Chapter 430

Name:Dragon Hermit Author:Luo Tianlang
A group of sharks are swimming in the sea. They are the top predators in the sea. Almost all creatures have to avoid where they pass.

Suddenly, the sharks seemed to find something terrible. They turned around and ran back as fast as they could.

Behind them, in the blue sea, some slow-moving marine creatures are running away and dare not stay here.

This small sea area has the smell of death, which makes all creatures feel afraid.

At a depth of 100 meters below the water surface, the skeleton beast was quietly suspended in the water and did not move. The terrible smell of death came from it.

In the middle of this sea area, Xia Yan sat on a rubber boat. This is the reserve in the space ring. It's just for use.

At this time, Xia Yan's face was a little ugly. It seemed that he had encountered some problems.

"The giant beast can't recover the dead space, isn't it? It's a pit father!" after getting rid of the pursuit of the Chinese Navy, Xia Yan came to the sea area, came out of the skull of the skeleton giant beast, took the rubber boat and sat on it, and then tried to recover the skeleton giant beast into the dead space.

But he failed. The undead space could not accommodate such a large number of undead elements, just like a small snake can't swallow an elephant.

Your sister, how did I summon success?

Xia Yan is a little speechless. It is reasonable to say that as long as he can summon successfully, he can receive it in the undead space, but now the situation is so abnormal.

"The reason why I can summon success is because the skeleton beast is willing?" after thinking for a long time, Xia Yan got a reluctantly reliable guess.

The skeleton beast gave him two white lights last time, which made him get a lot of benefits. This time, he simply pushed the boat along the water to make him summon successfully.

Yes, just push the boat with the water! At the thought of this word, Xia Yan felt egg pain. The rhythm was wrong. He didn't know the skeleton beast. How could he confide in himself and take the initiative to be his little brother?

If you are a lich now, it is not impossible for the heads of advanced undead creatures to become younger brothers. After all, Lich can make undead creatures stronger and even have their own consciousness.

But now I'm just a senior necromancer. I don't have such great ability at all. Potential stocks can be counted. The problem is how does this big guy know that he is a potential stock?

Xia Yan couldn't understand it. He simply didn't think about it. He explored the soul fire of the skeleton beast. This big guy really has wisdom, but it's only equivalent to the level of a gorilla. He still depends more on instinct, and it's impossible to make the move of high intelligent life.

But Xia Yan is also a man with thick nerves. Since he doesn't understand, he doesn't want to. Since the skeleton beast can't take back the undead space, let it wander in the sea. Anyway, after the call is successful, there will be between the undead mage and the summoned creature. As long as you move your mind, you can feel the location of the undead creature, and you're not afraid that the skeleton beast will run away like a little cat and dog.

After leaving things she didn't understand, Xia Yan stood up in the rubber boat and enjoyed the sea scenery.

Unfortunately, the creatures in this sea area were scared away by the skeleton beasts. There was nothing else except the waves. After watching it, Xia Yan felt bored.

"You can't catch a fish. It seems that if you go to sea in the future, you have to let the big guy stay away, otherwise it's boring!"

Take out the mobile phone from the space ring. Unexpectedly, there is no signal. Xia Yan throws the mobile phone back into the space ring, thinking about upgrading and making several satellite phones, otherwise in this situation, you can't want to be with people.

When Xia Yan was bored at sea, the Internet was boiling.

This time, it happened in Tonghai city. At that time, there were not many people on both sides of the river bank. In this era when everyone has a smartphone, everyone is used to taking photos and videos. Although the police and the army later evacuated the people on both sides of the river, everything that had happened before had been recorded by countless mobile phones and then transmitted to video websites, microblogs and circles of friends

For a time, the whole Chinese network was boiling. After a short time, these videos were shared with foreign websites, and suddenly the whole world was boiling.

If it's just one or two videos, normal people will doubt that this is a hype. It's not clear to shoot a video at night. Any special effects can fool people.

But when hundreds of videos from different angles are uploaded, no one doubts that it is hype. Because these videos can confirm each other. If it is fraud and speculation, the more angles, the more bugs, which is impossible to avoid.

Many netizens can compare these videos carefully, and even look at some doubts frame by frame. Finally, many netizens with great credibility have posted posts to prove that these videos are true.

In this way, things immediately fermented rapidly. First, they spread explosively on social platforms such as microblog and circle of friends, and then major portals kept up with them. Small editors worked overtime all night to concoct sensational news.

Monsters appear in the Tonghai River, and those suspected of supernatural ability appear

"Skeleton monster! Vampire! What is the truth of the world?" "monsters invade the sea, supernatural beings appear!" and "human beings face challenges!"... News has occupied the headlines of major websites, and some fast-moving websites even made special topics. In every news, there are a lot of videos attached. However, there are still a few people who really believe in video content. After all, after so many years of education, people believe in science. These absolutely unscientific existence are difficult to accept. Among the few people who believe in these videos, some are those who owe their IQ and believe everything they see. There are people who have faith and believe in the real existence of immortals and ghosts. Others are rational enough, smart enough, knowledgeable enough and knowledgeable enough. The third kind of people usually get along well, have a lot of wealth and have a high status in society. The most elite are high-level politicians, top tycoons and scientists... These elites have access to information that ordinary people can't touch. They understand that the world is not what they see on the surface. Anyway, the whole world was shocked by these videos. Reporters from all over the world flocked to Tonghai, hoping to get more information and find out the truth. But Cain's bones disappeared, the skeleton beast was still drifting in the sea with Xia Yan, and the blood clan disappeared and hid. It was impossible to find these supernatural beings. So the witnesses who took the video became the focus. Wave after wave of reporters interviewed in turn, making them addicted to celebrities. Their stories soon made headlines in major media. People were shocked to find that what they said was similar and could be confirmed by each other. So the credibility of those videos has improved again, and more people believe that those supernatural things really exist. In the process of things fermenting rapidly, Huaxia officials kept silent and did not hold the expected press conference. This is an abnormal phenomenon. Silence can explain many problems. urw