Chapter 142 - Not Going to Leave You

Name:Doted By The Alpha Author:lesson101
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"Mo Hanlu, you bastard! What are you suddenly doing?!" Ian yelled as he struggled against his husband's embrace in the tight space at the backseat of the car.

"Now that I thought of it, we've never done it in a car before," Hanlu thought, slowly pulling Ian's short pants down along with his underwear. Of course, after his wife tells something so passionate like cutting off his d.i.c.k because he used it to pleasure other women, Hanlu couldn't stop but wanted to assure Ian he was all his the second he knew he had a son and now, his feelings for him.

He will forever be the Omega's slave and he will never cheat on him ever again.

"Of course we didn't, this is outside. People will see us! Get off of me now," Ian struggled more but he only ended up being n.a.k.e.d down as Hanlu threw his pants and underwear at the front of the car.

"This car is heavily tinted so you don't have to worry about being seen, besides, don't you want to erase any traces of that woman? I'm here offering myself to you, you just have to eat and enjoy," Hanlu cooed before leaning forward and kissed Ian's luscious lips that he had been sucking on so deliciously since last night. Hanlu slipped his sticky tongue inside his wife's sweet cavern and slurped all his sweet addictive nectar delightfully while also loving the soft nasal m.o.a.n Ian released the second they started.

They continued on for a while until they separated finally, slightly panting and Ian muddled headed. He clings on his Alpha before he pouted upset, "W-Who do you prefer more in bed, me or her? Did she kiss you better that I do? H-How about sucking you? I'm better at least on that right?" Ian asked in a dazed, his eyes threatening to shed some tears.

Suddenly, all those years he had endured thinking maybe at that moment Hanlu was pinning some other Omega, Alpha, or Beta. It was so frustrating, he tried to ignore those feelings but now he couldn't help but ask the Alpha the insecurities he had all those years.

"Such nonsense, of course, you were better in all aspects! To me, they're all just a dead log as I thought of you every time. Don't you compare yourself to others because you're way more than anybody else!" Hanlu boasted before he hugged his wife in comfort.

"T-then why?" Ian sobbed, at last, his tears went streaming down in frustration. He knew he shouldn't dwell on the past but he couldn't stop himself, seeing Veronica now brought all his past mischiefs to the surface. Even though he now married Hanlu, even though he believed and trusted his love, even though he truly wanted to forget, he just couldn't.

Seeing Ian's beady tears falling down from his saddened eyes, Hanlu felt pain. He pulled Ian in his embrace and whispered, "Pleaseee, Baby…" Hanlu started, his heart pounded fast suddenly thinking of Ian leaving him again.

The pain he felt at that time when Ian chose to leave him suddenly came back. "Please forgive me. Please don't leave me. I was wrong, I won't ever cheat on you again," Hanlu sniffled, tightening his embrace that caused Ian to suddenly be so confused.

"I-I won't ever talk to her again, just don't leave me, I won't see her or any of them anymore I promise," Hanlu sobbed, his tears streaming down without him realizing, catching Ian off guard. When he heard the Alpha sniffled, his own tears stopped, Ian frowned and pulled Hanlu away to see his tear-stained face.

"What are you crying about, dummy? Don't be more emotional than me right now; I should be the one crying, not you! Luu, I have already forgiven you," Ian complained and confessed caressing Hanlu's cheeks as he wiped the damp area. After he made sure that the Alpha's eyes were dry, a soft smile flashed on Ian's lips before he leaned forward.

"I won't ever leave you again! I can't afford it now that I've gotten used to our small family living in this massive palace of yours. Eating together, sleeping, taking a bath together, watching TV, having fun; I can't afford to lose something I have just gained after dreaming of it for years. Also if I leave you, I'm afraid more men and women would flock you again." Ian stated against Hanlu's lips before the distance between them closed.

*gasps* "Hmmmn," Ian briefly slid his tongue on Hanlu's lips before he pulled away. Hanlu was still silent, overwhelmed by his previous emotions but he moved and made Ian sit on his lap before his hands traveled inside his lover's clothes. Ian hummed at the caresses but he couldn't help but notice the Alpha's silence.

"Why are you so silent all of a sudden?" Ian asked, Hanlu only looked straight in his blueish orbs with so much love and affection. He already thought of this before but his desires to fulfill it had gotten stronger. He will definitely make it so that Ian won't be able to live without him. He will spoil him rotten that the Omega would never ever want to leave or even thought of leaving ever again.

"You saw me cry, I'm so pathetic," Hanlu said, his cheeks tinted with a slight pinkish hue. Ian found this cute and chuckled pinching the Alpha's smooth unblemished cheeks.

"True man cries, no need to feel shy. At least now, I know you'd cry like this if I ever left you," Ian teased showering his big baby with flowery kisses and soon quickly started kissing so passionately. It was rough, frantic, and filled with longing that the kisses alone draw out their desires. Their bodies swayed in a gentle rhythm as they sucked on each other's mouth, not a care if there were people out who took Veronica in a heavily tainted black Toyota SUV before leaving quickly out of the estate.

Wet and sloppy noise echoed inside the car as they continued to indulge themselves that when they finally separated feeling suffocated, "Oh dear," Hanlu commented with his l.u.s.t-filled eyes seeing how his pants had been stained wet by his lover's sweet essence, "I thought you'd sure had enough after I drained you good last night." Hanlu whispered breathily before he caressed the red and purple marks on Ian's inner thighs that he left last night from their lovemaking.

