Chapter 214 - Institutional message part 2

Hi guys and gir.. guys, I'm Meralman, the alter ego of Broly and the author of this fanfiction ????

I promised you that this week a chapter and obviously I will fulfill my promise today ????

I gave you a choice between two chapters, Broly's mouth or the start of the Buu saga...

And the winner is... ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

BOTH ????????????????????????????????????????

The results were very even, so in the end I took off hours of sleep and I decided to publish the two chapters this week ????

In a few minutes I will publish the chapter of the wedding, a very long chapter ????

The beginning of the Buu Saga will also be released this week ????

Uncle Meralman takes care of you as you can se ????


GIVE ME A LOT OF STONES FOR THIS MOTHERF.U.C.KERS! ????????????????????????????????