"We... We killed him..."

The fire dance was carried by posisi, but he only looked at his hand and his eyes were dull.

"What you did yourself, you forgot it so soon?"

Posisi said faintly, "if he didn't want to deal with you by himself, I wouldn't save you."

"It's all conspiracy..."

Shuibing'er suddenly wiped away his tears and looked up and said, "can you... Please take us to him?"

"What? Kill again?" Posey frowned.

Shuibing'er shook his head: "no, no, we are controlled. I want to tell him this."

"You're under control?" said Posey in surprise.

Fire dance also responded: "yes, please take us to him! In our last inheritance, our soul was invaded by God. At the moment of becoming God, our body was not under our control."

"That is to say, you never wanted to hurt him?" Posey's face softened.

Shuibing'er saw her old face and couldn't help being full of apology: "sorry, you lost your life and became like this..."

"Now is not the time to care about this," posisi shook his head and said anxiously, "according to what I saw, it can be inferred that there are a group of gods calculating Qin Jian..."

"You can see the movement of the divine power collision just now. Qin Jian should have blocked the blood sword. Now he may be at large, and the three of us have no strength at present. Finding him is just a burden, so I suggest you go again after you recover..."

She paused and said, "also, the hundreds of thousands of evil soul masters have gone to wusoul city just now. That is the foundation of Qin Jian. I must find someone to help stop it, so now I want to go back to Haishen island."

"If you have no place to recover, I suggest going to Poseidon island with me."

Water ice and fire dance were silent for a long time.

"OK... We'll go to Poseidon island with you..."

Finally, Shuibing said, "please..."

"Nothing," Posey said faintly, "he is in a difficult situation. Let's try our best to help him..."

"I have one last month, too..."

She smiled softly: "it's not a waste..."

Shuibing'er and Huowu stared at her, looked at the old woman, and couldn't say a word anymore.

Compared with her, they were ashamed to hurt Qin Jian.


Qin Jian's figure fell from the sky.

After several bumps between the trunks, it finally rolled to the ground.


He struggled to support the ground, arched his body, and coughed up a few wisps of blood from his mouth.


The Dragon horn on the top of the head flickers gently. It seems that it can't be maintained. It fades and disappears slowly.

Subconsciously, Qin Jian said in his mind, "na'er, I can't perfectly control your power. The power of creation and destruction is not like the power of ice and fire. Even if you put it in front of me, I still..."

The next moment, he suddenly froze.

The familiar girl's voice did not appear, and her mind was dead, like an empty heart.

Heartache stimulated his whole body like an electric current. He couldn't help shivering. There was an irreducible sadness in the fundus of his eyes.


The low, hoarse voice seemed to be choking in my throat.

Qin Jian held the tree trunk, straightened up a little and stood up slowly from the ground.

His strength was exhausted and he was seriously injured. He even had to walk.

But you can't stay here. The smell of blood will make the forest very dangerous.

He may be able to frighten the soul beast, but he can't frighten the beast.


He moved a little among the trees. He was lucky and didn't encounter danger all the way.

After half an hour, his eyes suddenly opened up. It turned out that he had come to the edge of the forest.


An old figure suddenly came along the mountain path.

"Young man, have you been attacked by wild animals?"

The old man stopped with a bundle of firewood on his back and looked at it with concern.

Qin Jian pulled at the corners of his mouth, but he still couldn't show a kind smile. He could only say in a hoarse voice, "bad luck, hurt a little."

"Is it far from home?"

Without saying a word, the old man came up to hold him and said to his airway, "if you go back far, go to my house to have a rest. It's not far ahead."

"That's trouble."

Qin Jian didn't refuse. He really needs to find a place to have a good rest now.

"What do you call the old man?"

Qin Jian was carried along the forest path.

Although the old man is still carrying a bundle of firewood, he is really in good health. He can walk fast with him.

"People in the village call me old Jack."

The old man smiled brightly.

Qin Jian nodded: "Grandpa jack, please."

His mind suddenly paused. Why does the name sound familiar

Old Jack laughed: "look at you, you're not 20 years old? You look good and tight. You look rich in clothes. How can you go hunting alone?"

"I'm not hurt by hunting," Qin Jian shook his head and said, "it's just passing by."

"Are you on your way?"

Old Jack immediately gave him a suitable reason: "did you just pass through the mountain forest in an emergency? As a result, you were unlucky and met a beast?"

Qin Jian could only nod.

"Then go to our village and rest for a few days until the wound scabs," said old Jack warmly. "I'm also the head of our village. It's no problem to arrange it for you."

Qin Jian's heart moved: "what village does grandpa Jack live in?"

"Ha ha, our village is also very famous nearby."

Referring to the village, old Jack obviously had a bright face: "our village is a holy soul village!"

Qin Jian didn't notice at first, then slowly opened his eyes: "holy soul village?"

It's just a drop. It's Tang San's hometown?

No wonder you think old Jack is very familiar with the name. It turned out to be shenghun village.

"Have you heard the name of our village?"

Old Jack felt a light on his face: "I tell you, there was a big man in our village, but he reached the soul saint!"

"Like thunder, like thunder." Qin Jian couldn't stop.

Old Jack laughed heartily: "the young man is really good at talking. I think you are very pleasant. You might as well live in my house. There is an empty room."

Qin Jian did not refuse: "trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Old Jack waved his hand again and again.

Soon they went out of the mountain forest and came to the entrance of shenghun village.

Qin Jian looked at the three characters of the holy soul village and felt quite strange.

He has been in this world for many years, but he has never made a pilgrimage here, and he doesn't know whether the blind Douluo is still there.

"Grandpa jack, will there still be people in your village to do martial soul awakening?" Qin Jian asked when he thought of it.

Old Jack nodded and said, "before, there was a period of time. We had to wait for the adults of the Wulin hall to remember before they could awaken the Wulin to a remote village like us. However, since the Wulin ruling was established, I heard that it was divided into areas. Every year, we must awaken the children of our age."