If everyone's life is cut into pieces and become fragments in 14 months, they will naturally be washed away by the torrent of time and scattered around the world. But the resilience of human beings is sometimes amazing: in the life as involuntarily as duckweed, evolutors can still attract, reunite and cooperate with each other like cells, forming such a well-organized organization to fight against the end of infinite reincarnation.

The observation of the spacecraft under the operation and control of the nocturnal women from the inside is even more impressive.

As an outsider who is not yet trusted, after her statement was accepted skeptically, Lin Sanjiu spent the first few hours on the Yuehai, and there was always someone around him, nicknamed "leading sightseeing". At first, it was the driver, but after a while, he changed shifts with a man in a big bird embroidered black uniform on the road - from this new partner whose mouth seemed to be blocked by a toilet plunger, she really couldn't dig out a word; Fortunately, before long, Lin Sanjiu ran into the little girl again on the observation platform.

Inside a row of windows on the side of the whale, a platform extends out; People in twos and threes sat on benches and looked out the window at the endless blue sky flowing slowly. The sky, or the universe, seems to be something that people will never get tired of.

Lin Sanjiu glanced at them, and suddenly turned around to take a closer look at these evolutors.

Yes, she knows why these people give her a strange feeling... They look natural and have peaceful eyes. When they chat and laugh with each other, it seems that they have never fought with others in their lives.

It seems that all the burden of living at the end of the day is unloaded, and everyone can breathe again.

"There are a lot of people on this ship," Lin Sanjiu said to the girl's back through a row of chairs. "See you again! Are you also a night walker? Did you spend a lot of time organizing this voyage?"

As she turned around, the little girl took a sip of water - not even fruit juice, but she drank it very tastefully. This question obviously aroused her stomach. She raised four fingers and replied with interest, "isn't it? It took only four days to collect the travel lists of major organizations, collect fuel and supplies, and test and repair... So many things! But fortunately, everyone is willing to contribute to this voyage. After all, this may be the thing to save all of us!"

Save everyone?

Lin Sanjiu nodded as if he knew it.

"Do you think... Is it possible?" She asked vaguely.

"Why not?" The little girl asked in reply. Looking back, her eyes fell into the blue sky again.

Her eyes were bright, and she said softly, almost intoxicated, "look at this world... How beautiful it is. I have never been to a place outside the central twelve circles. This is my hometown. I have never seen a better place than here. How can I think of it? How can we create such an imaginative, lively and energetic place! Since the twelve circles can exist, what is the impossibility of breaking the doomsday cycle?"

Lin Sanjiu spent a little effort, but his surprise didn't emerge. She nodded and tentatively asked, "do you think the reason why they arranged this trip..."

"It will succeed!" The little girl looked at the sky and sighed with satisfaction: "if it hadn't been confirmed that there were indeed several evolutors who broke reincarnation, night walking women and other organizations wouldn't have taken so much time."

She drank all the water and smacked her mouth tastefully.

"Oh, that's what you call 'breaking reincarnation' -"

"Of course," the little girl really confided all the news she wanted to know along with Lin Sanjiu's words: "after all, they spent eight months on another planet, plus ten months in the past, they haven't been transmitted for a total of 18 months. Well, I mean that kind of transmission, going to another planet doesn't count -"

Lin Sanjiu didn't expect it and hurriedly said, "I understand."

Encouraged, The little girl smiled: "When they came back last week, they really surprised everyone! People everywhere were talking about it... At first, everyone thought it was the wrong record in the visa officers association. When they found out that it was not, everyone rushed to sign up for boarding as an experimenter, and even the visa officers association has not been so popular. I think this thing is too interesting - Great - and it can save everyone!"

"I remember theoretically speaking --" Lin Sanjiu deliberately cut off here.

She fell into the trap without hesitation. "Yes," the little girl nodded, "if transmission is to be transmitted to the next planet, then if we take the initiative to go to another planet, it is equivalent to having been transmitted once, and we will not transmit again! I think this statement is very reasonable, which is much more reasonable than the theory of parallel world!"

