Chapter 42 - He's His Brother's Wife!

Name:Doted By The Alpha Author:lesson101
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The next day, Daniel woke up without Laotian next to him. He got off of the bed and slowly walked towards the toilet room to relieve himself. While walking, Daniel's legs started shaking threatening to make him fall into the carpet floor, Laotian's remains began to leak out on his inner thighs and before it spills onto the floor Daniel ignored how he was limping, and forces himself to walk quicker.

The moment he arrived in the toilet room, he immediately sat on the bowl and blushed hiding his face against his soft and slender palms. Goosebumps covered his body as Daniel strongly felt the lumps of s.e.m.e.n bursting out of him.

This is the first time it happened to him, usually Laotian would clean him after their love-making so in the morning, when he wakes up and takes a bath, Daniel wouldn't have to clean himself inside out.

But now, he didn't expect it would burst out like it is. Daniel touched his slightly bloated lower abdomen and pushes it down. A whimper escapes his lips as came along was the build-up urine in his bladder.

His toes curled up. Goosebumps remained. He never thought peeing was this difficult that his body slightly quiver. Finally, he panted after being released from his torture but remained to shake after feeling another lump of Mo Laotian's s.e.m.e.n leaks out from his organ, it felt oddly satisfying that he lets out another set of whimpers.

Daniel couldn't believe his husband had so much of those white stuff even when they had been doing it every day ever since they got back from Hawaii.

Standing up after quite a while, he made sure his uterus was empty. Daniel immediately went straight to the shower since he was already n.a.k.e.d. He took a long bath, he cleaned his whole body thoroughly and then soaked in the tub for a couple of minutes before finishing off.

"It seems like my heat had ended but I should still drink my pills just in case. " Daniel talked to himself and pulled out his suppressant from one of the drawers. After drinking, he carefully dried his hair and put on some rose-scented cream all over his face and on his body.

When he was done, he sighs while he watched himself in the mirror, his body was covered with a red and purplish mark that would have definitely show if he doesn't wear long sleeves and turtle neck. Daniel missed baby Minmin so much, he quickly took his only black knitted turtle neck and paired it with his shorts, not expecting he had a few of those red and purple marks on his legs as well.

Satisfied with his attire, he went out rushing down the stairs. As soon as he saw Mrs. Lopez carrying Luangmin, Daniel felt excited and called out.

"Mommy!" Daniel exclaimed and walked towards Mrs. Lopez.

"Daniel, my baby. Are you okay now?" Mrs. Lopez asks as she regretfully handed his precious grandson to Daniel who's been longing for his child. Daniel was her only son, although it shocked her to learn his only baby now had his own son. She quite liked the thought of becoming a grandparent, and especially to a well behaved and adorable Mo Luangmin.

It has been two days since Mrs. Lopez stayed at the Mos. She and Laura Mo took care of the precious little baby but they never once experience the little one throwing a tantrum. He was mostly asleep all the time and when he was indeed awake, little Luangmin would silently observe his surroundings. He was quite a curious baby, Mrs. Lopez grew fond of that and wished she could take care of him often.

"Thanks, mommy, I'm okay now. . . Minmin did you missed mommy?" Daniel said smiling. He gently hugged baby Minmin and kissed his soft pinkish cheeks causing the little one to smile on his sleep hearing Daniel's voice.

"hmm, That's good! Come. Laura is in the kitchen, she said she'll ask someone to send your breakfast upstairs. " Mrs. Lopez said as walked to the kitchen. Daniel nodded following his mother to the kitchen with Minmin on his arms. After arriving at the dining, Daniel instantly TianZi eating his breakfast. He was busy clicking on his computer nonstop. He had obvious dark bags under his eyes, his hair was so messy and his clothes were the same clothes he was wearing the last time Daniel saw him.

Daniel was still looking at his brother-in-law when Laura Mo came out of the kitchen after Mrs. Lopez called her. "Oh Darling, I was just asking someone to send your breakfast upstairs. Are you okay now? " Laura said coming out of the kitchen with two maids each carrying a tray of food. She wasn't expecting that Daniel would recover from his heat so soon knowing that it's the first time since his labor and so she prepared breakfast that's best for boosting up his stamina.

"Yes thank you, mother. I'm okay now. I'll just eat breakfast here with Minmin," Daniel smiled kindly, he felt so loved seeing that he had now two mother figures who cared for him so much.

