For Lin Sanjiu, the one who agreed to use the "human bomb" a few minutes ago was as strange as another person.

Just when she was stunned, Yu Yuan suddenly struggled, and with a raise of his arm, he threw spaan off his body - even in the dark, his eyes were red.

"Stop him!" Spaan roared, and his body did not completely touch the ground, but quickly bounced up again; At the same time, he and Lin Sanjiu rushed towards Yu Yuan, knocked him to the ground together from behind, held down one of his arms, and nailed him to the ground.

Yu Yuan was not the only one rushing out behind the container. At the moment of realizing that the mother king had problems, the remaining Arsenal members also ran to the center of the explosion and vibration. Before spaan could speak, Lin Sanjiu hurriedly pressed Yu Yuan harder, turned his head and shouted to the blonde man, "stop them!"

There was no time to respond. He kicked on the ground and shot into the distance like a bullet.

"Let go of me!" Yu Yuan roared, hitting his elbow back, just hitting Lin San Jiu's ribs heavily. For a time, she was so painful that she even stopped breathing. She could only resist the pain, put all her weight on his back, and said intermittently, "Xiang, believe me, I'm saving you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw a dark figure in the rain like gravel and sand, which was attacking her rapidly; Lin Sanjiu hurriedly lowered his body, and the thing rubbed over her head, "pa" fell on the ground behind her - she looked back and found that it was half an arm.

The palm of the man was shaken open, his fingers shook, and the silver ring flashed, as if to grasp the last thing.

The dozen people who had just been put to act as bombs were detonated at the same time, but the continuous explosions and aftershocks shook the whole earth cavity violently as if it would never end, turning everything in front of them into a fuzzy flickering light and shadow, leaving a burst of buzzing pain in people's ears.

I don't know when the explosion stopped, but the shaking continued; The earth blocks that fell from the earthquake became larger and larger, and the cracks in the ground became wider and wider. The dome above the head was shaky, breaking and falling piece by piece, constantly falling down, and gradually collapsing.

From the thick dust stirred up by countless earth rocks, from time to time, a shadow wearing an arsenal uniform will be thrown out and fall on the ground far away - some shadows remain motionless, while others can climb up on the ground; But no one turned back and pounced on the mother king.

"Sparan!" Lin Sanjiu raised her head and shouted loudly - or, she felt that she was shouting loudly, because she couldn't hear anything in her ears. She dared to look over her head, and her eyes fell into the sandy darkness behind the container, but she couldn't see anything clearly: she couldn't tell whether there was a human figure or where her mother Wang was.

If spaan accidentally saw his mother king, would he fall into that state of absence again? These earthy voices seemed to be unable to hold on. She had to pick him up, but she couldn't leave Yu Yuan alone——

When she thought of this, she was suddenly stunned.

Once I have the idea that "I will kill my mother with a suicide bomb", this plan will not be implemented; Lin Sanjiu didn't realize the nature of her behavior, so she naturally wouldn't trigger the control system in her brain - probably the queen didn't think that the memory loss caused by the parasite became the advantage of the two people to attack it.

For this reason, after the last time she lost her memory, spaan did not help her recall what happened. After the bomb was detonated, she only had time to hear her voice agreeing to the "human bomb" plan from the recorder; However, at this time, without external help, she remembered that the mother king would make people lose consciousness.

Does this mean——

"Do you hear my voice?"

My ears were still swollen and uncomfortable, only a buzzing sound, but my mind clearly rang out the voice of Teacher Yi. It was only a day or two, but her voice sounded like an eternity, which made people feel strange and familiar: "the parasites in your brain have lost their vitality, do you feel your memory has recovered? I think after the mother king was killed, they had no source of instructions, so they all stood still!"

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly lowered his head and glanced at Yu Yuan - he didn't know when to stop struggling. At this time, his face was hung with a blank look like waking up from a dream, staring at the distance in the dust flying Yang.

"Don't you go to save the mother king?" She had to raise her voice to barely hear her faint voice.

Yu Yuan suddenly turned his head and obviously heard her words clearly. It seemed that the situation was a little better than her.

"Save a fart, what's going on, what happened?"

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no time to explain," she hurriedly climbed down from his back. "It seems that this place will be buried soon! Are you not injured?"

Yu Yuan jumped up and moved his limbs. "No!"

"That's good. You take the survivors out and climb up in that direction - you walked once when you came, you should remember?"