She paused and added with regret, "of course, the parallel world is more wonderful."

Lin Sanjiu also looked at the blue sky.

There is a more possible explanation for "breaking reincarnation"... At the same time, it is also more chaotic, darker and terrifying. The Maoren brothers may be the first batch of people to learn about the "great flood", but they obviously never had the opportunity to spread the news; Occasionally, a few people whose transmission date is wrong are regarded as a beam of light to get rid of the doomsday cycle.

When she fell into her mind, the girl had clearly talked about what she would do in the future - "I want to raise a horse, I like riding best, but I have never ridden it" - she didn't want to hurt the girl's interest, so she didn't say anything.

"Haven't you been away long? Is there anyone else going on board?" She asked as if nothing had happened. The black faced man in the uniform of a Night Walker behind him always sat not far away. She tried not to show her feet.

"No," the little girl looked at the transparent glass in her hand, "Originally, it wouldn't land, because the size of this colonial ship doesn't allow it to land. You're lucky to catch up. After receiving you, the Yuehai ship quickly raised its height... Now there is no ground feeder ship to send people up. Even if we send a ship out, that kind of boat can't catch up with the speed and height of the Yuehai ship, and it can't come back."

Lin San's heart suddenly tightened. She and Luze - if he is really on this ship - are trapped in the cross sea, and they can't even land until they see another planet. However, what made her pale in particular was a terrible idea that the more she thought, the more likely it was.

Did you deliberately bring her here so that she could be trapped?

No, no... he did disappear from his eyes, indicating that Luze should be not far away. She also flew around and checked the nearby area. There was clearly no second spacecraft around.

What next? Or according to the original plan?

When she was stunned, the little girl was still eloquent and gushing with her: "... Don't you think technology is really beyond imagination? This spacecraft is almost as big as a small town, but it can float in the air without landing when it's not sailing... I don't know where technology is, I really want to learn! I want to learn a lot of things, I tell you..."

Lin Sanjiu secretly made up her mind when she said that "inspired by that female writer, I also want to write detective stories". If Luze could not be found on the ship, she had to use all means - this "all means", which was closer to "kidnapping the captain" in her heart at this time - to force the spacecraft to land. After all, these nearly 1000 evolutors are just wasting their time in vain.

"I want to find my friend, but I don't know where he is." she finally caught the gap between the little girl's words: "do you have any suggestions?"

"Bulletin board" is one of the answers Lin Sanjiu got; It is said that it has almost become a small "wooden fish forum", which focuses on the most real-time and important news on the ship.

After saying goodbye to the talkative little girl named Lu Yan, Lin Sanjiu motioned to her silent Companion to show him the way. She didn't expect Luze to appear by sending a notice, but... She had her own plan.

At 7:30 in the morning, I sent it! Since it has been all night, I simply don't sleep during the day and sleep early at night. This month's update is general, but I didn't expect to have another wall to collect! Thanks to duo Muer Lala La Zi (it seems that I haven't seen you for a long time) and Asakusa Guang big brother (hey, what did I do again, and I got a reward)! Book friend 20171017212252413 also gave a reward to he Shibi, but the big guy's name is not easy to recognize... I don't know if you can recognize it by yourself... Thanks also to team leader rabbit, small boat, cat can meow, a Xue Xue, 179688148277, honey meow meow, Fen donkey 12138, Sanjiu's little fan brother, sock, quack quack quack, Zhu Di's Paperweight, mini-lan, too much noise, Xiaojia x, fallen leaves with the core, megancck, lllzhs Book friend 201803151355332, big mouth cat's teeth, missing soybean milk fried dough sticks, dark blue midnight soldiers, lt squid, the fragrance of figs, don't bother me, okay, Babao mother, cool demon king, dumpling bully and other rewards and monthly tickets! After writing the thank-you list, I feel like sleeping