
How could this be?

Lin Sanjiu stood firmly in the dark forest, and couldn't help thinking of the last time she stood in the forest.

The planning that made them exhausted, the running and fighting that cost their lives, like walking a tightrope, not daring to miss a second... But their efforts are like the waves of a river, no matter how they toss and beat, they will eventually be photographed. A high-walled dam, broken into foamy spray, loses all meaning.

How could he even know whether he was lying? Does he also have Hu Changzai's ability to distinguish between true and false?

Yu Yuan stopped quietly one step away, his silhouette pressed against the night, so that even the air gradually stopped flowing, and he solidified heavily at their feet. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to breathe through my nose, I couldn't breathe anymore.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Sanjiu made the last effort to resist the denial, and after leaving the mouth, he also felt it was ridiculous, interrupted, and turned into a dead silence.

After a few seconds, she asked in a low voice, "What the hell are you...?"

Yu Yuan was silent for a while.

"You see, that's one of the answers I hope to find when I get out of here."

Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes hard.

Calm down...Calm down, she is still alive in the face of Occidental, which means that there must be a glimmer of life hidden in this situation. Occidentus doesn't take pleasure in playing with people's hearts. If he makes up his mind, she will definitely not be able to continue standing now. That ray of life—

Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood.

"Since you know I'm lying, why did you let me separate from the gift bag?" She heard her voice trembling slightly.

Yu Yuan calmly replied: "You know that too, right? You have always been very sensitive in critical moments."

This is the second time, this is the second time he has used such a tone, showing his understanding of himself...

Lin Sanjiu held this idea tightly in his hands, and then said: "At that time, there was only me and the gift bag. Even if you acted immediately, the only ones you could catch were the two of us. On the contrary, there were still us struggling to the death. A warning from someone, a risk of them getting away. But if you go with the flow and let Bundle think his plan is going well..."

Then, he can use himself to find them one by one.

"You...you want to turn me into a body steward too?" Although Lin Sanjiu's words were a question, she already knew the answer. "Like Yu Yuan?"

Yu Yuan raised a hand and tapped his forehead twice. "This one is not a body steward."

"What do you mean?" Lin Sanjiu asked immediately. Saying one more word, she and her companions can live one more word, and she will have a little more chance to think of a way-she can't wait to chat until the gift bag finds something is wrong; she talk?

"The steward of the body is created by me, who did not exist in the world before. Like Jotans, he keeps my body, abilities, vision, walks for me, acts for me..." Yu Yuan said lightly, "You see This one is an 'identity' confiscated by me. It is not of the same nature as the steward of the body."

After he finished speaking, he took a step aside and raised his hand towards the dark forest in front of him.

Lin Sanjiu understood what he meant, and raised her foot as if sleepwalking.

Her sense of unreality is too heavy. At this moment, the two are shoulder to shoulder, like friends walking together, step by step on the mountain where the fallen leaves are piled up, stirring up dark ripples in the deep and dark dream of the mountain forest.

They were still far away from the Heishiji, and when Lin Sanjiu raised his head, he couldn't even see a single light, as if the Heishiji and the crowd didn't actually exist.

"So, before you make me one of your identities too, can I ask you a few questions?" she asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, I can let you delay for a while." Yu Yuan thought for a while and said, "When using this 'identity', I am willing to pamper you a little bit."

Lin Sanjiu suppressed the sharp anger and forced himself to continue focusing on the thought just now.

It seems that the evolutionary who was occupied by Ossius did not completely disappear from this body as she thought. He called himself Xiaojiu just now—this is Yu Yuan's name; he said that he was sensitive at critical moments, which also came from Yu Yuan's memory and judgment.

Not to mention that Xiaoxius has already made it very clear: when he uses Yu Yuan's "identity", he will be influenced by Yu Yuan's own feelings and cognition-even if it is to a very limited extent, it is enough to make him "Orcius", an existence far from human beings, was tainted with a bit of tenderness.

Since Yu Yuan's memory, cognition, judgment, emotion, etc. can still affect Occidentals, does it mean that "Yu Yuan" still exists in this body?

Does she still have a chance of bringing him back?

"Don't you have a question to ask?" Yu Yuan reminded as he walked.

Lin Sanjiu let out a "huh" and asked the question that bothered her the most: "Why do you know I'm lying when I say Mather? You...do you have the ability to distinguish truth from lies?"

