In the VIP ward of the hospital.

After Lu Jingyan left with the man in black, the atmosphere in the ward was even more depressed than before. Chu Li felt a little uneasy. She waved to the two men in black and asked them to go out first. After the two men understood, they nodded and turned to leave the ward.

Looking at Xu Feng's gloomy expression, Chu Li breathed a sigh of relief, walked to him, gently stroked his arm, and said with a smile: "husband, have you had dinner? I'm a little hungry. Are you hungry? "

Xu Feng looked at her with no words.

The more he is like this, Chu Li's heart is more and more bottomless. When he wants to speak, he takes out his mobile phone and makes a call: "bring dinner to the hospital."

Chu Li's smile on her face is even worse. Xu Feng reaches for her waist and sits down on the sofa. Then he holds her hand tightly and puts it on his leg. His index finger rubs gently on the back of her hand.

"Have you checked the company's accounts?" I do not know how long, Xu Feng's voice cold and melodious, in her ear side ring.

Chu Li trembles all over, and her eyes become dull. She thinks that even if he asks, he also asks about what happened between her and Su Yanxi. She has already thought of a set of words in her heart, but she doesn't want Xu Feng not to talk about them. Instead, she talks about the company accounts.

However, this is quite like his routine of not playing cards according to common sense.

"I heard Yang Fei say that you asked her for the accounts of the finance department last month and drew 10 million yuan from the w project. Yesterday, the board of directors said that there was a shortage of funds in the w project and there were signs of shutdown. I checked a little and the 10 million yuan went into your account. Let's talk about it! What's going on? What do you do with the company's ten million dollars? " Xu Feng holding her hand a little tight, tone indifferent, face no smile, cold eyes burning at her.

Chu Li's face turned white in an instant, and her hands broke into a cold sweat: "I... Husband... I want to..."

"You were responsible for the project in front of the board of directors. Now half of the project has been completed, and you have drawn 10 million public funds out of the project, resulting in the capital turnover of the project. Today, the board of directors held an interim meeting, especially raised an objection to the project. You are the person in charge of the project. If you have anything to say, you know me, and I don't like twists and turns“

Chu Li clenched her lips and knew his temperament. Now he came to ask him to explain that there was still room for him to turn around. Once he directly stepped in to investigate the cause and effect of the incident, she didn't even have the chance to explain it.

"I... my mother called me some time ago to ask for money, but I dare not tell you... I'm afraid you're angry, so I have to..." With that, Chu Li dropped her head and sobbed silently: "I only gave her five million yuan in October. She called me last month and said that she had lost all the bets. Let me give you money, or I'll go to you. I'm sorry. I was going to make up for the ten million yuan in this period of time, but I had a miscarriage and lived in the hospital. There's no way to make up for it. Xu Feng, believe me, I really didn't mean to. I was forced by my mother. You can rest assured that I will make up for the 10 million by myself. I won't leave any handle on the board of directors. "

"I have removed you from the board of directors." Xu Feng slightly looked at the brow, light but then.

He had never met Chu Li's mother, and Chu Li would not let him see her. All he knew was that her mother was born to gamble. Now she lives alone in Macao. He did not doubt the reason she said, but he did not fully believe it.

Chu Li suddenly raises her head and opens her eyes, but she can't say anything. She knows that she can't refute anything, and her mother just lies to prevent Xu Feng from knowing the fact that she gave the money to Wang GUI.

"I'll take care of this. Let's go on to the second thing."

Chu Li's heart "clattered" once again. There was a kind of illusion that Xu Feng wanted to settle accounts with him after autumn. He looked at him tremblingly and tentatively: "what else? In the company, I am responsible for everything except this. I don't have any... "

"I know that you don't have to interfere in the affairs of the company any more." Xu Feng coldly interrupted her, released her hand, leisurely leaning on the back of the sofa, hand also put on top, eyes directly at her: "since it comes to abortion, then talk about your abortion! I've heard all the words Su Yanxi came to you before. Do you want me to go to Su Yanxi to make it clear? "

"No... i... I'm wrong, my husband. I really know I'm wrong. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to scare Su Yanxi. I didn't expect..." Listen to Xu Feng say so, Chu Li completely flustered, the last trace of calm in the heart all turned into nothing, hands tightly grasp his arm, cry so moving.

