() it only took Lin Jiu less than ten seconds to take away and return the unique combat power system. When he was in a coma, she repeated her old skills. Where she slapped her palm, all her clothes and items were carded, leaving only a pair of underpants; After fainting twice, he finally woke up again. As soon as he bowed his head, he immediately understood what situation he was facing.

Even without a face of powder, he is now a pale face.

"Say, how did you get here?"

Lin Jiu would press on his bare chest and drink in a deep voice.

One corner glanced at her small box, and seemed to still remember the feeling when the combat power system was removed just now. His eyes immediately flickered, but there was still no expression on his face. Behind Lin Jiu, the fire arm and tunnel are still struggling to resist the attraction of the canvas in mid air; They were pulled back by the canvas bit by bit, and the roars echoed in the air.

"Speak quickly!" Lin Jiu urged, and the small box pressed tightly on his skin. "Or I can take all your abilities and let you die in a coma. Which one do you choose?"

She couldn't help being anxious - at this time, the time limit for leaving was over, and there were only a few minutes left at most; As soon as the time comes, after the special items of the two Arsenal members behind them are restored, the canvas may no longer control them. When Lin Jiu thought of this, he couldn't help pursing his lips.

"Wait a minute," maybe the look on her face startled him, and one horn hurried to say, "it's the group that sent us here!"

His facial muscles seem to be numb and unable to move; But when he said this sentence, the feeling was different from that when he first met, like an actor suddenly stepped out of the role.

"Arsenal team?" Lin Jiu stared at him and asked.

Is it a team like the one when I first met sparan?

"Yes, we are combatants," one horn seemed to think that she knew Arsenal very well, and said to herself: "after the task is completed, the group will pick us up according to the communication we sent -"

Lin Jiu scolded fiercely in his heart. In this way, her plan to rob the means of transportation cannot be implemented.

"What's your mission? Kill me?"

One horn paused, his face still had no expression, but his breath trembled slightly: "although it is, it is... But we are only hired mercenaries, you should not seek revenge from us..."

"Who hired you?"

"I don't know -"

As soon as his voice fell, Lin Jiu immediately started.

When the unicorn woke up from his coma for the first time, his chest was like a broken bellows, making a sharp and sharp gasp, and then a hot sweat sprang up on his forehead.

"Then, what is that?" The powder he applied on his face was soaked in sweat, blocking his pores into white particles; A pair of beads turned down and stared at it without blinking, as if they were afraid of the small box.

"You don't need to care about this," Lin Jiu asked, gritting his teeth while listening to the sound behind him. "Who is the person who hired you?"

"I really don't know," one horn seemed to be afraid of her coming again, and didn't dare to stop for a moment. "It's not us who took the task, it's the Commission Department of Arsenal; we just received the order of the Commission Department and came to perform the task!"

Lin Jiu narrowed his eyes and was not sure whether he should believe him for a moment; Just as she hesitated, the lying fish suddenly leaned over her head, and her eyes were red: "where is our committee? What have you done to our committee members?"

One corner glanced at him and shut his mouth. After a few seconds, he looked at his companion who was still struggling in the distance and whispered, "didn't the lollipop say it? It doesn't exist anymore."

Lying fish's fleshy cheeks suddenly trembled, as if he couldn't even say a complete word: "no, it doesn't exist? What do you mean by saying it doesn't exist..."

"The description of this mission is very clear. As long as we can solve the target, we don't care about all the associated casualties." The one-man whispered, "if you want to blame it, it's your committee that shouldn't have found her - if it weren't for that you happen to have been following her and knowing her location, we wouldn't have found your committee."

Lying fish raised his head and stared at Lin Jiu in a daze. His round eyes glittered, as if he suddenly couldn't understand the language. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't pronounce a word.

"Come back!"

Lin Jiu drank and slapped him in the face, "now is not the time to be sad!"

There was a red mark on his cheek, and the sleeping fish suddenly blinked as if waking up from a dream. Lin jiuzhuan will take back the card library again. She hurriedly propped up in one corner and was about to stand up. At the moment, she hit him heavily on the shoulder.

Before he even had time to struggle, he suddenly rose straight up and was quickly thrown into the air along a parabola. Finally, he turned into a "Ding" like a lollipop.

Coincidentally, at the same time that the horn was thrown into the sky, the fire arm suddenly burst into a roar; He threw something out with his arm, and then a Guan soldier in iron armor stood up on the wasteland.

Guan soldier walked away with a heavy and sluggish pace and approached them step by step. The fire arm immediately grabbed its arm and shouted, "tunnel, special items are restored!"

As the tunnel clawed hard at its ankles, the tall man twisted his body, and Yang Chao Lin Jiu threw a small thing - a green bean whirling and flying over under the dawn sky, and gently fell into the grass.


Lin Jiu shouted, and the painter, whose clothes were always dirty, was immediately inspired. He hurriedly carried his brush and bucket, and ran towards her with deep feet and shallow feet; As he ran close to her, with a metal crash in the grass, a soldier in iron armor stood up and waved at the painter.

Lin Jiu rushed forward a few steps and kicked the soldier's knee; Half of her calf was faintly numb, but she just kicked the soldier staggering and retreated out. She slapped the painter, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a card and disappeared from her palm.

"Go," she said, turning to the sleeping fish, "come with me!"

As soon as the painter disappears, the suction of that oil painting will not last long; In these precious last few seconds, she grabbed the sleeping fish and plunged into the mountains with him.

"What are we doing back? This is a dead end. There is a big river behind the hillside. We can't cross it!" The big squirrel like man turned pale. "We should run out and fly..."

"Who said I wanted to escape?"

Lin Jiu gasped, and his eyes kept sweeping through the forest. She had long forgotten where it was; After all, looking for a dead leaf in the mountain forest is a bit like a fool's dream. But fortunately, since her master can't be found, the other two people can't be found——

"What are you doing if you don't run away?" Lying fish ran out of breath. In a word, he bit his tongue several times.

"Isn't it because of you?"

Lin Jiu glanced back at him. The young man's face suddenly changed, as if he had first noticed the coming danger; However, before he could speak, she had hit his back neck with a knife.

It's much faster to carry him than to drag him.

She knew that the two people behind her must have rushed into the mountain forest at this time, and did not dare to delay for a minute; When she saw the residual piles of the suspension bridge "by the river", she gritted her teeth and finally rushed down with the lying fish.

"Welcome home, executive."

Exdus was still waiting for her quietly in her place, and Salles' voice was still so soft and sweet.

Lin Jiu threw the sleeping fish into the back of the single person transport cabin with a "thump", and squeezed himself into the car. She didn't know whether she was right to bring the sleeping fish back to exdus. With anxiety, she stepped up and almost hit the single carrier cabin against the wall.

"Executive, your heartbeat and temperature are beyond the normal range. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Is there something like an infrared thermal sensor in this room?

This doubt flashed through Lin Jiu's mind, and then she shouted, "I want to lock this person up. Is there a room without windows, with solid locks and thick walls?"

She didn't want to show exdus to others rashly at all - no matter how bad the sleeping fish was, she was still an evolutionist, and she was very worried that the house would not hold him; If the place shales found for her couldn't satisfy her, she probably had to use it on sleeping fish.

However, the next answer of shales stunned her for a time, and even doubted her hearing.

"OK, please let me take you to the prison area."