"It would be convenient if I had that ability." Yu Yuan smiled quietly and said, "Because I know that Marseille is not on Exodus."

Lin Sanjiu stopped abruptly. "You—do you know where Mercer is?"

Could it be that he had already set his sights on Martha? But she didn't even get in touch with Mather, and Mather didn't know about him, so how did she become the target?

"I know. You know Jotense, right? The one who was not very obedient in the first version. He knows where Martha is and is on his way to find her."

Lin Sanjiu was startled, and just about to open his mouth, Yu Yuan spoke again.

"I also know that Mather doesn't know anything about me." Yu Yuan seemed to realize what she hadn't said, and said as if to comfort her: "So you don't have to worry about Mather's safety...as long as you don't Tell her my existence, she is a resource I need in the future, of course I will not touch her."

At least on this point, Orcius has no need to lie.

Lin Sanjiu nodded in a daze. From this point of view, it was a good thing that she hadn't been in touch with Martha; now she couldn't drag Martha into this muddy water, putting her life in danger.

"But...how do you know about Mercer?" she asked.

"One of my body stewards discovered the connection between you by chance, and thought that Mather might be a way to lead me to you." Yu Yuan's gentle and deep voice gradually faded into the night. "In a way, she's not wrong."

"Why did you ask Jotans to go find her?" Lin Sanjiu asked, turning his head sideways, looking carefully at Yu Yuan under the night.

"See if she can do me a favor." Yu Yuan also turned around and smiled at her, his dark and warm eyes like ink stones were empty. "You only worry about her now, in my opinion, it's not very wise."

Yes, no matter what it is, as long as Mather doesn't know about Orcius, her life will not be in danger... But it's different for others.

After Lin Sanjiu walked for a while, the thick darkness of the nearby mountains and forests had faded away, and there was faint light like mist; although it was still difficult for people to see the surrounding scenery clearly, it was enough to tell her that the black stones could not be gathered. Far.

Why hasn't Occidentus turned her into a steward of the body -- no, "identity"?

Even if Yu Yuan influenced Xiaoxius to a certain extent, Lin Sanjiu was not so naive as to think that Yu Yuan's remnant will would be enough to reverse Xiaoxius' decision; he didn't do anything, it must be because Still can't do it.

Why not? Isn't he great?

Thinking about it carefully, now Lin Sanjiu has also seen three forms of Occidentals: the first is the Occidentals after the "sentence", it is the despair that no one can resist, it can be regarded as A 100% form; the second one is the Occidental who came through the "projection". Although he is still supernaturally powerful, it seems to be separated by a layer after all. At least Lin Sanjiu and others can have room to escape. It should be only a hundred Fifty-sixty cents Orcius.

The third type, which she saw for the first time tonight, is Yu Yuan at this moment.

What percentage of Occidentus is this form?

No matter how reckless Lin Sanjiu was, he wouldn't try it. Since the two of them started walking towards Heishiji, she had tried her best to relax every tense nerve, and secretly focused on Yu Yuan, perceiving him inch by inch.

Undoubtedly, this form of Occidentus is the weakest one, as if he just separated a wisp of will and injected it into Yu Yuan's body. But again, even in the weakest version, Lin Sanjiu is far from his opponent.

So, is it because Occidentus didn't turn her into a body steward because the power of this form is not enough?

Wait - Lin Sanjiu shuddered suddenly, and his body trembled uncontrollably, which even made Yu Yuan look back at her.

If he needs to reach at least the "projection" state in order to collect Lin Sanjiu as one of his identities, then what does Occidental need most?

That is a law that even Occidental cannot change...

Lin Sanjiu looked at the glints of light on the hillside in front of him, and knew that he had no time.

Where there is light, there is shadow.

No wonder he allowed himself to walk this distance... The projection of Occidentus is so huge, it naturally needs a wide range of bright and strong light; the best choice is the black stone collection in front of it that is as bright as day.

Unlike a gift bag, she couldn't think of such a brilliant solution; Lin Sanjiu only had one life-saving straw in her hands at the moment—and she had to act now.

Lin Sanjiu was surprised that she actually turned around successfully.

In the next second, as if she wanted to get out of her body, she used the best effort in her life and rushed out towards the dark forest ahead.

Merry Christmas to everyone! What else do you take besides ibuprofen?