"Chip! Transfer the design drawing of the wizard's robe!"

Soon, the design of the complex wizard's robe appeared in front of Allen.

The mage robe first appeared in the period of the arcane empire. This robe has a variety of materials, including spider silk, Rune cloth, dragon skin or the skin of other demonized animals, metal cloth, etc., but the best is dragon skin. Therefore, many evil dragons active in that period were approached by arcane Masters

The mage robe belonged to the standard of legendary spell casters during the period of the arcane Empire, but since the destruction of the arcane Empire, it has belonged to the highest mage robe. The higher traveling mage robe and star robe have been annihilated in the dust of history.

There is no design drawing of this high-level wizard robe in the five ring tower, but Allen once saw the master robe of President Alfred, and the fluctuation of elements on it is not much worse than that of the master robe. Obviously, the Wizards have designed good equipment.

Allen's set of design drawings is a treasure of his mentor Bandar. After optimizing the chip, Allen began to make his own mage robe.

Operating the bright silver carving knife, he engraved the rune array bit by bit, and the pale gold Rune lines slowly filled in. After three weeks of boring work, Allen burned all the runes. With the successful connection of the last rune, a colorful brilliance bloomed, and the surrounding element energy spontaneously poured into the mage's robe.

When all the light dissipated, a simple mage robe with a dignified atmosphere appeared on the workbench. Because the Dragon skin is used as the main material, this mage robe also comes with dragon power. The strength of dragon power is equivalent to the youth dragon. If you want to fight Allen, you must first make a will judgment. If you fail to pass the judgment, you will fall into a state of shock.

A ray of light enveloped the chip and began to test the quality of the mage's robe.

"Item: Alan's wizard robe.

Level: legendary magic item.

Material: Dragon skin, silver and gold wire.

Physical armor: strong.

Spell resistance: 60.

Additional effects: Longwei (Youth), cleanliness, tenacity, concealment, repair, advanced Qi regeneration (speed up the recovery of magic strength), higher element affinity.

Additional spells: Advanced invisibility {once a day), mind protection (constant), grace of advanced cat (three times a day), tenacity of advanced bear (three times a day), power of advanced bull (three times a day), armor of advanced mage (constant), teleportation (three times a day).

Special effects: Advanced accidental spells and spell sequences.

Evaluation: This is a high-quality wizard robe made by senior casters. "

Compared with the spider silk robe, this mage robe has been greatly improved in all aspects. The mind protection and advanced spell armor have become a constant state, so Allen must break the protective spell first whenever he encounters a sneak attack. Advanced contingency is an enhanced version of contingency, and the matching sequence can release the prepared spells when he is sneaked attack, and can be stored The number and level of spells have been greatly improved.

The appearance of the mage's robe still follows the style of the spider silk robe. The high waist vertical collar windbreaker is elegant and full of dignity. It is much better than the sleeve mage's robe of the five ring tower.

He threw the spider silk robe into the storeroom, and Alan directly changed into the mage robe. He put the remaining materials directly back into the storeroom. Alan hid the gorgeous mage robe and turned it into a simple state. He opened the door of the laboratory and ended the closure.

As high-level wizards, wizards in this period have many life saving spells. As long as they don't kill themselves, they can generally live for a long time. Wizards at this level can study [cloning].

This spell as like as two peas, requires some body tissue, and then clones a body in a specially designed training cabin. Of course, this body is just like the foundation of the body, and physical quality needs to be exercised the day after tomorrow.

Many wizards who are afraid of death will hide their bodies and go out against the trumpet. Even the soul is only separated. Even if the trumpet dies unexpectedly, it will only lose part of the power of the soul. Just take time to clone another one.

The strength of the clone is much lower than that of the body. Allen calculated that his own clone has only the peak strength of the official wizard. However, it is said that the legendary wizard clones are level 3 wizards, and because they control the rules, they are stronger than ordinary level 3 wizards.

It is said that the Lich's life box is also created according to this spell principle, but the lichs are one step closer. As long as the life box doesn't go wrong, they can wave at will. Similarly, most lichs have also improved the prophecy system and performed sealing on their life box. All spell casters who want to search the life box with prophecy will be eaten back, unless their strength is much higher than that of the Lich In the multiverse, the survival ability of Lich is second only to that of ancient evil things.

On the day you become a wizard, a mentor or guide will tell you not to leave your body tissue and hair as much as possible. On the one hand, it is because of cloning and partly because of voodoo school.

Voodoo school likes some things that God talks about, such as poisons, insects, curses and so on. They can curse you with your nails, hair, blood and flesh. The curse is silent and very hidden. You don't necessarily know who it is until you get the move. The strength of the curse also needs the cursed items. Blood and flesh are the best, the more beautiful Fresh and close, the easier it is to succeed and the more powerful it is.

If it is inactive body tissue, the effect on ontology is limited. For wizards with clones, when they find themselves cursed, they can directly transfer the curse to the clones, which can ensure that the noumenon is not hurt.

The emergence of cloning has raised the security level of wizards by several levels. There are also some hobbies. Some special wizards use this spell to do other activities.

For example, a wizard likes another wizard, but others prefer to change him. What should I do? It doesn't matter. Your difficulties can be solved by cloning. As like as two peas or a part of his body, she can clone perfectly the same.

As like as two peas, there is no soul in the clone, so this is just a flesh and blood puppet. If you feel unsatisfied, no problem, these are not matters for the wizard. Soul shaping can create a soul. [memory weaving] can fill and memorizing your meaning. Wisdom enlightenment can shape personality, and you can even create a same. Also, if you like gentle and watery, Queen, mature girl, pure, even if you like gay, you can attack and accept. Is it a sense of accomplishment to roll a trumpet by hand?

Some time after the invention of this spell, there was chaos in the wizard world for some time, and finally a short war broke out. The emergence of this spell also reduced the marriage rate of high-level wizards in the wizard world to the freezing point, and it has only improved slightly until now. After all, a partner who can be designed according to his own heart is much better than marrying others.

Of course, since the unrest, this kind of thing has been banned by the wizard alliance, but no one knows how many there are secretly.