Chapter 304

Name:Dragon Hermit Author:Luo Tianlang
It is said on the Internet that people with flat heads and Zhongshan suits can't be provoked. When they see the young people in Zhongshan suits, everyone believes this sentence. Compared with those weak men just now, this thin young man was too strong. His hand was as fast as lightning. When he punched, one leg was thrown like a whip.

Two crisp sounds!

Xia Yan raised her left hand, lifted her left leg, and blocked the fist with her forearm and calf. Although it didn't hurt, the young man's fist and foot strength was great.

It makes him feel powerful, which shows that the young man is not simple and has made great efforts in fighting.

However, in front of Xia Yan's non-human physical quality and reaction speed, unless he is a person with supernatural ability, no matter how well ordinary people practice fighting, it is difficult to pose a threat to him. The swift blow and foot were blocked by his understatement.

The young man in Zhongshan suit, Gu jingbubo, was finally surprised. Seeing that Xia Yan solved several strong men one by one, he felt that he had understood Xia Yan's strength, but he didn't know that he still despised Xia Yan until he really did it.

He still didn't speak and continued to shoot quickly.

Xia Yan is very interested in this excellent young man. To be exact, he is very interested in his fighting skills. He wanted to feel the power of fighting, so he didn't fight back, just kept resisting, and accurately blocked every punch and foot of the young man.

For a time, the sound of hitting sounded like setting off firecrackers. The young people in Zhongshan suit basically left their feet from the ground at different times. Each attack was powerful and powerful, and their movements were surprisingly fast. They punched several times per second, which was dazzling.

But even so, he still failed to concentrate Xia Yan's body and head, and was blocked every time.

"Look, Xia Yan's feet didn't move!" Qin Jian suddenly exclaimed.

"Hiss -" everyone took a breath.

Xia Yan only used his hands and feet to block. Every time he lifted his feet and fell, he put them back to the original place. No matter how the young man in Zhongshan suit attacked, his feet were always in the original position. Even if he only defended, he didn't move a bit.

Even if the people around are fighting amateurs, they can see that the strength gap between the two people is too big. Although the young people in Zhongshan suit play very well and are really strong, Xia Yan's strength is still more than one gear higher than him.

"Xia Yan is a master of fighting!?" Zhao Qiang, Qin Jian and Wang Yi were shocked. Although other people in 504 and 402 knew that Xia Yan was a supernatural person, they were also shocked to see Xia Yan show great strength with their own eyes.

"It's so powerful without using supernatural power. Xia Yan, tut tut......" Hou Xiaotian sighed in his heart and looked at Xia Yan more and more hot.

"This guy is so strong. No wonder he can save me from the vampire!" Anna's eyes were colorful. "But this must not be his real ability. His hidden power must be stronger. His supernatural ability has not been used yet!"

"Ah, he's so powerful. What should I do? My heart beats so fast. This guy is so handsome! He was so handsome at the last birthday party. Now he's even more handsome. What should I do? I'm occupied!" Yan Xiaoqing shouted wildly in her heart and almost jumped out of her eyes.

Others have been silly. This level of fighting is generally only seen in movies. Is there such a strong person in real life? It's incredible!

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to other people's reaction. His attention was on the young man in Zhongshan suit. He didn't know what kind of fighting skill this man used. His boxing and feet were very direct. He didn't have the so-called exquisite moves in the novel. It was mainly strong, heavy and fast. The most important thing was the combined attack of strength skills and boxing and feet.

With my current speed, strength and reaction speed, I can easily achieve his level. If I practice again, I can improve my close combat ability a lot!

But the most important thing is to let the skeleton soldiers learn to use fighting.

Remembering all the actions of the young man, Xia Yan decided to end the battle.

Just when the young man in Zhongshan suit punched Xia Yan again, he no longer blocked, but hit a punch with a faster speed. His fist came first and hit the young man in Zhongshan suit's head. He immediately fell straight down like a cut stump and lay motionless on the ground.

Knot... Is it over?

The young man in Zhongshan suit who has been attacking hard and seems to have the upper hand just now was punched Ko? This scene seems too untrue!

Bai Shaoming was stunned. Xiao Huo's ability was clear to him. Although he was only 22 years old, this young man practiced martial arts from an early age. He began to fight underground black boxing at the age of 18 and didn't lose in three years. Bai Shaoming was as surprised as heaven and man after seeing him fight, so he hired him as his personal bodyguard at a high price.

The fact that such a fierce man was knocked over by a seemingly ordinary college student with one punch is unacceptable to Bai Shaoming.

"You... You killed?" Bai Shaoming said in horror, unable to maintain his calm demeanor.

"Are you afraid?" Xia Yan smiled. The smile was so terrible in Bai Shaoming's eyes. Killing people was as if nothing had happened. It was killing without blinking an eye! "I... why should I be afraid!" Bai Shaoming looks fierce and weak: "you don't dare to touch me. I'm from tonghaibai family!" "sorry, I haven't heard of tonghaibai family." Xia Yan shrugged and said, "and your bodyguard hasn't died. It's just a concussion. By the way, he started first. I'm just self-defense. There's a camera here." Bai Shaoming's face is cloudy and sunny, Xiao Huo was relieved that he didn't die. These days, people wearing shoes are afraid of barefoot. They are rich and powerful. However, if they encounter a reckless lengtouqing and come up to kill without saying a word, he is really afraid. "Who the hell are you?" Bai Shaoming asked, staring at Xia Yan. " You don't know me either. "Xia Yan shrugged and said," now I'm going to take my friend away, don't you mind? "What else can I have to say? Bai Shaoming was oppressed and shut up. He watched Yan Xiaoqing follow Xia Yan and go downstairs." I'll show you when I find out who you are! "After Xia Yan and others walked away, Bai Shaoming spit hard and looked at Yan Xiaoqing's silent classmates. They were so scared that they quickly checked out and left. We should have helped Yan Xiaoqing speak just now. We can definitely recognize her friends... Bai Shaoming picked up his cell phone and began to call:" Uncle Zhang, it's me, Shaoming... Help me find someone... OK, thank you, Uncle Zhang! "Sister Tang, I'd like to ask you to do it... Xiao Huo was knocked unconscious by the man... Yes, yes, I think he is not an ordinary person, he must also be a supernatural person, and only you are on the horse...": i7h