This chapter will be ready soon

Lin San Jiu still remembers the first day of extreme temperature hell.

After his former boyfriend's blood stained his hands, it was sticky and thick and penetrated into the cracks of his nails, and he couldn't wash it clean all the time. When I walked out of the parking lot, the heat wave came to my face at that moment, and my heart jumped when I saw the degenerate species for the first time... Now I think of it, it's still like yesterday.

So fast, 14 months have passed.

Her first world, her hometown, drifted in a gust of wind, and she didn't even know whether she had a chance to go home in this life.

When Lin Sanjiu took a step, her thoughts drifted to Lu Ze. How are he and mather? 12 should have differentiated? With such a terrible person as 12 around them, can they still live in peace?

Thinking of the old partner, I can't help thinking of the new partner: rabbit, they don't know whether they have got the visa? If they get it, which world are they in now?

In the past 14 months, Lin Sanjiu met many people, including companions, enemies, and people who met by chance... But in the end, she was on the road alone.

She was going to take another step, but suddenly confused - was she really awake? Where is she now? That step just now fell gently, but she didn't step on the ground... Yes, she clearly fell asleep in a cool place... It seems to be 10000 meters deep under the sea. She seemed to be struggling in a half dream and half awake, and she couldn't wake up.


She felt that she was muttering these three words. She didn't know whether the sound was only in a dream or had dissipated in the air. What does the garden of Eden stand for? Is it the next world she wants to go to?

Doubts were still running through her heart, and Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt a sense of fatigue that seemed to come from the depths of consciousness, and quickly occupied her brain. Strange to say, even though she was in a dream, she was still sleepy and tired as if she hadn't slept for decades, so she could only drag her consciousness all the way into the black abyss.

... I don't know how long I slept. When she regained consciousness again and didn't open her eyes, Lin Sanjiu felt a fresh breeze, blowing her exposed skin down and down - the wind was very soft, and there was not even a grain of sand in the wind. It was cool, and even made her feel a little cold compared with the past.

She has left extreme temperature hell - people have not fully awakened, and Lin Sanjiu's body has sent such a message to the brain.

Compared with extreme temperature hell, at this moment, every inch of her skin, up and down, seemed to be suddenly immersed in a pool of cold water, and her pores were breathing loudly - how long has it been since she felt normal, more than 20 degrees of air? I didn't expect it to be so cold at more than 20 degrees

Lin Sanjiu rubbed his eyes and stood up with his hands supporting his body.

Then she was dumbfounded.

If the meaning of the garden of Eden is this, then Lin San wishes every new world would have a gentle and peaceful name in the future——

Even before the extreme temperature hell came, she had never seen such a clean and beautiful city.

Wait, this is really a city, isn't it? Lin Sanjiu thought a little uncertain. This place is full of the novelty of the different world everywhere - the snow-white conch shaped buildings, with light and smooth lines, are as high as 7 or 80 floors, and three or five are side by side; Residents' houses are small buildings with two or three floors, which are obscured by thick and cheerful green plants.

In the distance stands a dark shaped tower, like a guardian, overlooking the city.

Where it should be a sidewalk, it should be very comfortable to pave a taxiway, just as it is common in the airport. A mother was standing on it with her two children, talking and laughing. After a while, she didn't know where she was sent by the conveyor belt. Not far away, a young man took out a bunch of glittering things from a machine that looked like a vending machine and sent them to his mouth. Looking at the distance again, people looked calm and natural.

Doesn't it mean that she will be transmitted to a world that is also destroyed?

Is Luze's intelligence wrong?

Think about it, he and mather have only experienced two worlds, and the information they get may not be complete

Compared with the residents here, Lin Sanjiu pulled his shirt a little embarrassed, patted off all the sand particles, and consciously sorted out that he could almost see people, so he walked towards the city.

The young man who was eating looked up at her and didn't even move his expression. Then he lowered his head and grabbed a small red ball and ate it.

With a bang, Lin Sanjiu hit something heavily.

She looked up somewhat blankly - there was nothing in front of her.

What is it? Lin Sanjiu's nose was so sore that it was almost like sour water. She was surprised to reach out and found that she felt a hard and transparent thing——

Is it glass?

She reacted with hindsight.

Why put a piece of glass here?

Lin Sanjiu fumbled with his hands and found that the glass was large. He didn't know who put it here. It was like a wall.

The young man who was chewing the ball looked up at her again.

Because they have just taken a few steps, the distance between them is very close at the moment; Lin San Jiu hurriedly opened his mouth and asked, "well, Hello, this is my first time here, and I'm not very familiar..."

The young man seemed to understand what she meant, looked at her for a moment, and then pointed behind her.

Is the entrance behind?

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly turned around, his eyes fell behind, stunned.

For ten seconds, she couldn't even understand the current situation.

Purgatory is probably like this.

From the place where I stood at my feet to the end where I couldn't see it, I was covered with scorched earth. Scattered clumps of plants, showing not a bright and lovely green, but a dirty cyan black, like the skin of a dying old man.

The sky is covered with thick lead gray clouds, which makes the sky look particularly low, as if it is about to be next to the earth, and is gloomy and depressed in people's hearts.

The dilapidated and collapsed buildings, of course, are not deserted. Occasionally, when the clod overturns, it will drill out a beetle like thing as big as a head, which can make a teenage girl have nightmares for a week. It glanced in the direction of Lin Sanjiu with a pair of blood red giant compound eyes, and quickly drilled back into the soil.

Even after seeing many disgusting things at the bottom of the sea, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help shivering and getting goose bumps all over.

What's going on in this world?

She hurriedly turned around and was about to shout. She found that the young man who had just eaten the ball had disappeared. Lin Sanjiu looked around, and there was no one around - she patted the glass hard and shouted, "Hello! Is there anyone? Who can tell me where the entrance is?"

No one responded. Her hands fumbled on the glass, trying to find the edge of the glass.

But soon she was disappointed.

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This clean and beautiful city seems to be covered by a huge glass ball, with no top to touch and no seams under. Lin Sanjiu, unfortunately, is just outside the glass cover.

Now, the fool can also guess: the world must have encountered some terrible crisis, wiping out most of the world's population and land - but perhaps the residents here are better in science and technology than extreme temperature hell, so they built this "glass globe city" to protect the rest of mankind.

So the question is, what is this "crisis"?

Lin Sanjiu knocked on the glass and shouted inside. After never getting any response, he sighed and finally stopped. It is impossible to break the cover and go in - although the material is a little like glass, it must not be the glass she thinks, because the cover is so strong that people feel there is no hope.

"Really, even if you hang a banner on the glass wall... At least tell us these outsiders what's going on outside!"

I don't know if it's because of too much emotional fluctuation. She even felt a little tired and turned to walk towards the scorched land.

But after walking a few steps, I saw fourorfive insects with large heads just now. She endured nausea and walked aimlessly for a while. Suddenly, without warning, a stream of sour water sprang up from her stomach. The next second she had vomited out - the limited food in her stomach turned into water and was emptied.

At the same time, her spirit is also more and more depressed. Every step she takes seems to weigh a thousand kilograms.

With a "Gudong", Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground all over, and the black soil immediately splashed all over her.

Before she passed out, she suddenly understood that glassball City wanted to protect human residents from something.

Nuclear radiation.