Chapter 425

Name:Dragon Hermit Author:Luo Tianlang
After the huge skull came out of the water, it did not rise, but even so, such a thing is still appalling.

The onlookers have run a lot, but they still have the courage to stay and continue to take photos.

Can you stop shooting the huge monster skull in the river? Later, a group of people with long wings and flying appeared. I've never seen such a scene in my life. Although most people still doubt that it is a lost steel wire or other advanced technology, even so, it is amazing.

Of course, many people believe that these are true. They tremble excitedly: "the world is really different from what I see!"

The sirens sounded and a large number of police cars came at a gallop. They finally arrived.

When the police arrived, they began to pull a cordon to evacuate the crowd, but the river was so big that it was impossible to evacuate.

When they were busy, Xia Yan had stood on the huge skull.

As soon as he stood up, the others were anxious, especially the blood clan of count Alex. Except Xia Yan, they were closest to the huge skull. They were anxious when they saw that they were taken first.

"Lich!" count Alex's face changed and he continued to fly.

John came out of the sea with his cigarette in his mouth. Unfortunately, it had been extinguished and looked very embarrassed.

"I can't even get close to my magic. What is this thing? It's too powerful!" his face was filled with horror.

The black robed woman of the devil club can't stay on the sea at this time. She needs speed support in addition to her special ability. Now when the speed slows down, people will sink. However, the devil's wing bounced out of her back, flew up in the air and continued to fly to the center of the river.

Xia Yan had forgotten everything except the huge undead creature under his feet.

What a huge undead element, even in the Lich's memory, only the bone dragon can be compared, and even the bone dragon is slightly inferior. Although the dragon of the Apocalypse continent is huge, it is far worse than the thing under its feet.

The last time he sent mana, Xia Yan saw a scene of the end of the world, and this time, he did not hesitate to send a trace of mana into the body of the dead creature.

The scene in front of us changed, and the apocalyptic scene appeared again. No matter how powerful creatures could survive in the face of the terrible natural disaster that could almost destroy half a planet.

Last time, Xia Yan was just a bystander. This time, he found that he had become a terrible beast with a height of 100 meters and a single horn. He looked at the surrounding scenes from the perspective of the beast and endured the horror of the end of the world with the body of the beast.

The huge fireball fell from the sky, carrying the terrible kinetic energy, set off the earth, and the shock wave destroyed everything around it into fragments, whether it is towering giant trees or giant animals hundreds of meters high.

Compared with this scene, the original explosion can only be regarded as fireworks in festivals.

Xia Yan saw that the flying monster, which was not much smaller than the sky Mothership in the film, was pierced by a fireball and wailed * *.

I also saw giant beasts as big as aircraft carriers tumbling and howling in the boiling water, and finally lost their voice.

The creatures on the earth fled in groups, but where could they escape? They died miserably one after another, and their bones could not survive.

Finally, Xia Yan saw a fireball falling head-on, and then he was shocked in his head and separated from this eschatological scene.

He only felt extremely shocked. What he had just seen was like personal experience. The great terror of death made him never forget.

He felt a fit of discomfort, all in a cold sweat.

Last time I was just watching, but this time I actually became the protagonist. Is it because the two white lights in my brain have been regarded as "my own people" by the undead?

Xia Yan thought quickly that he could not only be allowed to approach by the undead creature, but also experienced the feeling of a holographic three-dimensional blockbuster from the first perspective. Naturally, it was because of the two white lights, but why did the undead creature give me two white lights at the beginning?

Because I'm a necromancer!

This answer is not difficult to think of. Undead creatures and undead mages use the same power, which can be regarded as the same root and homology.

This undead is showing closeness to me!

Xia Yan took a deep breath and was shocked by this idea.

Is this huge undead intelligent? Of course, it may only be close because of the instinct of the undead elements, but Xia Yan naturally won't think things so beautiful.

Such a terrible monster is incredible. What's strange about more incredible things?

But this was not enough. Xia Yan didn't know why he came to Tonghai. He looked back and saw that count Alex, the nearest one here, was still a hundred meters away. Although he was flying in the air, he was like hanging and stopped. It was very difficult to move. I'm afraid it wasn't so easy to fly here.

So Xia Yan sent a trace of mana into the skull of the undead beast. Immediately, he entered the apocalyptic fantasy again, which is still the first perspective of the beast.

This time, however, he was not attracted by the eschatological scene. After being shocked, he settled down and looked around again to see something special. But in such a chaotic end of the world, everything was special. He couldn't tell. Soon, the fireball fell from the sky again and he woke up from the illusion again. Count Alex is still in slow motion. Xia Yan is not reconciled and sends mana to him again. This time, he imagines the appearance of blood clan - tusks and meat wings! He believed that Cain's bones were running around chasing these huge breath of the dead. In that case, he might find some clues from the residual divine consciousness of the dead beast. The scene before us changed. This time, it was no longer an apocalyptic scene. It is still the first perspective of the giant beast, but it is surrounded by the vast sea. It turned out to be in the sea. At this time, the prehistoric giant beast has become a dead creature. I'm afraid it's wandering in the sea, but I don't know what age it is now. There was sea water all around, and there was nothing unusual. Then, the giant beast raised his head and Xia Yan saw the sky. A dark figure was hovering in the dark night sky. The shadow spread its huge wings and was a blood clan. The size of this blood group is very huge, almost like a small passenger plane. Count Alex compared with him, like a sparrow compared with a peacock, the size gap is too big. Is this Cain? Xia Yan's heart moved. Sure enough, Cain had seen the dead creature many years ago. The giant blood clan suddenly swooped down without any influence, and its action was not slow. It even began to attack the undead creature. "Hua Hua!" when the sea rolled, two huge claws suddenly stretched out in the sea and grabbed at the huge blood clan. The two powerful beings fought in the sea. 20