With two scriptures, Allen is also going to get the Scorpion King bracelet.

The Scorpion King's bracelet is said to be something given by the God of death to the scorpion emperor. This bracelet can summon the army of Anubis, the God of death, and help him conquer the whole Egypt.

Allen doesn't know the strength of the death army, but these armies are immortal and so many. They are absolutely qualified cannon fodder troops.

However, because of his intervention, it is impossible for imorton to resurrect, and O'Connor and Evelyn may not meet again. Their child, the little boy who found the bracelet of death, may not appear. Allen probably couldn't find the legendary death bracelet. In that case, he decided to go back to China to find the spring of eternal life.

Although China in this world is not his original motherland, he is full of good feelings because of the same culture and language. And in this country, there is a fountain of longevity, the mysterious Shangri La.

With the death of imorton, the ten disasters it brought disappeared, the Nile in the distance became clear again, the dust storm disappeared, and the falling fireball went out, as if all the disasters just now were illusions.

The curator of the museum and the leader of the Pharaoh's bodyguard were just ready to fight to the death and wanted to kill the demon imoden, but just when they rushed out of Cairo, all the disasters disappeared.

"What's going on?"

"The ten disasters are over before they are finished?"

"Imorton was killed!" an answer popped up in their hearts.


In this era, the best means of transportation to return to China is the ship. At this time, although there are airlines, the plane is still wooden, slow, short range and narrow space. Allen doesn't intend to take this to China.

At this time, China was still in the warlord period. The just concluded World War I exhausted the European powers. China's broad market could provide them with a lot of nutrients.

Take a boat from Egypt, cross the Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea, enter the East China Sea, and finally come to the magic capital. It has to be said that at this time, the magic capital is still the largest city in Asia. There are lights and wine everywhere. Countless foreign compradors are high spirited and rampant in this city.

To tell the truth, he doesn't like this era. He is insensitive, greedy and ignorant. It can be said that it is the worst era. However, when you see a group of young students shouting slogans and marching, you will find that this era is progressive, open and struggling. This is a complex that lags behind progress.

Instead of staying here, Allen went straight up the Yangtze River and then entered the plateau. There is a fairy land among people in the legendary Himalayas. It is mysterious and harmonious. It is located in the west of the Himalayas and surrounded by mountains. The residents here live forever and have a rich life. It is an ideal Utopia.

There is the legendary longevity spring here. Although Allen's life is long, no one will think his life is long. Shangri la is hidden in the mountains. There is a temple there. I don't know the specific location. Allen can only look for it one by one. Fortunately, although the scope of the Himalayas is not small, most of them are restricted areas of life.

Allen uses magic to detect the range of life. Magic searches from mountain to mountain. As long as he finds signs of human activities, he will know at the first time.

When there is no clue, Allen can only rely on this stupid method. Fortunately, although the scope was wide, it took Allen months to find some traces.

In a valley with an altitude of more than six kilometers, he found some signs of life similar to human beings. After approaching, he found that these were actually Himalayan snowmen.

The snowman population is very small, only a dozen. The adult snowman is nearly three meters tall, covered with thick brown or gray hair, walking on both legs, landing on all fours when running, agile and powerful. Find these snowmen. Alan knows that he is very far from Shangri La.

Sure enough, after searching here, Allen found a temple. A suspension bridge connects the temple and the outside world. Under the suspension bridge is an abyss. Walking through the suspension bridge, there is a Lama Temple in front of him. The broken stone buildings in front of the door have accumulated thick snow. No one has visited the temple for a long time.

Pushing open the half closed door, Allen walked into the temple. There were many Buddha statues. The Buddha statues were covered with dust. Allen snapped his fingers and blew a whirlwind to remove the dust. I walked around the room for a few times. There was nothing valuable except some Dharma tools and Buddhist classics.

In the backyard of the temple, there is a three story Pagoda with a huge gem embedded at the top of the pagoda. In this ice and snow, it blooms colorful and gorgeous light.

"The eye of Shangri La!" Allen murmured in the air. This is the gem that guided him into Shangri La.

This gem looks like a diamond, but the reflected brilliance is colorful. Allen felt it with his mental strength. There is no magic fluctuation. This is an ordinary gem. According to the plot, the gem will be stolen after 1940 and fall into the hands of the British, and then the o'connors will return here with it.

Just as Allen observed the gem and wanted to find Shangri La, a figure suddenly jumped at him from mid air. A little cold awn appeared and reflected the sun. The next moment, it drove in front of Allen.


Alan snapped his fingers, and the petite figure paused in an instant. As early as entering the temple, Allen found that there were people in it. Such strong vitality was as conspicuous as a firefly in the night in Allen's perception. The scan of the chip marked her position directly.

The one in front of us should be Lin Na, the daughter of Ziyuan in the film. Alan is not cold about the story of the tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Although she is immortal, her strength is still in the category of normal people. Alan easily caught her.

Looking at the girl at least 2000 years old in front of him, Allen directly asked, "Shangri La is right here!"

The young girl Lina looked at Alan with a wary and stubborn face, and didn't mean to speak at all. For 2000 years, she has been taught by Ziyuan to be a ruthless assassin who is extremely hostile to the Dragon Emperor. This is an unreasonable poor man. It's crazy to think about hiding in such a inaccessible place for 2000 years.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. If you find the eye of Shangri La, I can find Shangri La too." Allen moved and flew directly.

"Don't go, you running dog of the Dragon Emperor!" Lina's face changed greatly when she saw Alan flying.

"Hey, it's up to you!" Allen began to look around, looking for the legendary Shangri La.