I have to say that Mellon is a good man.

When she put her hand on her shoulder, fear was really fear - it was a natural emotional reaction, and Wu Yiliu couldn't control it - but he knew clearly that the other party was just threatening him, and would not really hurt him.

In other words, she won't hurt him for the time being until she is sure that he is going to dig a hole to frame the evolutionist. Wu Yiliu certainly didn't give her any basis to draw this conclusion; Before leaving, Mellon made it clear: "you'd better remember that as long as I want to find you, I can find you anytime."

"Really? That's good," said Wu Yiliu, full of cold fear. "When you need my help, you won't have to worry about not finding me."

Mellon stared at him as if he wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh. She is very sensitive. She should have vaguely sensed that what Wu Yiliu knows and involves is far more than the information he leaked; But she couldn't even be sure whether it was her illusion - because every question she raised got a real and detailed answer.

Of course, this situation was achieved with great efforts by Wu Yiliu. He has only one way to solve the problem of "how to make people believe in themselves to the greatest extent": to tell the truth.

While feeling that he didn't lie, he felt that there was a problem here. It seemed that Mellon also swayed a little pitifully from side to side.

When she was finally ready to leave, Wu Yiliu hurriedly called her again. "In case there is any new news here, how can I find you?"

Millon obviously hesitated for a few seconds before he took out a white paper crane and briefly explained the usage.

"Then, you must be careful next." This sentence was uttered by Wu Yiliu.

This paper crane was the first special object he really saw; Until Mellon disappeared from the corner for a long time, he still stood there, tossing and turning to observe the little paper crane, full of surprise and curiosity.

He folded the paper crane and flattened it, thinking about it. Now is the only chance to hide it. Malone has just left, and the unknown waiting for him has not yet happened.

Thinking of this, he took off his belt. At the moment, he is still standing beside the road. People come and go in the street. It is naturally a very eye-catching thing to untie the belt suddenly - but attracting the eyes of transfigured people does not mean that it will arouse the suspicion of transfigured people.

It's even better to say that this kind of thing is just like what deformed people can do: like urinating on the roadside, they don't care where they are, what they do, and whether they have an impact on the people next to them.

Wu Yiliu clamped the belt between his knees - he didn't dare to put the belt on the ground, because no matter how worthless it was, it was likely to be fished away - then, he backhanded touched the leather label on the waist of his jeans.

His finger opened a crack in the cowhide label, and with his other hand, he took out the paper crane and carefully inserted it into the cowhide label. He is tall, his hands are big, and there is a T-shirt blocking, these subtle movements are all covered up; In the eyes of passers-by, it's just that he stopped to tidy up his trouser waist.

It's not reassuring to just clip it into the cowboy label, because although the leather inside the label is rough and not smooth, the paper crane may fall out from both ends. Wu Yiliu reinstalled the belt on the waistband, but this time, the belt didn't go out from the inside of the cowhide sign, but went outside it and tightly pressed the cowhide sign and the paper crane inside.

After he tied the belt, he bent down and lifted his legs for a while. The paper crane was still firmly fixed in the old place.

That's all right. Wu Yiliu thought that he wouldn't be found when changing clothes.

He readjusted his clothes, touched the zipper of his backpack behind him, and saw that it had not been secretly opened, so he continued to walk forward. Not far ahead is a bus stop, and a bus leading to Professor Qiao's house just comes in and is ready to stop; Wu yiliumu walked past the bus station without squinting, as if he didn't know the bus.

He and Professor Qiao haven't seen each other for three days.

He thought that the old lady's home would become a refuge for him for an unknown period of time, but he didn't expect that after leaving her home for the first time, he would never be able to go back.

After passing the bus stop and walking to the zebra crossing at the corner, Wu Yiliu stopped at the red light. The red light itself does not mean "stop"; This is what he learned recently from transfigured people. The red light can only be regarded as a reminder to tell you that there may be a car coming when you cross the street. Of course, there may also be cars coming at the green light, but the difference is only in the number - in fact, no matter the red light or the green light, no matter the person or the car, they will move forward when they see a gap that can move forward.