But Xu Feng's face was calm, without any ups and downs, and his eyes were full of Indifference: "you are really good, Chu Li. I can't even think of such a poisonous move. You did it. What kind of snake and scorpion woman are you?"

"No... no, husband. I know I'm wrong. I've paid for this. I'll always..."

"You deserve it." Xu Feng suddenly stood up and waved her hand on her arm. Then she squatted down and pinched her jaw. She looked at her fiercely and said, "when you do that, have you ever thought that the child is between us? Have you ever thought that I really love you, and you? You only depend on me, but don't have any love for me. Your love is all in Lu Jingyan's place. So when you see Su Yanxi, you can't help thinking about Lu Jingyan. You will not be reconciled, so you will step on my love for you to satisfy your reluctance and jealousy. Chu Li, how can I fall in love with a woman like you? "

"I didn't..."

"Up to now, you still say no. You've lied enough to me these years. Do you think I don't know? I just don't want to tear you down. Even what happened to you and Su Yanxi three years ago, I didn't want to investigate. What I didn't expect is that you can even do your own flesh and blood. Chu Li, I despise you too much. Lao Tzu's temple can't accommodate you. " Xu Feng loosened her jaw, slowly stood up, looked down at her coldly, without half emotion and nostalgia.

All his feelings for this woman have been wasted by her for so many years, and any nostalgia can't resist that she can strangle their children in the unborn cradle.

It's something he can't stand.

Chu Li's pupils shrank, his eyes filled with tears, and his body became stiff. From his words, he heard the meaning of a bit of determination. He quickly reached out to pull Xu Feng's clothes: "Xu Feng, I'm really wrong. I'm really wrong. Will you forgive me this time? Please don't leave me. I only have you and Chen Chen left. Please don't leave me alone

Xu Feng face expressionless to avoid her touch, closed his eyes: "I will let the lawyer prepare the divorce agreement, the compensation to you will not be less, as for Chenchen... Give you such a mother with his sorrow, Chenchen will continue to be in my name."

"No... no, I don't want this. I don't want a divorce. Xu Feng, will you give me another chance?"

"Now you still have the face. Let me give you another chance. When you do that, why don't you think about the consequences? And the company's 10 million, where on earth do you come from to say the word opportunity so lightly?"

Looking at Xu Feng's disgust and hatred for himself, his heart sank and he tried to stand up from the ground. Suddenly he began to laugh, and the laughter gradually became bigger.

Xu Feng looked at her eyebrows, some puzzled looking at her.

"I've been with you for ten years! Ten years! Ten years! Do you think I've had a good ten years? I'm afraid every day and I have to take care of your feelings all the time. Will you be happy or angry? I try my best to cater to you every day, even when I'm the least willing to please you. I try my best to become what you like. I admit that I still have old feelings for Lu Jingyan. I love him and I never change my feelings for him, I just want to survive with you. It is said that you are cruel and resolute. Ha ha! What a joke. Aren't you helping me raise other men's children now? You are a coward. You love me so much that you speak with such high sounding words. If you dare to divorce me, we will die. If you don't make me feel better, I'll ruin your reputation. "

This kind of Chu Li makes her feel very strange. In his impression, Chu Li is a dignified and gentle person. It seems that for so many years, she disguises herself very well. He and she have been sleeping together for so many years and have never found any flaws.

"Ruined? Oh, good! I wonder how you're going to ruin me He had wanted them to get together and break up, but now it seemed unnecessary. He wanted to leave her the last dignity, which was torn up by her own hands.

After he turned around and left the ward, Xu Feng ordered the two men in black and said, "from today on, except for the medical staff, no one is allowed to go in and out of the ward, including her. She told me to go down and work three shifts a day. Please watch it for me."


Listening to the words coming from outside, Chu Li sat on the ground feebly and yelled: "Xu Feng, Su Yanxi, I hate you. It's you who destroyed me. You can't die well."

After so many years of hard work, she didn't get anything in the end. The happiness and carefree life she wanted was now completely destroyed.

The only hope for Lu Jingyan finally became extravagant. She hated to meet Xu Feng in her life.