Dilapidated houses, dirty streets, and the smell of fish and biological excreta are intertwined in the air. This is a busy market,

Surrounded by a large number of ragged pedestrians, in the distant port, a team of red shrimp soldiers in red uniforms and tight pants walked around with old-fashioned muskets.

On the cliff in the distance, there are some hanged prisoners hanging. According to their costumes, they should be pirates.

Frowning, Alan turned and left the market.

"The element concentration is in a low magic state. Science and technology is the earth around the 18th century. The languages include English, French and Spanish. This should be the earth during the great navigation period."

After a few casual observations, Allen roughly figured out his era.

"Earth, 18th century, pirates, low magic environment, these add up to be pirates of the Caribbean."

The pace of the abyss is getting closer and closer, and Allen's time is becoming more and more urgent. After starting the clone, he stays in the wizard tower to guard, and then opens the crossing interface to directly open the plane crossing.

In the 18th century, in the vigorous era of great navigation, countless women poured into the ocean for wealth and status, driving sailing warships and obtaining huge wealth in the ocean.

Ships of gold, silver, sugar, tobacco, coffee and other goods were continuously transported from the new world to Europe by businessmen. Countless businessmen entered the marine trade under the temptation of gold.

Set sail from Europe in the old continent, filled with cheap industrial products, came to Africa to trade with some large tribes to obtain black slaves or directly capture black slaves, and then the ships filled with black slaves set sail along the North Equatorial current, across the Atlantic and to the Caribbean. In this process, half of the black slaves died at sea due to diseases and other reasons, and the rest were sold to local planters.

Next, ships loaded with gold and silver, various sugars, tobacco and other raw materials returned to Europe along the Mexican warm current and the North Atlantic warm current. This is the black triangle trade that flows with gold and is also full of evil in history.

Piracy, an ancient profession, also flourished with the prosperity of marine trade.

The huge and enviable benefit was that pirates were rampant in the Caribbean At that time. Countless people were willing to join the ranks of Pirates bravely and bravely risking the punishment of being caught and sentenced to hanging.

Even the vast majority of maritime merchants also engage in piracy.

While doing normal trade, they raise pirate flags when they find the target, kill people and set fire to sell stolen goods, and the sea will bury all these sins.

A large number of farmers who lost their land, criminals, villains and craftsmen who were run into bankruptcy took risks to become sailors or pirates.

There are countless pirate treasures and all kinds of strange rumors. Countless mysteries are hidden in the sea. More and more people dream of finding pirate treasures and becoming rich.

Some remote pirates were occupied by pirates and developed into pirate ports. A large number of Pirates gathered here. Similarly, smugglers and prostitutes also came in one after another. Here has become a place to sell stolen goods. Countless pirates are drunk in brothels, pubs and casinos here.

Pirates created the abnormal prosperity of these ports, arms, food and drinks. Industrial products are sold in large quantities here.

There are not only a large number of Pirates among the people, but also officials have issued private plunder licenses to legalize pirates with private plunder licenses. In the future, the famous Empire of never setting sun will start from pirates.

Recalling the history of the world, Allen began to look for what he needed, such as the fountain of youth in the Caribbean World, the goddess of the sea, the mermaid, the giant sea monster, and the legendary trident of Poseidon, the God of the sea.

The attraction of the fountain of youth to Allen is limited, but it can bless another person's life to itself and can only be used once. Mermaids are very beautiful, but they can't use magic. Allen doesn't have much interest in them. The octopus face is interesting. You can try to extract the soul and the sea monster's blood to see what you find.

The goddess of the sea may be the first God Allen met. Although on the surface, her power is limited and sealed, Allen doesn't think she is a weak chicken. You know, even the lowest weak God is stronger than the legend. Although Allen is strong, he is not ready to have a hard anus with the gods.

Perhaps the most exciting thing in the world is the artifact. The trident of Poseidon, the sea god, is no matter how weak it is, it is definitely stronger than the demonized items made by Allen. What's more, Poseidon is one of the main gods, at least a God with medium divine power, or even a powerful divine power. Although it disappeared for unknown reasons, the weapons he left behind are absolutely powerful.

It's not easy to find that artifact. As a sea god, he can only find it in the right way in the sea. He doesn't know these clues, but someone knows that it is Jess sparrow, the protagonist of the world, the captain of black pearl. But before that, Alan needs a boat.

Jack Sparrow has a magical compass that can guide you in the direction of what you're looking for.

Port Royal, Jamaica island.

This is a port with tens of thousands of people. It is a great big city in this period. As a shipping center and commercial center in the Caribbean, it is prosperous, and there are several battleships in the port.

The port now belongs to the British. The British regard it as a free port. In fact, it is the largest pirate port in history. A large number of Pirates recruited by British "gentlemen" used this as their home port to plunder the fleets of other countries.

Asked the surrounding citizens about the location of the city hall. Allen came here along the street. Outside the door, two red shrimp soldiers stood at the door with fireguns on their backs. Allen exercised [dominate mankind] and easily obtained a legal identity from the affairs officer.

Because he didn't know how long he would stay here, Allen was going to build a residence here. He spent a few gold coins. Allen bought a piece of land of one square kilometer, which was located on the hillside. Standing on the hillside, he could look down on the whole port.

It has a good view and is also a vein node. It is enough to be used as a temporary stronghold. After spending some money, a manor was soon built here. Everyone in Royal harbor knows that a rich gentleman has come here. Even the governor of the port invited Alan to his reception, but Alan knows that, Their real purpose is to confirm whether Alan is a pirate who landed.

A manor was built. Allen simply arranged his residence. Many thorns, vines and cannibals were planted at the root of the surrounding wall. These demonized plants can well ensure that he will not be disturbed by some uninvited guests who do not take an ordinary road.

Simply arrange some Rune arrays on the earth vein nodes, and soon the whole yard is full of element energy.