"Chip! Scan the whole structure of the wizard Tower!"

"Calculate the energy transmission data! Detect the operation of the floating ring!"

After the completion of the floating ring, Allen needs to test. After all, there is still a great surprise between the theoretical data and the actual data. If there are some data problems, it may be a big trouble at high altitude, and the accidentally falling floating tower has not appeared.

"Element pool channel open!"

"Energy circuit connected!"

"Rune mark start!"

"Rune border closed!"

"Tallinn! Report the status of the floating tower!" Allen said solemnly when he saw that the preparations were ready.

"The energy of the element pool is 99.7%, and the energy output is normal!"

"The energy circuit is connected and running well!"

"Rune mark activated, wizard tower strength strengthened!"

"Rune border is closed!"

"Start injecting energy into the floating ring!"

"Energy injection 1%, 5%, 10%... 98%, 99%, 100%, reaching the maximum power!"

Looking at the floating ring with a serious expression, a series of data emerged madly. The chip records the operation of the floating ring.

"Tallinn! Report the operation of the wizard Tower!"

"The energy consumption of the element pool is 13%, the energy channel operates normally without damage and leakage, and the rune mark operates normally." taling's cold mechanical sound starts.

"The energy of the element pool is reduced, the energy channel is ready to be disconnected, and the floating ring is closed!" Allen finished the test after seeing that the operation is normal.

Soon, the energy output in the element pool slowly decreased, and the floating ring gradually closed, and finally returned to its original appearance. Breathe out slowly.

"Chip for data analysis."

A large amount of data crossed in front of him, and soon the chip marked out the problems that occurred during the operation of the floating ring. Seeing hundreds of red dots in the profile of the wizard tower, Allen only felt that his head was big for a while.

The parts marked on it need to be modified. Taling didn't find any

"Sure, the lower tower spirit is still not enough. Whether it is a problem or a problem of disposal, it is just like a mental retardation." Alan make complaints about the tower spirit, but he has forgotten that this retarded tower Ling is what he has made.

"The energy conversion rate is low, the energy operation is not smooth, the energy channel is too complicated, and so on. It seems that some of them will be busy in the coming days." after looking at the construction drawing given by the chip, Allen put away the floating ring and began the transformation work.


"Element pool on!"

"Start injecting energy!"

It took a week to deal with the problems found, and Allen started the test run again. Allen didn't expect the report of Tallinn. He turned on the scanning function of the chip and monitored the state of the wizard tower at all times.

Soon the data collection is completed, slowly close the element pool and put away the floating ring.

"Chip! Analyze data!"

Soon a translucent screen appeared and a three-dimensional image of the whole wizard tower emerged.

"Energy transmission efficiency 57.8%!"

"Stable structure."

"Rune mark operation slows down by 0.37 seconds."

"7 ° error in balance."

With the end of the analysis, the chip marked out all the problems in this trial run. Although it was not as exaggerated as the hundreds last time, there were still dozens.

"The chip marks the optimized parts!"

The three-dimensional figure of the wizard tower in front of us directly turned into a section. Various pipeline lines were marked, and red dots appeared on the dense lines.

Put away the floating ring, and Allen began the optimization of the wizard tower again.


After five optimizations, the trial operation was finally successful, and there were no new problems. Allen was relieved that the optimization for a consecutive month was finally over.

The floating ring works well. Next, just separate the base of the floating tower from the earth and you can fly directly. At the thought of here, your tired body is full of energy.

Allen's wizard tower is built in the valley, surrounded by hard rocks. The base has been reinforced with obsidian. The next step is to separate the two.

Allen is going to take the floating tower as the center and the radius of 500 meters together with the tower base, take out a large number of Rune magic steel, and build a solid base under the wizard tower. When the wizard tower takes off, the three underground floors receive the inside of the wizard tower, which requires more than one space folding Rune array.

This workload is not large. Allen, who has completed 90% of the work of the floating tower alone, did not spend much effort to engrave the rune perfectly.

All the connection points of the wizard tower have been disconnected. When the preparations are ready, Allen is ready for his first test flight.

Wizard tower central hub.

This is the control room of the wizard tower. Allen and the little maid are already standing inside. Even Alex and Douglas, who often fight, squat quietly aside.

A crystal screen with an area of nearly 100 square meters stands in the middle, which has been divided into many small windows. The windows show the scenes inside and outside the wizard tower, and the whole wizard tower is under monitoring.

After a test that the wizard tower had no problem, Allen calmed down. When the wizard tower was the most dangerous, a large amount of energy was input into the floating ring, and then the negative gravity array was excited to lift up the wizard tower weighing hundreds of tons. The energy required is undoubtedly huge. There is a little mistake. The chain reaction is likely to be a disaster. Allen had to be careful again and again.

In the history of tibis, the floating tower has crashed more than once because of wrong parameter calculation. After confirming again, Allen slowly ordered:

"Taling, start the floating tower!"

With the order, the element pool is activated, a large amount of light blue energy gushes out along the energy pipeline, the dense energy nodes light up, the energy transmission network is activated, and the floating ring is directly injected into the floating ring along the energy pipeline, and the floating ring shines for a moment.

"The wizard tower has firm structure and normal compression index!"

"There is no leakage in the energy channel! The pressure is normal!"

"Stable energy output of element pool!"

"The connection is disconnected!"

"The floating ring starts working!"

"Ready to take off!"


With a loud noise, the whole mountain trembled slightly, the wizard tower vibrated, and then flew slowly.

"Chip! Scan wizard tower status!"

"The structure of the wizard tower is stable, the internal pressure is in the normal range, the operation of the element pool is normal, and the pressure of the energy pipeline is normal!"

"Taling! Report the energy reserve of the element pool!"

"The energy reserve of the element pool is 91%. At present, the operation is stable. Without starting other equipment, the maximum dead time is expected to be 3 days. Using the stored energy can stay in the air for 7 days. Combat status: unknown!"