Chapter 212 - Rescue David (2)

Name:Doted By The Alpha Author:lesson101
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"My apologies Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master, you had to see me like this," David said as Hanlu supported his weakened body. Seeing this both Laotian and Hanlu frowned and didn't say anything right away. They just silently looked at him at first before Laotian extended his arm to pat the Old butler's thin shoulder.

"I won't ask anything for now," Laotian simply said before he also came to help David before they walked towards their service. David didn't say anything and just nodded. Of course he knew that he needed to explain. Probably by now both Laotian and Hanlu knew what was happening, he tried to stop it but it was too late. It pains him to see that his son was holding a grudge towards Laotian and Hanlu who he treated as his sons as well but he really couldn't blame anyone for this. This was his fault.

If someone was to ask if he regretted his life choices, David would definitely say he did but only the fact that he didn't take his son and divorced his wife. From the beginning, his relationship with his wife had already turned bad. Before he was hired in the Mo family his wife had been cheating on him, the things he couldn't give, she received from his lovers while he worked hard to earn a living for her and their future family. They were young and reckless and married very young, they had big dreams but unfortunately couldn't reach it.

The day he learned that his wife had been cheating on him, he was planning to divorce her, that day he didn't come home until a year had passed. He couldn't bring himself to go back with her when she had been sleeping with another man while with him. That time when he left he was homeless, jobless, and starving, but he still couldn't bring himself to go back with her. David almost lost all his hope when suddenly his benefactor, Mo Chendong, came to him and offered him a job. His life was doing well from then on until one day his wife who he hadn't seen for a year came to him with a child and claimed that it was his.

Of course David didn't believe at first but after the DNA test result came, he found out that the barely 1 year old Jordan was truly his. It turns out that she was pregnant when he left and tried to make someone take the responsibility however it didn't work so she came to him. David didn't know how she found him but at that moment he had mixed emotions, he didn't know what to do or feel. In the end, he tried to forgive his wife but he could never bring himself to love her back. He couldn't forgive her and even when she was dying, David still had a bitter heart no matter how much time had passed.

If only then he just said that he'll take the baby, none of this would have happened. In the end, his wife passed away without even properly apologizing to him and his only son who had no clue about the whole situation grew up planting a grudge in his heart and now he wouldn't even listen to his explanation.

"Clean this up," Laotian ordered looking at the mess in the area and then to Nigel as he stepped inside the car after David and Hanlu.

Nodding at brief command, Nigel closed the door for Laotian and later watched their vehicle drive away from the site. As soon as he couldn't see them anymore, he quickly called the men under his command as they started cleaning up the mess while calling all necessary services to help them cover up what just happened.

Meanwhile, inside the car, Hanlu, Laotian, and David remained silent until they finally arrived at the secret base. Aside from feeling weak and tired, David was especially embarrassed that an old man like him had caused so much trouble to the family he valued so much.

"The Doctor will arrive soon to treat you. Once you have rested enough, we'll need your explanation," Laotian said using his mundane expression although, despite that, he was quite worried for the Old butler since he wasn't young anymore.

Hearing the brief words, David didn't complain as he nodded weakly. That was what he was going to do anyway. His family matter had impacted the Mo Family so much. He needed to explain in the least since he wasn't able to stop his son from going berserk.

"David, don't be looking like that. We're not blaming you for anything, we just wanted to know the situation," Hanlu said and pat the old man's shoulder after seeing David's guilty expression.

When David heard Hanlu, he felt his eyes suddenly water that he quickly wiped it before something could start streaming down. "Thank you Second Young Master, Eldest Young Master, I will do my best to recover my health quickly," David said while he was now being supported by another young butler.

"No, take all the time that you need, David," Hanlu replied while Laotian nodded in agreement.

"Give him a light meal after his bath," Laotian ordered, looking at the young butler who nodded to him before he finally led David to one of the guest rooms. Laotian and Hanlu looked at the withdrawing backs and even when they couldn't see David anymore both Alphas remained at their spots before Hanlu suddenly sighed and briefly checked his watch.

"Haaa, then I better go now, I have dinner to catch up," Hanlu said, to which Laotian only replied with a simple nod before he walked towards the direction to his room. Hanlu looked at his back and then later shrugged his shoulders and went on with his own destination.

On the other hand, ever since he came back from Africa, Laotian had been staying at the secret base for safety purposes and also because of Daniel's request. Daniel believed that it would be better for him to stay at the secret mansion because there will be many people who can protect and watch him closely unlike when he goes back to their home or the main estate where both Mo Chendong and Laura Mo will be busy taking care of Lan and will be going back and forth from the ranch and the estate.

Finally reaching the front door of his room, Laotian twisted the doorknob open and stepped inside. He slowly trailed deeper inside the room until he reached the table where he accidentally left his personal mobile phone earlier when rushing out.

Laotian picked the device and sat on the bed, he had a serious expression before he scanned for a certain number that he quickly found in less than a second.

