A day later, Allen came to a mountain pass, which used to be a fortress. The wide mountain pass was two kilometers wide, with a ruins pass in front.

Close to the ruins, the broad fortress foundation is more than ten meters wide, and the top of the remaining tower is missing. At this time, it is still 30 meters high. Looking at the ruins here, Allen infers that when the pass is intact, there is a city wall, which should be at least 40 meters.

Converted into floors, at least 15 floors, such a magnificent pass has now become ruins. You can imagine how terrible the battle was.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the ruins. The sudden appearance of this figure did not cause the accident of any death knight.

After entering here, he found that the figure was actually a lich. After approaching, Allen didn't feel any power from the Lich.

In this way, I was even more frightened. If I guessed correctly, this should be a legendary Lich.

A very ordinary black hooded wizard robe. The staff in his hand is a spine. The head of the staff is a skeleton with two horns, and the skeleton canine teeth leak out. Two empty eyes stared at Allen. It was the head of a high-level demon with equal scale reduction.

This dress looks like a villain boss.

"Uganda, long time no see." a voice that seemed to come from the depths of his soul woke Alan up.

"Hello, Mr. Bandar," said the death knight walking with Alan, bowing his head and caressing his chest.

"Can you give me this little mage? I have something to give him," asked the Lich named Bandar.

"Yes, I wanted to send him away from the blood wasteland, but Lord Bandar has something to find him, please." Uganda stood quietly without objection.

Allen had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn't understand what the Lich wanted to do with himself, but there should be no danger, but when did the dead become so friendly to mankind.

"Well, boy, don't think about it. It's a good thing for you this time. Come with me." Bandar raised his finger and revealed his palm with only a layer of dry skin. Then a twinkling light appeared next to him. It was the Lich.

"Uganda, I'll go first." he said hello to the death knight, and a portal appeared in front of him. Then, the two had appeared in a mage tower.

Alan leaned back on the chair dizzily. The long-distance transmission had a great sequelae. The Lich didn't take care of Alan, but just talked to himself.

"I know you have a lot of doubts now. I will give you the answer in the next days. But now, you need to listen to me carefully."

But the next sentence startled Allen.

"You should have sent it across the plane! Don't be so surprised. I'm a expert of the prophecy school. I was predicting the time of the next devil attack in the blood wasteland. You suddenly appeared and interfered with my prophecy. Although it often makes mistakes, you're too close to me."

"The first time I saw you, I found the difference between you and the world. No caster in the world can exercise the body so much."

"Don't be so nervous. I won't hurt you or invade your world. In fact, we are about to lose our home." the Lich named Bandar said. There was a silence, and even the fire of the soul in his eyes was dim.

Allen did not rest assured after hearing his promise, but in this case, he had no resistance at all. Had to be silent, quietly waiting for the Lich's next words.

"Hehe, when people are old, it's easy to recall the past, which makes you wait for a long time." the Lich who came back to God responded.

"The Lich is old, ha ha." Alan make complaints about it.

"I don't know why. When I found you, I had a hunch that one day in the future, you would do us a big favor. Although I don't know why, the prophecy school often has only one vague answer."

"The world is very dangerous. I don't know where you come from or care where you come from."

"But I hope that if one day, the demon legion of the abyss comes again, you can stand on our front!" after that, the powerful Lich stopped talking and looked up at the sky. It was a constant round light picture, in which there was a bright starry sky.

"During this time, you can stay here. I believe you will like my knowledge here."

Alan stayed. The Lich didn't mean any harm. No, it can be said that he had great kindness. Allen has reservations about the lich, but he admires the Lich's knowledge.

The wizard tower has seven floors. The first floor is the reception hall, the second floor is Allen's living place and storage room, and the third floor is the library and ecological park. The fourth floor is the element pool, and the fifth floor is a laboratory and training ground.

The sixth floor is the meditation room and the seventh floor is the star watching tower.

The wizard tower has opened a lot of permissions to Allen, but important places are not open, such as the element pool. However, the element concentration of the whole wizard tower is appalling. Allen has made rapid progress here.

As for spell templates, the collection of legendary casters is even richer. Bandar directly opened the library. Allen is not hypocritical in the face of this situation.

Now there is no freedom, but it is very safe. In addition to being unable to leave, there are no other restrictions. Alan has to learn all kinds of knowledge at ease.

The library of the legendary Lich is bigger than Allen's imagination. All kinds of books are piled up on the bookshelves, and all kinds of spells are exquisite. It is roughly estimated that there are hundreds, from first-class spells to legendary spells.

These spells alone are an immeasurable wealth. Since he had the opportunity to get them, Allen was not polite at all and recorded them all with a chip.

There are also a lot of research data. Allen scans it with a chip, stores it, and then asks the chip to pass the analyzed data into his mind during his rest.

The world power system is more finely divided. There are 20 levels from ordinary people to legend. Legend is level 20. Allen's first level wizard level is equivalent to about level 7 in the world. But his strength is far from level 7.

Bandar doesn't teach Allen magic. Allen needs to learn all kinds of magic by himself. He teaches Allen a lot of magic theory every day. The level of arcane science and technology in this world is much higher than that in the wizard continent.

The wizard's control of power is still too rough and powerful. Tibis needs to be more refined.