop!" vicon's face changed greatly, rushed away from the surrounding crowd, grabbed Anna's arm and grabbed the weapon.

"Wizard, please forgive Anna's offense." Viken saluted Allen quickly.

Allen glanced at him without speaking, but turned his eyes to the civilians. With Allen's eyes sweeping, all the civilians did not dare to look at him, and his body retreated involuntarily.

"Roll!" a voice seemed to ring out in everyone's heart. All the civilians only felt their souls shake, their faces turned white, and many people fell directly to the ground.

The next moment, the civilians who came back to their senses withdrew in horror, and the civilians in the front row wanted to hide their bodies in the cracks in the ground.

"In any case, Transylvania doesn't welcome you! As long as you stay here, you can't get any food and help from us!" although you don't have the courage to have a physical conflict with these strangers directly, it doesn't prevent some unwilling townspeople from putting down their cruel words.

"This is the main reason why the Holy See has ignored this place for 400 years!" fan Haixin sighed at the retreating crowd.

"In the past, the Holy See has repeatedly sent an exorcism team composed of Holy Spirit knights and monster hunters to try to disintegrate Dracula's power, but the key is that they can't kill Count Dracula and solve vampires, so everything is doomed to be in vain."

“ "In the process of fighting, whenever the vampires lose something, they will take revenge on the ordinary townspeople. Every time a werewolf vampire dies, they will kill more townspeople for revenge. At the beginning, the townspeople can tolerate such sacrifice, but as more and more people are killed, the culprit Dracula is always at large, they can't tolerate it It even developed into not selling food and medicine to the Exorcist team and driving them away. "

"Even the most devout knights can not be afraid of the cruelty of the enemy, can endure the pain of hunger and thirst, and can regard sacrifice as glory, but they can't bear to bear the accusation and hatred from the religious people they protect while fighting evil."

"Ironically, because Dracula's terrorist forces are enveloping this area, it has not been affected by the surrounding wars for 400 years. During the war, there were refugees who fled here to avoid the war."

"Do you mean that our family has fought Dracula for hundreds of years, which is just a joke?" Princess Anna asked coldly.

Van Helsing shrugged and said, "I have always admired the courage and sacrifice of the novilelis family!"

By implication, he only acknowledged the courage and sacrifice of the novilelis family. As for strength

"You..." Princess Anna couldn't hear it, but she sadly found that she couldn't find anything to refute.

"What you said is the past." Viken put his arm around his sister Anna's shoulder and said, "Dracula is doomed this time. I promise with the honor of our novilelis family and the opportunity to enter heaven that I will send that dirty bat to hell."

"I hope so!" van Helsing nodded without retorting.

Allen looked at the people and didn't speak. Instead, he turned back to the house with Shirley. He didn't care about the people outside. He cared more about the sewing monster in the laboratory.