Because the car was towed by the traffic police brigade, Su Yanxi had to take a taxi to the law firm. Originally, Lu Jingyan said that she would take her off, but she refused and left with her laptop and bag.

When he arrived at the lawyer's office, he heard Yi Yao say that Mo Bai had come back. Su Yanxi was a little surprised. He put his things back into the office and came to Mo Bai's office. As expected, he was sitting in a high back chair with whom he was talking on the phone. His face was very helpless.

Su Yanxi raised his hand and said hello to him silently. Mo Bai nodded to her with a smile, then pointed to the mobile phone beside her ear and shrugged helplessly.

Su Yan Xi smile, probably also understand the phone is who called, also don't go to urge him, sitting on the single sofa, casually copy the newspaper on the table to read.

The newspaper is today's morning paper, and the headline is the news that Lu Yimin, the president of Lu's group, and Qiao Yuwei, the third miss of Qiao's family, intend to get married. This is a big event in T city.

Needless to say, the Lu family group started from scratch by Lu Yimin's father, and now Lu Yimin takes over, which is even more prosperous.

Although the Qiao family is not a business family in T City, it is a musical family. In addition, the Qiao family and the Lu family also have some origins, and they are quite close to each other.

After reading this report, Su Yanxi picked eyebrows, folded the newspaper again and put it back on the tea table. He found that Mo Bai had already called and came over.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Yanxi." Mo Bai sat down with a smile and took a long breath.

Looking at Mo Bai's appearance, Su Yan Chi couldn't help laughing and joked: "what? My aunt called you this morning, but she didn't urge you to find your daughter-in-law again, did she

"Ah! Don't mention it. My mother really calls me every two days and urges me to get married and find a girlfriend every day. She just said that she would come back from the United States and personally supervise me to find a girlfriend. " Mo Bai sighed heavily. Since his career has stabilized, his mother is worried about his affairs. Ten calls a day is not enough.

Su Yan Chi laughed even more and continued to tease: "you are 29 this year. It's time to find a girlfriend. I don't blame my aunt for being worried. I'm worried for you, so! Think about it as soon as possible! In the past, I used to use career instability as an excuse. Now our lawyers are in the ascendant, and your excuse is not tenable. "

"Hey! You have no conscience, but you help my mother to be a lobbyist Mo Bai pretends to be angry and specially lengthens his voice.

"Well, well, don't say that." Su Yanxi stopped the topic with a smile and asked curiously, "didn't you come back today? What time is the flight? Come to the law firm so early. "

"I came back more than one o'clock last night." Mo Baimei said with a smile, and suddenly remembered: "ah, by the way, I heard that the Lu family is going to marry the Qiao family, do you know?"

Su Yanxi nodded and pointed to the newspaper on the coffee table: "well, I just read that report. What's the matter? Are you interested? "

"What interests me! It's not my marriage. I'm just asking. Yanyan seems to be coming back from Nandu today. The picture book signing is over. "

"Well, I know. She sent me wechat." Su Yan answers. The door of the office is knocked. Yi Yao pokes his head in and says that there is a client looking for her. Then she gets up and says something to Mo Bai and goes out of the office.