"S-Shut up! J-Just do what you want already," Ian shyly said, hiding his face with his palms, he was no doubt sore from the inside out but he couldn't stop from wanting his husband now. He couldn't deny being in the car also added into his excitement. They had never been so adventurous so Ian was curious.

"Are you sure? I might hurt you," Hanlu groaned even though he was already yanking down his sweatpants enough for his erection to sprout out like a mushroom after the rain.

"Hmmm, J-Just be gentle…" Ian mumbled leaning forward, hiding on Hanlu's neck.

"Of course, I'll try my best," Hanlu assured, putting on a soft kiss on his beloved's shoulder before he quickly leads his rod directly on his wife's leaking crease. "Can you drop your weight slowly?" Hanlu whispered seductively against his wife's ears. Ian didn't hesitate and slowly dropped his weight making sure he wasn't hurt since he was sore. And as soon as all of Hanlu's length rested inside him, he gasped clinging; he couldn't stop contracting his muscles.

"Damn, you're being so s.e.xy right now. It's like our first time," Hanlu commented throbbing inside Ian, he wanted to move aimlessly inside but he won't because he promised he would be super extra gentle.

"Baby, are you hurt?"

"Hmmm, n-not really," Ian m.o.a.ned, still hiding against Hanlu's neck which the Alpha found cute. They stayed like that for a minute or so, just cuddling, snuggled up on each other before finally, Hanlu decided to move. He urges Ian to slightly pull up as Hanlu settles his palms on his waist. As soon as Ian pulls an inch far, Hanlu would then use his strength to push Ian back to their connection.

"Is this okay?" Hanlu questioned in a cooing voice as he grinds inside Ian softly hitting the swollen prostate with the tip of his p.e.n.i.s.

"Ahh, Hmmm,"

Like his mind floating somewhere else, Ian chokes on his m.o.a.n. Hanlu continued to thrust gently but each thrust was made to hit his beloved's sweet spot, earning loud gasps every time. And the longer their passionate activity lasted the more the mess both of them had become.


"You're sweating so much, are you feeling hot? Should I open the air-conditioner after all?" Hanlu suggested noticing his wife's beady sweats dripping nonstop as they continued to move. Since it was already hot outside and the car's engine was turned off, he believed it's only a matter of time before they both end up suffocated inside the car.

"Ahh, N-No…I-I'm about to come," Ian whined leaning backward as he moved his own h.i.p.s. Hanlu watched him being so wet while he also indulged him quickening his thrust a little that when Hanlu felt the familiar contraction Ian would have before coming, Hanlu lifted Ian's hip close to his face in a rush causing their connection to separate.

"Yahh! Ahh, N-Nooo! Ahh…" Ian whined palming on Hanlu's hair as the Alpha took his coming shaft into his hot mouth. Hanlu bobbed his head, his fingers slipped inside Ian, knuckles deep before he curled it in the right direction, and made sure Ian released his entire load. When Ian finally came whining, Hanlu gulps all his essence deliciously.

At last, pulling his fingers out, Hanlu licked his lips making sure none of the juice slipped out of his mouth while he slowly dropped Ian on his lap again with the Omega panting upset.

"W-What did you do that for?!" Ian whined unsatisfied despite just coming. He didn't like coming with just Hanlu's fingers inside him, the feeling left him wanting more.

"We can't stay here for too long, we'll sure have a heatstroke after," Hanlu explained before he buckled his pants up despite his aching bulge. Ian was still a little whiny, not wanting to stop but Hanlu was firm seeing how the Omega's eyes turned dazed, his body soaking wet with his own sweat. Hanlu was the same so despite wanting more, he lifted Ian off of him. He then stepped out of the car quickly closing the door and then moving to the front.

"I'll drive us back then I'll ravage you back in our room,'' Hanlu stated, giving Ian's short pants back before turning the engine on.

It didn't take long before they were once again walking inside the house, Lan and Henry greeting them back.

"Why are Daddy and Mommy very sweaty…" Lan started before his nose scrunched up when the two got a meter close, "And both smelled funny," Lan added smelling a very sweet scent coming from the two. Since he was Alpha as well, he could smell the mating pheromones both his parents were emitting but since he was too young to experience rut, he found the scent funny and weird.

"I'm sorry baby, Daddy will explain later okay?" Hanlu said panting before he dazedly looked at Henry who was currently covering his nose with a handkerchief. Even without the Alpha saying, he quickly nodded to his friend and grabbed Lan.

"That's right, Young Master Lan, you still haven't finished your homework right?" Henry said and lifted the boy upon his arms. Lan looked at Henry and indeed, he remembered living his homework when he saw his father at the gate talking to someone.

"Oh, I forgot. Daddy, Mommy, I'll just have to finish my homework. I left it earlier." Lan beamed, which Hanlu replied with a nodded and a smile then urging Henry to bring his son up to his room.

"Luu~ I-I can't take it anymore…" Ian whines trembling hugging Hanlu. Hanlu didn't wait for more and instead of climbing up to their room that was too far, he lifted Ian on his arms and he trailed the way to his personal office space. He walked deeper inside the room and to the books lining on the shelves before pulling one of the books there.

Suddenly a hidden door opened revealing a modern looking bedroom, different from the rest of the modern French renaissance theme that the whole Estate had.

Hanlu laid Ian on the soft bed located in the middle of the room; Ian didn't have to say more as Hanlu quickly stripped all his clothes. There was not much talk exchanged between them this time as they pleased each other so many times as if what they did last night wasn't enough to satisfy both their undying desires.