*Phone Ringing*

[Hello Laotian? Minmin and I just finished our afternoon bath. We're about to have dinner soon, how about you?] Daniel said the moment he accepted the call. Thankfully, 2 days after he and Luangmin settled over his parent's house, finally Luangmin adjusted quickly even when he couldn't see temporarily. Of course, at first, the little man was terrified but in the past days, this only intensified his clingy personality which Daniel didn't mind in the slightest bit.

"Hmmm, Dinner is being prepared," Laotian replied, finally a gentle smile formed on his lips hearing his beloved wife's cheerful voice. However knowing why he called, he was feeling reluctant whether to tell Daniel or not.

[Don't forget your fruits, okay? That'll help your s.e.m.e.n taste sweeter, they said] Daniel leisurely while he had Luangmin rolling at his side. Laotian on the other hand, as soon as he heard what his wife just said, he suddenly choked on his own saliva.

"What?" Laotian asked, unable to believe what he just heard. "Did you just say something about my…" Laotian asked again but he wasn't able to finish his words thinking he might just be hearing things but then again as soon as Daniel replied, his heart suddenly skipped a beat not knowing what to do or feel?

[Yeah, I've read it online that eating the fruits I suggested before will make your s.e.m.e.n taste sweeter, Laotian] Daniel said as if what he was saying was something trivial.

"What are you reading up online, Honey?" Laotian sighed in frustration. Daniel was quite adorable but sometimes he was just too childish. Who would believe something like that? Nothing in this world will make your excretion taste sweeter unless you're eating something sweet along with it. Not that he would do such a thing to Daniel.

Quickly Laotian remembered all the things Daniel learned from the internet and he realized more unexpected things will happen to him in the future so he should mentally prepare his heart all the time.

[What? It's true. A lot of people had tried it. You don't taste bad Laotian but I want it sweet. You know I like sweets so you better eat a lot of fruits from now on, okay?] Daniel said again, sounding like he was pouting, making Laotian sigh again. He had no choice but to nod in the end.

"Anything for you Honey, but don't be disappointed if nothing changes," Laotian said, massaging his temples. It amazed him how their conversation quickly arrived at this topic.

[If nothing changes then that means you haven't eaten enough pineapples and papaya] Daniel insisted, making Laotian unable to say anything.

[So why'd you call? Did something happen?] Not waiting for Laotian to speak, Daniel once again asked while caressing Luangmin's hair that's now lying beside him listening to his voice.

"Hmmm, something did happen," Laotian replied silently thanking that they're not out of the previous topic.

[Yeah? What is it? Don't tell me your wound reopened again!]

"No. No. Not that," Laotian immediately replied, not wanting Daniel to worry about him again although what he was going to say without a doubt will definitely worry the Omega.

[Wait, let me switch to a video call. I want to see you,] Daniel said, and later they switched into a video call. Daniel inspected Laotian body quickly and when he saw nothing was unusual he nodded in approval.

[Hmmm, okay. So what happened?] He asked, showing both him and Luangmin on the screen.

"Nothing serious actually but we found David," Laotian replied and smiled when he saw the mother and son cuddling each other while hearing Luangmin calling him 'Dada' in the background. The little man must have recognized his voice and is now excited thinking he was with them.

"Careful Baby, you'll gonna hurt Mommy's stomach," Laotian said and later smiled when the little man slightly behaved but he was still clinging onto Daniel responding with an "Okway Dada," in a cheerful voice as if his condition isn't in the slightest bit depressing. Maybe it was that he was too young to understand or Daniel was just too good of taking care of their son's emotions that this seems like it wasn't affecting him at all but this was surely good.

[Really? How'd you find him?] Daniel asked surprised and worriedly. He already knows that it was David's son, Jordan Bronson, who was trying to target the Mo Family. He also heard some of the details about David's family circ.u.mstances and he felt bad for him. No Father would ever want their son to be this way, if Luangmin becomes like Jordan, his heart would have broken so he could imagine how David was feeling right now especially when he treats both Laotian and Hanlu as his children as well.

"He was held captive by Jordan Bronson. They were going to transport him to a different location but thankfully Hanlu and I saved him on time,"

[And is he okay? I'm glad you saved him on time,] Daniel said holding his chest in worry but after Laotian's words sunk in, his little forehead wrinkled. [Wait, you and Hanlu? Isn't that something dangerous? I'm glad that David has been rescued but Laotian you're still wounded remember? Please don't get too carried away] Daniel added a little displeased.

"I'm sorry. I was fine this time so no need to worry. I just couldn't stay in my bed when I knew David was suffering," Laotian said. Honestly, he really didn't need to go but he did because David was like a father to him and he was also pretty sure David treated him and Hanlu as his children as well as he was one of the many people who raised him and pampered him his whole life even without saying.

[Okay, I'll forgive you this time but please don't put yourself in danger again] Daniel said, nodding. He wasn't that despicable. He knew why Laotian disregarded his promise to him and he understands that.

"Thank you, Honey. I wish I could hug you right now,"