Maybe it's lucky?

Lin Sanjiu barely stood up, and this voice rang out in his mind.

Her understanding of Ji Shanqing at the moment is just barely enough to open the minimum level of consciousness mimicry.

The time they spent together before was the basis for her analysis of the gift bag; But what the gift bag showed in front of her was not his whole self. Now she can clearly feel that as long as she has a little doubt, the [conscious mimicry] will be closed again - which shows that her understanding of the gift bag is still dark beyond what she just guessed.

Next, she must try to avoid all interference and not hesitate to understand the gift bag.

That is to say——

Lin Sanjiu quickly glanced at the connector not far away, and rushed towards it.

The corpse twisted its body violently, and people could almost hear a crisp sound from its spine; Then, with its head bowed and its limbs swaying, it also approached the connector quickly.

The corpse also seemed to have a little thinking ability. It had noticed the relationship between Lin Sanjiu and the connector. As long as it waits by the communicator, it knows that it must have a chance to take revenge on her.

In terms of their position, the body is much closer to the connector than Lin Sanjiu. She spat low, immediately stopped her feet, endured the pain between her chest and abdomen, retreated a few steps in the opposite direction, stared at the body and approached the contact.

The twisted and deformed gray body twisted back and forth a few times in the night, as if waiting for her to get close. The blue light spot shines on its feet, reflecting that the skin of its calf has been dyed.

"The first step is to get the contact back." Lin Sanjiu whispered to herself - Ji Shanqing's unique and calm way of thinking has long been running at a high speed in her mind: "the second step is to find out the final part of cracking the secret room from this copy."

"The final part?" Teacher Yi was also startled by her mimicry, "that, the previous part..."

"It has been untied."

"Oh - eh? What, how did you untie it? When did it happen?"

With [conscious mimicry], it will become another person's thinking mode, so it seems that even Teacher Yi can't detect her conscious operation.

"Just now." Lin Sanjiu shrugged, "to put it bluntly, this so-called 'secret room' is just a trick that an ordinary person came up with to save himself. Not every prisoner is a criminal genius, so this trick is also very simple. As long as you think about it from another angle, you can solve the case immediately."

However, this is not the time to explain this in detail.

Lin Sanjiu's situation now is almost the same as last time: she must get the "that one" contact, but the body was stopped in the middle.

The body seemed to feel her eyes, and wobbled around the contact. In the "rustling" friction sound, its deeply lowered neck twisted horizontally for half a circle, as if it glanced at her from below - Lin Sanjiu was not sure, because what she saw was always only the back of her head stuck by blood.

Then the body turned around, left the contact and came towards her.

"It's an opportunity!" Yi's teacher shouted in a low voice. At the same time, long er, who had been staring at the situation in the copy, couldn't help sitting up straight.


Whenever the body approached one meter forward, Lin Sanjiu would retreat one meter accordingly, which was not much and not much. Did Ji Shanqing live in this state? Just look at those things that you think are well hidden, and they will all surface one by one

"It turned around deliberately, leaving a blank in front of the contact. Once I rushed in that direction..." she wanted to smile, because the gift bag always slightly raised the corner of her lips at this moment of seeing through others. "From its head, which has not recovered since it was screwed over just now, it will emit that kind of rotten gas."

"Really, just on the same line..." Teacher Yi murmured in surprise. "What about the contact?"

"There is a way."

Moreover, the method thought of in the "simulation of Ji Shanqing" state is neat and will never expose her to any danger.

When [Penguin Club children's stereoscopic book] appeared in Lin Sanjiu's hand, no one seemed to realize what she was going to do - until the huge axe weighing 100 kilograms flew away and circled through the night sky, she heard the sound of long er taking a breath; The axe brushed past the body, and then hit the connector against the wall, smashing it into pieces.

At that moment, it seemed that even the body was stupid.

"How, how..." when Lin Sanjiu rushed to the depths of the warehouse quickly, Teacher Yi stammered, "why... Don't you want to get it..."

"I just got it to make it card. Although it's a waste to damage a contact like this, destroying it is the best way on the premise of ensuring safety."

"Wait, destroy? I don't understand."

"I told you at the beginning that my understanding of Ji Shanqing can't be shaken or hesitated at all, so I can't be disturbed." Lin Sanjiu's voice is clear and light. If it's not for the different timbres, it's really like the tone of the previous gift bag. "... I can't leave the contact outside. In case he tries to call me again, this behavior itself is the biggest interference."

Teacher Yi seems too stunned to know what to say. After a while, she opened her mouth when Lin Sanjiu suddenly squatted down to check the ground: "then, don't you consider the gift bag? If he can't contact you..."

"He can wait for me. At most, he worries for dozens of minutes. He can't kill anyone... Not to mention the gift bag." Lin San Jiu swept away the sundries around him with a pointer, and while watching the movement behind him, he replied, "I'll apologize to him after I get out of the copy."

Teacher Yi was quiet for a while and suddenly breathed out.

"I see," her voice was a little sad, "I almost didn't expect that you are Ji Shanqing's thinking mode now."

In his thinking mode, the absolute focus is "sister can't be busy" - so Lin Sanjiu's all behaviors follow this principle, that is, to protect herself.

Ironically, it was the gift bag, which regarded Lin San Jiu as the only important thing, that led his sister not to take his concerns into account at this time.

Just when teacher Yi was in a trance, Lin Sanjiu suddenly shouted "found!", Then a piece of wire board was pulled out from under a shelf.

"Found it," she couldn't help laughing, "this is part of the warehouse gate."

Sleepy, mingxie, good night