Lin Sanjiu didn't expect to have such a long rest period after coming out of the game.

In the past few days, evolutors who have cleared other games have entered this room. Roughly speaking, there are nearly 100 people. Although this is only the second floor of a certain area, many people are almost 14 months old, and their game qualifications are very old; At the sight of this room without any games, experienced people will immediately choose their own positions, sit down, rest and reply.

"After every few games, there will be a rest period, about ten days." A girl whom Lin Sanjiu inquired about once replied like this: "... The number of games is not certain. From my experience, it seems that it comes according to everyone's situation. Even ten easy games may not win the rest period; sometimes a particularly difficult and particularly tragic one can have a rest period."

"Thank you," Lin Sanjiu nodded at her and said with a smile - she had long found that it seemed easier to deal with girls, so when inquiring about the situation, she only looked for girls. "Have you successfully stopped the new game launch?" She asked again.

The slender girl immediately "hissed" from her nose when she heard the speech. "I haven't even seen the shadow at all, and I don't know where to find it. I've never heard of anyone who successfully stopped it. I think it's an excuse for us to continue to experience the game."

Lin Sanjiu thanked again and again, gave the girl some small supplies as a reward, and then left.

She is not the only one who inquires about the situation; When they suddenly met a large group of people, the old birds were very calm. Instead, it was always those evolutionists who had just entered the game and asked around who designed the game they had just played.

Occasionally, someone will proudly admit that a game is his own work - of course, when he is sure that no one will seek revenge on him. If Lin Sanjiu finds the designer of "the elephant in the room", she really doesn't know what she will do; Although force is not allowed during the rest period.

In the past ten days, they don't have to worry about stepping into the copy with one foot, fighting with other evolutors, and becoming the prey of fallen species or other species. Everything is easy and safe.

... except for Ji Shanqing.

Ten days' rest not only helped him very little, but also weakened his energy and state obviously day by day because he was separated from his body for a longer time. His sleep time is getting longer and longer. Sometimes Lin Sanjiu will suspect that he is not asleep, but fainted; Objects that used to be easy to write now cost him hours.

In this case, he naturally could not bring Han Suiping and nvyue back to the world.

Although Lin Sanjiu was very reluctant, she still wanted to ask.

"How can you go back as soon as possible?" She asked during a bedtime chat. "Follow me... I'm afraid it's too late." This is the original plan of the gift package, which will return to the world of data flow management library through the visa; Just because of various changes, he delayed again and again, but now he is farther and farther away from the data flow management library.

They have only entered the world for more than half a month, and it seems impossible for them to stick to the gift bag for another year. Besides, even if he can insist, maybe he shouldn't insist. If there is such a life form as data body in this world, it is better to let it avoid it first; Lin Sanjiu hasn't forgotten that when he was first discovered by the data body, the latter was very interested in him.

The gift bag was silent for a long time.

"I thought it was a way to follow someone who was about to transmit." Lin Sanjiu sighed and said, "I can go to inquire about who is leaving without a visa tomorrow... Let you follow him."

"OK," he whispered.

... maybe this topic was too sensitive. She inquired about it for two or three days, and she didn't have any good luck. Spaan was even worse. The so-called war fruits he brought back were basically girls who were dazed and would only answer "yes, yes, good" no matter what he asked - when she was so worried about the gift bag, this scene really made people angry.

Since I can't go back for the time being, I have to try to avoid the consumption of gift bags. Lin Sanjiu told him to sleep as long as he could, and he was not allowed to write even a dust at all; If she can, she can't wait to wrap him in cloth and put him in the card library.

When the rest period flashed into the tenth day, brief instructions began to appear on the wall.

"Please choose a door to leave the room if you have rested for ten days."

Among the people who lay half lying half sitting and whispered, after this sentence appeared, the voice gradually fell down; The evolutionists who stood up one after another turned their heads to themselves.

Every door in the room has been pushed open by the evolutionist who just finished the game. Now it seems that as long as they push the door in, they can leave the rest room and enter the next game - although it may not be the same game waiting for them behind the door.

Lin Sanjiu casually picked a door in the middle of the room. When she came to the door, she looked back.

Standing next to her, in addition to sparan and Ji Shanqing, there are two strange evolutionists who are not so strange anymore - just like the little fans of idols who suddenly met at the airport. Since sparan of Arsenal was found to be in this game, this man and woman have followed them with red faces for several days.

Instead, Lu Hua and hauster were standing a few steps away, as if hesitating between the two doors.

"We... Kind of want to go there to have a look," Lu Hua pointed to the door in the distance, smiled at Lin Sanjiu, and whispered, "maybe we'll meet in other games next."

"Then be careful."

In the past ten days, the influence of elephant Games has rapidly weakened and receded; But just because that experience now seems absurd, Lu Hua and haost are even more reluctant to continue to walk with Lin Sanjiu - she knows that it is not because they have a grudge against her, but because they hold a grudge against themselves.

From this point of view, they are not so bad people.

Separation is still inevitable. After nodding, the two groups of people opened the door and walked into the room behind the door.

As usual, they were greeted by a line of large characters on the wall, reminding them to find a new game launch within an hour and stop it. As the girl Lin Sanjiu asked said, this is simply an excuse for them to constantly experience Games: because this room is only as big as the reception hall, in addition to the entrance and a stationary elevator, you can sweep the entire empty room at a glance - where is the new game press conference? Where to stop?

After waiting for an hour in vain, another fully wrapped volunteer came in.

"Ah ah," the new girl said in a low voice, "this time there are volunteers..."

"What's the matter?" Lin San Jiu asked. Isn't it before every game?

"Although the game has not been stated in writing, I think the game with volunteers will be more difficult." Perhaps because the idol is beside her, the girl has clearly become the most patient and gentle human on the surface. "Generally, simple and fast games don't need volunteers... I doubt that the so-called work content of volunteers is to send you into the game."

So, the blue wall game really doesn't need volunteers to start. Is this scene as tragic as "the elephant in the room"?

Just when Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but sink in his heart, the volunteer who just walked in waved his hand and should have heard their conversation.

"No, no, don't panic," his voice seemed to be adjusted, and it sounded as illegible as the previous one. "The content of this game is relatively easy. I'm just responsible for guiding you. Please follow me."

"What is it?" The little boy who followed spaan asked.

Volunteers go to the front of the elevator and press the up button as soon as they press it. "I shouldn't have disclosed it in advance... But it shouldn't matter a little," he said with a smile, "it's a role-playing class."