This chapter is very short, so it's very fast

Lin Sanjiu was stunned for several seconds, and finally digested this fact——

She is really a bag of potato chips.

This feeling is very strange. Even if reason told her that she was now like a bag of potato chips, sitting on the first floor of the shelf; However, after trying to move her body, Lin Sanjiu didn't feel that her stomach was full of potato chips - she felt that she was just sinking somehow and couldn't feel her hands and feet.

While enduring this fact, she forced herself to calm down and desperately think about the way out.

She is probably not the first person to be transformed into potato chips. Now she doesn't even have hands and feet, so naturally she can't use her ability; If all the snacks sitting on the shelf were once an evolutionist, would she recover if she fell off the shelf?

Maybe everything is because of this shelf?

Although her body seemed to have lost her hands and feet, she could still move if she worked hard

Lin Sanjiu made up his mind and immediately clenched her teeth - if she still had teeth - desperately dragged herself forward; Just such a simple action, even if she has exhausted all her strength, the moving distance is so small that there is almost no difference.

Feeling exhausted, Lin Sanjiu took a breath, slowed down for a while, and fell forward again. This time, she could feel that she had finally fallen slightly forward; Before I could be happy, I suddenly felt that something was hanging around me, and then a shadow followed——

With a bang, the bag of potato chips beside her fell to the ground.

Lin Sanjiu immediately stared at it closely. Her heart was raised high, and her eyes did not dare to blink. Even the production date on the packaging bag could be seen clearly - "December 2, 1993".

The package of potato chips collapsed slightly because of a fall. Under the eyes of Lin Sanjiu, it slowly bulged back.

But it never showed signs of becoming human.

Just when Lin Sanjiu was anxious to try to jump down again, a "patter" sound of footsteps suddenly came from the other direction of the shelf. The man didn't walk fast, and with the inexplicable noise, he walked steadily step by step - as soon as the sound came into her ears, she immediately breathed a long breath.

Here comes the puppet master!

Maybe he heard his cry, or maybe he was suspicious when he saw that she hadn't appeared for so long; Anyway, as long as he comes, she has hope of being saved.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it is in the direction of puffed food. Soon, a shadow came out from the end of the shelf.

Because he couldn't turn his head and look around, Lin Sanjiu could only use his spare light to see and stand up to listen; In her remaining light, the dark figure slowly came over, and finally came gradually in front of her.

Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and then he froze, unable to move, afraid to move.

The person in front of him is not a puppet master.

It really looks like a person - the other party has a head, trunk and limbs, and his body is wrapped in a layer of bright red plastic paper, with the same texture as the potato bag; But the exposed face and skin showed a yellow color, dry and shriveled, but full of bubbles and pores.

Only with a little imagination can we see some faint facial features on this bumpy, bumpy flat face. However, after looking more, Lin Sanjiu found that this face somehow looked familiar.

As soon as she came up with the idea, she happened to feel its "eyes" - actually two crooked and asymmetric bubbles - glancing in her direction, then lowered her head and looked at the packet of potato chips on the floor.

"It fell," it murmured, with a crisp voice. "If it falls on the ground and gets stained with ash, it can't be sold."

Immediately, it stretched out an equally yellow hand full of pimples, grabbed the potato bag and picked it up.

"If I can't sell it, I'll eat it by myself," the Yellow flat figure shouted happily, with a crisp voice and a few "quack" sounds. As he spoke, he pinched the serrated edge of the packaging bag. Like any human who wants to eat potato chips, his hands were wrong, and the packaging bag suddenly made a "squeak" sound like the skin of meat was torn——

Lin Sanjiu almost had the illusion that she heard a terrible howl. Her heart just jumped, but the sound disappeared again, as if it had never existed.

In the twinkling of an eye, she saw that the packaging bag had a crack, and then she realized that the packaging bag of potato chips was much thicker and more resilient than expected - from the opened part, there was not only a thick layer of red meat, mixed with yellow and white colors, but also strands of silk, which was connected to the main body of the packaging bag, looking like the subcutaneous fascia was torn long.

The flat man glanced into the bag, reached into it, grabbed it, and fished it out again. On its palm, which was barely in the shape of a hand, lay flat pieces of crimson crimson, like air dried viscera. It picked up one of the red pieces connected with several strong blood vessels and stuffed it into a hole in its face.

"Spicy," the flat man didn't chew much, but half of his face was quickly dyed red, "I like this Mexican spicy."

Lin Sanjiu, who was just trying to fall forward, leaned back with all his strength at this time. She was afraid that if she accidentally fell down, "stained with ash" and was eaten by the flat man.

That bag of potato chips produced in 1993 was soon eaten up.

The flat man threw the empty bag away. Instead of walking, he seemed to be aroused by his appetite. Its asymmetric two holes, slowly swept away from the shelf, and clearly chanted: "cucumber flavor, mustard flavor, tomato flavor... Huh?"

It stopped in front of Lin Sanjiu. "Chicken with scallions? This taste should be very delicious."

At this moment, Lin Sanjiu's mind turned quickly to countless ideas - but almost none of her abilities were used, and all special items were put in the card library; The only thing that can make her fight is consciousness.

The Yellow flat man slowly raised his hand in a crisp click.

Lin Sanjiu stared at the hand. When it was about to touch itself, he suddenly turned his consciousness into a torrent and hit it out, flapping the fragile hand away; Almost in the next second, she suddenly felt that her body was grabbed by someone and dragged into the depths of the shelf again.