Not long after he stopped, a man approached him and murmured, "why is it taking so long?"

Wu Yiliu knows who it is without turning around. "Aren't you afraid of Mellon seeing us talking?"

"She can't see," the voice smiled coolly, "she has left this area long ago. What did you say just now?"

It doesn't hurt to tell Mellon those things again. However, the man did not seem to think that Wu Yiliu would honestly explain; Before waiting for Yiliu to answer, the man slowly said, "why, I didn't expect you to meet me there? I can't see it. So you're so unreliable."

Indeed, Wu Yiliu didn't expect to see this man in that basement. He tried to answer calmly, "that's it. What are you going to do with me now?"

"As an ordinary person, you have great courage." The man snorted and asked: "... The professor surnamed Qiao has been infected?"

"I'm not lying," Wu Yiliu sighed. "She's infected. I have nowhere to go, otherwise I won't be caught by you."

The man fell into silence and seemed to be thinking about something. Before the red light in front of me turned, many people had already walked out around me - several times, the car had to turn sharply and stop before it was about to hit someone; The sound of those sudden brakes was sharp and harsh, second only to the driver's next voice of swearing.

Not knowing how long, Wu Yiliu thought that he would see the scene of the car not willing to take the risk of parking to avoid people and driving straight away after hitting people. According to Professor Qiao, she had seen the road dragged with bloody limbs all the way, but she didn't feel anything at all at that time - an occasional traffic accident was normal, and even if it was a little frequent recently, it couldn't be avoided. Professor Qiao, who was a deformed man at that time, rationalized what he heard and saw almost instantly; At that time, it seemed that only a few months had passed.

"Haven't you figured out what to do with me?" Wu Yiliu asked.

The man snorted, vaguely surprised. "Why are you not afraid at all?"

He was scared to death. He never thought that among the evolutors who were gathered, there were people who knew their faces; But as long as this fear shows a little, he will be finished. In fact, he has been deliberately controlling his breathing. He knows that the Evolver's ears are stronger than others. He is afraid that the other party will recognize the abnormality of his breathing and heartbeat.

"Because this is the task I just received," he even turned his head and smiled at the man. They looked at each other for half a second before he moved his eyes again. "Don't you know? Reminding this part of evolutionists to find infected evolutionists is actually to lead them to us."

The thin woman, who seemed to have shrunk her internal organs, had a long calm face and did not speak.

"Maybe they don't believe us yet," Wu Yiliu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't tell you my task or your task. When I saw you present, I almost fell off the chair."

"OK," as soon as the voice fell, the woman impatiently slapped him with her voice - it was really a substantial "slap", and Wu Yiliu almost stumbled down. "It's just that I work in the same place. Don't make you seem to be equal to me. Don't forget, you're just an ordinary person."

Wu Yiliu was neither angry nor afraid. "Are you going back, too? Do you want to go together?"

The wizened woman didn't even want to answer him. Wu Yiliu waited for a while and looked back. She didn't know when she had disappeared from behind. As soon as he realized that the other party had been fooled by him, he was almost drowned in the sense of escape from death - even if it was another level, he thought.

Wu Yiliu walked honestly to another bus stop, waited for another bus, and sat all the way to the terminal. Logically speaking, they should never come out to avoid being seen by evolutionists; However, this facility has just begun to be established, and it is the first time that the deformed people have organized such a thing, which is inevitably full of omissions - it can be expected that after everything is on track, he may never have the opportunity to leave again.

Walking to the entrance surrounded by simple construction walls, Wu Yiliu stopped, took out his certificate from his backpack and handed it to the guard sitting in the guard booth. "I work here," he explained.

"What do you do?"

"Copy NPC."