Lu Jingyan looked at the disposable chopsticks in her hand, gathered her eyes, raised her hand and fed her patiently.

It seems that some things are slowly changing unconsciously. He has had too many firsts in his life here in Su Yanxi, but the feeling is very magical, which makes him feel very proud and happy, even a little proud sometimes.

In these short months, the woman who was cold and didn't express her feelings to anyone began to ask for something in front of him like a little woman.

His action of feeding her is not very skillful, even a little clumsy, but Su Yanxi's eyes are full of happiness, after all, he is willing to try is already very good.

Halfway through the meal, Su Yanxi suddenly remembered and asked, "is this the hospital where you work? Why didn't I see you in a white coat? "

"No, central hospital."

"So you... Don't have to go to work?"

"Asked for leave."

Beautiful eyes slowly condense the light of moving, she thought, there are some things are doomed, perhaps, her marriage with Lu Jingyan is like this, although there was an unhappy period in the early stage, but there will always be a turning point.

The fact that they have not divorced is the best illustration.

From small to large, she was looking forward to an ordinary but fresh love and marriage. Even though this marriage was not what she wanted at first, it was good and the ending was not bad. Now they are ordinary and care for each other, and this marriage is destined to make her fresh in memory.

As for what this marriage meant to Lu Jingyan, Su Yanxi was also curious, but he didn't have the courage to ask every time his words came to his mouth.

I don't know if it's because I don't have too much confidence or I'm afraid to destroy this short happiness and warmth. In a word, the feelings between them are quiet and noisy, but occasionally one look and one expression can read each other's meaning.

She thought, love should be like this!

After eating, Lu Jingyan cleaned up the garbage: "sleep!"

"Yes." Su Yanxi nodded, lay down and asked, "do you want to go back?"

"I'll go back and get you some laundry. I'll come back in the evening."

"How long will I stay in the hospital?"

"About a week."

"So long?" Su Yan Chi looked at Mei, very dissatisfied: "can't I go home to keep it? Aren't you a doctor, too? Anyway, you're here! "

The sentence behind her was very comfortable in Lu Jingyan's ears, so it was very useful. She raised her eyebrows and nodded: "I'll see your injury in three days. If it gets better, we'll go home."

"Good." Su Yan Xi Xi Zizi should be: "that I sleep."


After su Yanxi closed his eyes, Lu Jingyan left the ward lightly. He came to the nurse's desk and asked the nurse to leave after two sentences.

As the suspect has not been caught, and Su Yanxi's life is threatened, and Su Monan and the Lu family's request, soon after Lu Jingyan left, the police sent a man and a woman to protect Su Yanxi. Except for relatives and medical staff, they can't get close to the ward in the future.

When Lu Jingyan came home, sister Wu came to him in a hurry and asked, "young master, what's the situation with young lady? I think the news is very serious... "

"It's OK. It's stable." Lu Jingyan indifferent back: "you go to the supermarket tomorrow to buy some ribs and chicken back, stew, remember, to be light, not too greasy."

"Well, well, I remember." Sister Wu nodded and said, "young master, are you back

"Get her some laundry."

"Can I help you?"

"No more."

Lu Jingyan went upstairs to the cloakroom and opened all her cabinets. When she saw that she was wearing Nei clothes and Nei pants, Junrong suddenly became dignified. Her throat knot rolled lightly and her cold eyes moved away unnaturally. She reached out and chose a set of black and a set of royal blue Nei clothes and threw them into the bag she had just prepared.

She also picked up a couple of household clothes and brought her towels, toothbrush cups and her skin care products in the bathroom.

When she had almost finished packing her things, Lu Jingyan went into the bathroom and took a shower.

After coming out of the bathroom, the mobile phone on the wall suddenly rings. Seeing the caller ID, the cold brow looks tight. After thinking for a while, he answers up: "what's the matter?"

"Ah... Dr. Lu, I heard you asked for leave. Is it because of lawyer Su's injury? How's she doing? Is it serious? " Ling Kexin on the other end of the phone wanted to call him by his name, but remembering that he warned her last time, she immediately changed her name, pretending to be concerned and worried.

"Why do you ask this?"

"I... I'm just a little worried about lawyer su. I want to see her..." The news didn't report which hospital Su Yanxi lived in, plus Su Monan's intervention, now there is no news about the keyword "Su Yanxi was injured" in the news.

"Thank you. She's fine." The cold voice line didn't have any temperature, and even hung up without giving her a chance to reply.

Ling Kexin on the other end of the phone looks at the disconnected mobile phone screen, clenches his fist and keeps clenching. His attitude towards her is always like this, very cold. Since he and she found out the relationship between him and Su Yanxi, he is even colder to her. He doesn't even want to talk to her. Even if he meets her in the hospital corridor, he won't look at her more and walk away directly.

In the heart of the kind of unwilling again spontaneously, fundus flash wipe sharp, stride into the operating room.

When Lu Jingyan was about to go out, his mobile phone rang again. The caller ID was a strange number. His slender and full fingers gently slid to the answer button: "Hello!"

"Lu Shao, it's not good. The gangster just appeared in Miss Su's ward, and now Miss Su is in the rescue."


The words on the other end of the phone were like five thunderbolts, which made Lu Jingyan shake his mind. He had not left the Communist Party for two hours, so why did he suddenly have an accident.

Before the brain could react, the body immediately grabbed the door.

When he came to the hospital, Lu Jingyan almost broke into the operating room. Fortunately, he was stopped by the police, and his whole body was full of anger. He yelled: "what's the matter?"

"The man caught it." At this time, several policemen and hospital security guards pressed a man wearing a black T-shirt and came over. Lu Jingyan looked at him and looked like hell Shura. He walked quickly, grabbed the man's collar, punched him in the face and kicked him.

"What did you do to her?" When the man fell to the ground, he squatted down again and gave a vicious warning: "you'd better pray for her safety, otherwise, I have a hundred ways to kill you."