Qin Zijin and Su Mu come to a large shopping mall that specializes in luxury brands. At the entrance of the mall, they meet Mrs. Zhong, whom Su Mu has just talked about. Mrs. Zhong is not fat, but she is not thin. She wears five figure clothes, but she looks low-key. There is a sense of alienation between her eyebrows, She was accompanied by a pretty girl.

After the meeting, the two sides said hello. Mrs. Zhong also flattered Su mu. Su Mu returned modestly and praised the girl beside her.

Qin Zijin knew that this was Zhong Qingxia, the third young lady of the Zhong family.

When the four enter the shopping mall, Su's mother and Mrs. Zhong walk in front, while Qin Zijin and Zhong Qingxia walk behind. Zhong Qingxia's temperament is also very gentle and quiet. Qin Zijin and her walk side by side together, you can see that she is a regular person, worthy of being a lady of a family.

And Zhong Qingxia is not familiar, today is the first time to see, Qin Zijin also did not like the habit of chatting up, so silent, two people who did not talk to who.

When Su's mother and Mrs. Zhong choose clothes, Qin Zijin will give appropriate suggestions.

In the middle of the walk, Qin Zijin passed a counter and looked at the colorful Cufflinks inside. He picked his eyebrows and slowed down. Finally, his eyes fell on a patterned silver cufflink and stopped. He said with a smile to the staff at the counter, "can you show me this?"

"This pair of Cufflinks?" The staff came forward with a smile and asked, pointing to the pair of patterned cufflinks.

Qin Zijin nodded: "well."

The staff took out the exquisite cuff links and the box, and said with a smile: "this pair of cuff links is a new one just launched at our counter yesterday. Its style is simple, and the patterned paradise bird and silver design will not make this cuff link too prosperous, but it will not lose its noble spirit, low-key and connotation. The most important thing is that the flower language of paradise bird is freedom and happiness, No matter when and where, people who love you will be waiting for you. "

Qin Zijin picked up the cuff link and looked at it carefully. She pursed her lips and hesitated to buy it. Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "do you want to give it to your husband Su Shao? This pair of cufflinks is very good. "

Smell speech, Qin Zijin suddenly turn head, see Zhong Qingxia is smiling Ying Ying of stand at oneself side, the eye is still looking at that pair of cuff links in her hand.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" See Qin Zijin a very surprised appearance, Zhong Qingxia with an apologetic smile, explained: "just aunt Su to find you, see you are not, want to find you, I see my mother and aunt Su stroll so happy, said I came to find you."

"Oh... Sorry, I forgot to talk to you." Qin Zijin recalled that he had just fallen behind and didn't say hello to them. He was a little sorry.

"It doesn't matter." Zhong Qingxia shook her head with a smile and asked, "do you want to buy that cuff link?"

Qin Zijin took back his sight and looked at the cuff links in his hand. After thinking about it, he nodded to the staff and said, "please help me pack it! Thank you

"All right, just a moment, please. I'll go and bill you right away." After hearing this, the staff's eyes brightened. Today, they finally made a big order again, and their performance this month can be improved at last.

You should know that this cuff link is a new one, and it's also a customized limited edition. It's not more than ten pairs in total. Naturally, the price is very expensive. This new product only sells one pair on the new day. Her performance this month will surely be "rubbing rubbing rubbing" upward.

After the staff carefully packed the cufflinks, they motioned Qin Zijin to pay at the cashier. Qin Zijin and Zhong Qingxia nodded and went to pay.

After paying the bill, Qin Zijin came out from inside. Zhong Qingxia said with a smile: "Miss Qin and Su Shao have a good relationship."

Qin Zijin toward her smile, some embarrassed lowered his head, whispered back: "where."

Seeing that Qin Zijin was a little embarrassed, Zhong Qingxia said nothing more with a smile, so he changed the topic and said: "let's go! Aunt Su and my mother, they should pick things up in Chanel's shop in front of them. "


When they got to Chanel's shop, Su's mother and Mrs. Zhong were picking out bags. When they saw Qin Zijin coming, Su's mother asked with a smile, "you child, you don't want to talk to us when you go shopping. You think you're separated from us!"

"Mom, I'm sorry. I just saw one thing, so..."

"Auntie Su, Miss Qin and Su Shao are very affectionate. When we go shopping with you, we never forget to bring Su Shao a gift." When Qin Zijin's words stopped, Zhong Qingxia, who was on one side, took the words.

Smell speech, Su mother's face smile more brilliant, no mother does not want his daughter-in-law to his son good, Su mother of course is no exception.

Mrs. Zhong echoed a few words of praise. Su's mother took Qin Zijin and asked her to choose a bag, saying that she wanted to give it to her.

Although Qin Zijin mouth refused, but Su mother still insist, Qin Zijin also have no way, picked a peach pink Department of slung bag.

When it was more than four o'clock, Mrs. Zhong suggested sitting in the coffee shop next to the shopping mall. Su's mother felt a little tired, so she nodded, went into the coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee.

Two people are chatting and chatting, then they suddenly talk about Zhong Qingxia's marriage. Qin Zijin sips her coffee, and Yu Guang subconsciously sweeps Zhong Qingxia to one side.

"Your family is so beautiful and nice in summer. How can you not find a boyfriend? Mrs. Zhong, you are really joking." Su's mother recognized that Mrs. Zhong's intention was to explore, so she still pretended to be confused and said with a smile.

She actually said to Mrs. Zhong last time, "ah! My nephew, the son of my little sister-in-law, is still single now. He was born in the same year and month with Monan. My little sister-in-law feels that he is several years old this year. ".

But she didn't like Mrs. Zhong very much. She thought it would be their business to get along with each other in the future. Being a parent shouldn't be a big problem.

However, when she learned that Liao Yixuan had returned to China, she didn't think so at all. After all, she preferred Liao Yixuan more, both as a tutor and as a character.

"By the way, didn't you say you had a nephew last time? I'm two years older than Xia Xia, who is the same age as your son. When I'm free, let's have dinner together and let them know each other! " At last, Mrs. Zhong turned to her purpose.