Nodding at Daniel, Laura asked the maids to set the breakfast on the table instead. The maids quickly executed the task and later on, Daniel was facing so much food placed directly in front of him that he wondered if he could finish it all. He was just honestly eyeing on the small bowl of fruit salad and banana waffle sandwich and nothing else.

Daniel comfortably settled Minmin on his arm first before he chooses one of the silver utensils at the side of his plate before scooping on a small amount of diced fruit on his spoon when TianZi suddenly stared at him. Daniel didn't notice the Alpha looking at first but when he finally did, he got startled and felt uncomfortable.

TianZi's handsome features completely disappeared. He currently looked like a zombie with his sunken dark circles and messy and greasy looking hair, that the more the young Alpha stares the more Daniel got nervous.

" W-what? " Daniel asked finally, holding Minmin a little tighter on his arms. Tian Zi didn't respond and continued to be mesmerized by the Omega's glowing beauty and alluring sweet scent making Daniel even more uncomfortable. Thankfully, Laura Mo came out of the kitchen and catch the situation. She frowned rushing towards Tian Zi and smacked his head lightly.

"You unfilial child! After coming out of your room you looked like this and even made me cook food for you? Am I your servant? And now you're scaring your older brother's wife. Why don't you go to class or if you don't then why don't you work in the company! " Laura nagged resting her hand at his side.

" Mother trust me, I'm doing work for eldest brother. And besides, you cook meals for everyone, why can't you cook for me? " Tian Zi replied rubbing his head frowning. Finally, he was able to remove his eyes away from Daniel. He also thought he really shouldn't be with Daniel in the same room for a long time or he'll end up having the same reaction that it frustrates him. He's his brother's wife for god's sake!

"I'm your mother, not your servant. Talk nicely to me. " Laura nagged again. Daniel finally calmed down and just laughs watching the two argue with each other until finally Laura gave up and pulled Mrs. Lopez away when she came out of the kitchen as well like she was her best friend.

" tsk. Annoying! " Tian Zi mumble glaring at where his mother went off to.

" Don't talk to your mother like that. I think she only misses you. "

" hmmp. " Tian Zi only scuffs then ate his food again staring at his computer with a smirk on his lips. Daniel didn't pay him any more attention and focus on eating. After a couple of minutes, Tian Zi suddenly curses and started typing at his computer again, Daniel was made to be shocked again. He almost choked on his food. He thought the young Alpha was talking to him.

" Persistent bastard, let's see if you crack this one. " Tian Zi mumbled to himself. For the past 3 days, he had been playing with someone on the computer that wanted to access Daniella Sullen's files. Tian Zi didn't have to protect it actually and he just likes putting marks and security locks in his territory. The person behind the breaching was good but not as good as him so he decided to play games. He just didn't expect the guy would learn so fast, after 2 days of persistently trying, he finally managed to breach the first firewall of his security lock system, now looking at his movements it looks like it wouldn't take long until he gets the pattern and completely destroys Tian Zi's system.

Tian Zi has fifteen unique security system on his hands that he developed himself. The lock he put on Daniella Sullen's account was level one and now he changes it to two. Level one was hard enough against normal hackers. It's obvious this one wasn't normal and especially persistent.

Finish with his breakfast, Daniel slowly stood up with baby Minmin still sleeping on his arms afraid he would disturb Tian Zi from doing his stuff. After successfully escaping from his weird brother-in-law, Daniel went to the garden to get some fresh air with Minmin finally awake from his nap before he starts another one in the nest hour.

" Darling, Daniel? Come with us to the mall, we can take Xiao Min with us. Diane and I are planning to go shopping. You've been locked up in the house for days, you should get out of the house sometimes. " Laura Mo invited after noticing his son-in-law and grandson in the garden.

" Okay mother, I'll call Laotian to notify him. " Daniel nodded smiling. He's not in heat anymore maybe because his husband's essence stayed inside him the whole night. Daniel thought it would be safe for him to go out now, plus he misses going shopping with his mom. They used to do it before he met the Sullens.

" No need. No need. I'll tell him myself now, go prepare yourself and Xiao Min. " Laura Mo wave her hands. Daniel understood his mother-in-law so he nodded and went back up to his room to prepare. After a couple of minutes Daniel, Mo Luangmin, Laura Mo and Diane Lopez trailed the way to the nearest shopping center.