"Well, what about you?"

Lin Sanjiu glanced back and patted on the container. When she withdrew her hand, the ground was empty, suddenly opening up a field of vision behind.

"I'm going to find spaan!"

She left a shout, turned around and rushed to the center of the aftershock of the explosion, and the painter immediately followed up with the bucket in his arms - where the thick dust and smoke covered everything, as if it had become some kind of viscous liquid; Only when pieces of earth and rock higher than adults fall, can they stir up a piece of dust.

She called out [ability Polish], and the thick dust rolled under the silver light and rushed straight into people's noses. Lin Sanjiu covered his mouth and nose, narrowed his eyes, but for a time he didn't know which direction to go; She looked back, and the painter nodded quickly.

"What do you mean?" After such a turn back, she was almost hit by a piece of broken earth - "in which direction is the mother king?"

The painter thought for a while, then sat down and took out a canvas - he was very fast. Before Lin Sanjiu could stop him, he finished a few strokes and dropped the canvas to show her. A large arrow, between the painter's hands, points to her right front.

The road ahead on the right has been blocked by collapsed earth and rock, but Lin Sanjiu has her own way. Where [the sudden change of painting style] touched, all the earth and rock turned into powder and exploded - she reluctantly opened a passage more than one person wide. When she and the painter finally drilled out and squeezed into a vacant lot, they looked like two human shapes made of thick ash.

"Sparan!" She shouted again, and her tongue and nasal cavity were covered with dust and debris. "If you don't go, we will be buried here alive!"

Coincidentally, the vibration of the earth cavity stopped at this moment, and the word "buried alive" clearly echoed out. In the darkness ahead, a familiar voice immediately sounded, "I'm here."

Lin Sanjiu took a long breath, waved his hand to the painter to follow him, and trudged forward again, "come out quickly, the earth cavity seems to be collapsing!"

Spaan seemed to say something, but was drowned in another burst of collapse.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

As she asked, she followed the direction of his voice. She pushed away a pile of calf high rocks in front of her, drilled through the mound like mound, looked up, and the second half of her words got stuck in her throat.

A piece of dark red brain flesh full of gullies is closely in front of her, squeezed in the center by the crumbling earth rock, and a piece of sand is stuck on the thin shell. The reason why she didn't see the mother king just now was that it was far less big than just now; Half of the brain was blown to pieces by the explosion, and the flesh and blood were fuzzy and uneven squeezed on the ground.

Spaan was standing in front of the mother king and turned his head under the sound of her footsteps.

His whole body was also covered with dust stains, and his blond hair was caught and simply tied behind his head. "You see," in those green and emerald eyes, there was a burning light: "... This guy is still alive."

Lin Sanjiu stopped at once.

"He's too hurt to do anything now." Spaan said, reaching out and gently touching the mother king's shell. The bulge was wider than his body. "Something that can grow into a planetary brain... It's interesting, isn't it?"

Lin Sanjiu looked at him and couldn't help thinking of the scene when they first met.

"You... What are you going to do?"

In the soil cavity in the distance, there were bursts of earth and rock collapsing and falling; The sound shook the ground, making people tremble slightly under their feet.

Spaan seemed not to hear; Just as Lin Sanjiu was about to raise his voice to ask again, he suddenly turned his head.

"Do you want it?"

"What?" She was stunned.

"Mother king, do you want it?" In the shadow, the man smiled slightly, brightening the snow-white color of his teeth. "If you don't want it, I'll take it."

Lin Sanjiu stood in place, speechless for a moment. After several seconds, she murmured, still a little suspicious that she had just heard the wrong thing: "what do you want it to do? It must rely on the brain to grow."

"Countless people die every day in the doomsday world. It's easy to find a human brain." Spaan smiled, "as for its use, it has to be explored slowly."

"How can you take such a big thing? We are almost buried alive."

The blonde man raised his chin at her, and his voice was full of a hoarse smile. "I can't take it away, so I'll stay underground with it for a while and wait for the rescue of the Arsenal... Don't worry, I've sent the signal. Although I don't want to, it's time for you and me to say goodbye." These days, I have been at sea, and there is no Internet at all. I have to manage others to borrow the satellite network to get on for a few minutes. The speed is still particularly slow, which can be said to be very difficult to update... Although the sunscreen is applied without money, it is still getting darker day by day, and I see that I am going to change from the spirit of the sea to the spirit of the Somali pirates. Help!